People want to hear more about blood vessel plaque removal, blood vessels become clogged up with plaque, and that process spells danger in terms of what could potentially happen, so how is plaque removed from the blood vessels?
We are going to look at the recommended ways for blood vessel plaque removal, we are also going to show you a natural artery plaque removal method that works.
The arterial system consists of blood vessels, they carry oxygen and nutrients to the major organs in the body namely the heart and brain, and they even down to the tips of your toes.
When the blood vessels are healthy their innermost walls are smooth making it easy for the blood to flow through them.
However, in quite a lot of people, the blood vessels (arteries) become clogged because of a build-up of dangerous plaque that sticks to the inner walls of the blood vessels.
This build-up affects the flow of blood in the sense that it is reduced, in some cases the plaque will block the blood flow altogether, blood vessel plaque removal is key to preventing something serious from happening.
When the arteries become clogged it increases the chances of a major heart attack, stroke, or potentially death, so it is really important to know what are the causes of plaque build-up and what treatment is recommended to stop something serