More and more people are hearing about this proteolytic enzyme Serrapeptase or Serratiopeptidase as it is known, so I decided to find out the benefits of Serrapeptase enzyme, what is Serrapeptase good for, what are the side effects of taking Serrapeptase and what is the best Serrapeptase dosage.
We know that Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme which means it can break down protein into smaller components known as amino acids, these are compounds that are so important in the body because they are the building blocks of protein and the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones.
How is Serrapeptase produced?
Serrapeptase is found in the digestive tract of the silkworm, it is produced by bacteria Serrapeptase works to help the emerging moth to dissolve the cocoon surrounding it.
Other proteolytic enzymes that influence inflammation started being used in the United States during the 1950’s enzymes as bromelain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin.
In Japan in the 1960’s Serrapeptase came to be noticed as a natural anti-inflammatory after researchers had separated the Serrapeptase enzyme from the silkworm.
The evidence was so strong that researchers both in Japan and Europe stated that Serrapeptase was a very effective proteolytic enzyme for calming inflammation, this is just one of the benefits of Serrapeptase enzyme.
Serrapeptase other benefits
Since its discovery Serrapeptase has been noted to have many other uses and potential health benefits, so what are the benefits of Serrapeptase enzyme?
Serrapeptase dissolves protein
Inflammation is our body’s response to an attack by invaders caused by an injury, inflammation causes proteins to build up in the body and it causes scarring.
Serrapeptase taken in supplement form gets to work by dissolving the protein build-up and any scarring that has occurred.
Similarly, Serrapeptase can help to clear out sinuses blocked up with thick mucus, for example for chronic sinus sufferers.
Serrapeptase is a potent antimicrobial, biofilms gather around bacteria that are antibiotic-resistant, Serrapeptase works to dissolve these and get rid of pathogens.
Serrapeptase has many more health benefits not only does it dissolve protein, and heal scar tissue, it fights inflammation, improves your body’s immune response, and reduces pain.
The benefits of Serrapeptase enzyme
Enzymes in the body are so important because they influence your body’s reactions, they also have a say in how fast your body processes food, lactase is an enzyme that speeds up your body’s ability at digesting the sugar in milk.
You may have heard the term lactose intolerant meaning your body doesn’t make enough of that enzyme lactase.
Our bodies need enzymes to keep performing at their optimum.
Serrapeptase is one of those important enzymes that have many health benefits, the major one being that it helps proteins to break down at a much faster rate.
Serrapeptase is one of the best enzymes for breaking down fibrin, a tough protein that starts to accumulate in scar tissue.
Here are 7 Serrapeptase Health Benefits that will make a difference to you
Benefits Serrapeptase enzyme for Healing
Injuries happen all the time and not just to sports people, if you have an injury take Serrapeptase it will help you to get better faster because it reduces swelling, speeds up tissue repair, and reduces pain.
Serrapeptase for inflammation
Inflammation causes swelling and pain, another benefit of Serrapeptase enzyme is that Serrapeptase can decrease inflammation by thinning out fluid that surrounds the inflamed area, this makes it easier for drainage leading to faster healing, Serrapeptase also prevents too much protein build-up.
Serrapeptase for breathing

Serrapeptase has been shown in clinical trials to be able to dissolve thick mucus that builds up in the nasal passage in people with chronic Sinusitis, for anyone who suffers from the symptoms of Sinusitis regularly form Serrapeptase may be something natural to try.
Serrapeptase for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when excessive pressure is exerted on the wrist and in the median nerve, people that use their hands a lot like piano players, construction workers, and computer workers are all at risk of developing Carpal Tunnel.
Excessive use or an underlying medical condition can cause inflammation leading to swelling, numbness, tingling fingers, wrist pain, and difficulty sleeping.
Some of the underlying conditions include diabetes, fluid retention, high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, or a wrist fracture.
The good news is that one of the benefits of the Serrapeptase enzyme is that Serrapeptase works very well to heal the symptoms associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it reduces inflammation and swelling, which in turn reduces the pain.
Serrapeptase for bursitis

Bursitis can be a very painful condition it affects the joints; the problem is that the bursae (fluid-filled sacs) become inflamed.
These bursae cushion the movement between your bones, tendons, joints, and muscles, when this happens it is called bursitis.
Bursitis is quite a common condition and it can affect different parts of the body most notably the hip and shoulder area, there are more than 150 bursae in our bodies, and each is lined with synovial cells, they make a lubricant that minimizes friction between the cells.
Our joints move smoothly because of this cushioning and lubrication, so when bursitis happens the bursa becomes inflamed so movement can be quite painful.
Serrapeptase is a well-known anti-inflammatory I have used it myself for painful hip bursitis and I know that it can help with the pain.
Benefits of Serrapeptase Enzyme for Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Blocked fallopian tubes are a very real threat to not becoming pregnant, if both tubes are blocked the chances of conceiving a child are practically zero if one tube was blocked then it would be possible but not if both are blocked.
The blockage is a result of scar tissue sticking to the walls of the fallopian tubes and preventing the egg from getting through.
There are many testimonials from women who were trying to become pregnant but couldn’t because of blocked fallopian tubes, they tried Serrapeptase and in many cases, Serrapeptase cleared the blockage and they became pregnant.
Benefits Serrapeptase Enzyme for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a common chronic syndrome that causes widespread pain, tiredness, and other discomforts, it is not known what the exact causes of the condition are, but it is thought that stress plays a major part. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia are like those of arthritis like joint and soft tissue pain there is no cure but Serrapeptase can help with the inflammation and pain.
Serrapeptase drug interactions and side effects
I have established that Serrapeptase is very good at breaking down proteins, it’s a good example of benefits Serrapeptase enzyme, for example, if you have a blocked airway because of mucus build Serrapeptase would be ideal to unblock that, or in the case of a wound, it can also help there.
However, if you are taking blood thinners like aspirin or warfarin don’t take Serrapeptase as well you don’t want your blood to get too thin and risk clotting not taking place.
Serrapeptase Dosage
People often don’t know how much Serrapeptase or what dosage to take, so here is a quick guide for you to follow:
First, let’s start with the Serrapeptase label, the measurement is usually in milligrams, units, or enzymatic units, so you may see numbers like this 40,000 IU, 80,000 IU, 120,000 IU, 250,000 IU, IU means international units (a recognized measurement throughout the world) of activity.
Clinical studies
In most of the clinical studies Serrapeptase was administered in doses ranging from 10 – 60 milligrams per day, so to calculate the conversion 20,000 IU is equal to 10 milligrams so 40,000 IU would be 20 milligrams.
Serrapeptase dosage will depend totally on the condition, the symptoms, and the level of pain, for example in my case of hip bursitis if you were to ask me to describe the pain on a score of 1-10 I would have to say 9, so you can see how much pain I was in.
In my case the lower doses of Serrapeptase just wouldn’t help with the pain only the 250,000 IU Serrapeptase worked for me. If you have chronic pain, I would suggest that you go for the strongest dosage, otherwise stick to the middle strength of 120,000 IU to get the benefits of Serrapeptase enzyme.
How to take Serrapeptase
Take Serrapeptase capsules/tablets first thing in the morning and the last thing at night with a glass of water, do not take it with food as it may cause stomach upset.
Serrapeptase side effects
Side effects are quite rare; however, every person’s metabolism is different so it may cause stomach upset, nausea, muscle ache, or joint pain.
There is a large range of Serrapeptase supplements on the market, some good some bad, I can only speak from my own experience, I use Serrapeptase 250,000 IU from the GOOD HEALTH NATURALLY people believe that GHN has offer Serrapeptase at the moment.
Nattokinase Dosage: heart disease, blood clots and more
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Hi Drinkteahub,
Thanks for your comments, you are very welcome I hope you enjoy reading the information on Serrapeptase.
Hi Sherman,
Thanks for your comments, I know that Serrapeptase will work for you too.
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for your comments, yes Serrapeptase has many health benefits.
Hi Feochadan,
Thank you for your comments, yes Serrapeptase can help your mother’s arthritis.
Hi Dane
Thanks for your comments, just to point out Serrapeptase is not a drug, it is a preteolytic enzyme that has anti inflammatory properties.
Hi Edward,
I’m delighted to hear that you are taking Serrapeptase, just like me you are feeling the health benefits.
Thank you for this well thought out and researched article on Serrapeptase. I was not even aware of this enzyme or its benefits. It truly looks like it could help with quite a number of health issues. I always find it amazing to find out where our drugs and nutritional supplements come from and here it is from the lowly silk worm! I am wondering if this would help with arthritis? My mother had very bad rheumatoid arthritis and had much swelling and pain in her joints. If so, it would have been nice to know about it back then!
Great and very informative article about the Serrapeptase enzyme. I have been using it quite a long time as a part of my “super pro-health – anti-inflammation ” combination of vitamins, enzymes and different high antioxidant foods and nutritions. I didn’t knew or remember Serrapeptase enzyme to have that many benefits but thanks to your great article, now I’m even more familiar with its health benefits.
This is one very nice and educational post I must say. Most people don’t take out their time to make medical research which can be beneficial to their health of which I am a victim as well. My mum has bursitis and it really been a serious problem for her, series of medications have been taken but non is effective enough. I’ll get her this drug and hopefully it will do the magic. Thanks for the information
This looks like an amazing supplement that appears to have the potential to give many different health benefits for a varietyr of different health conditions. I will definitely follow up on the references you provide to scientific research on this compound and will consider adding it to my current supplements. Thank you very much for the valuable new information.
I had no idea that this stuff even existed! I’ve been looking for something to try for my joints in my thumb and index finger. Feels like arthritis setting in. Also dealing with bursitis in my shoulders. The combination results in a daily reminder of aging and past injuries. This looks like an opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone”. The way I see it, I have nothing to lose. I’m going to give it a try. If it works, I’ll pass the word along!
I started taking serrapeptase because I had heard about it for some of these exact reasons. Mainly inflammation, recovery from injury and bursitis. I like to lift weights and so I don’t like to be prevented from lifting by injuries or pains. But I didn’t want to just take some kind of pharmaceutical thing.
So I grabbed serrapeptase. I picked the recommended brand so I knew I’d be getting good quality serrapeptase, and the best possible results. I started with a small dose to make sure it was for me. So far it has been very helpful! I was surprised when my normal shoulder and elbow pains were happening much less.
Of course I did this in conjunction with physical therapy. But it was a great combo in helping me even be able to do the physical therapy. Thanks, silk worms! I always knew silk worms were our friends.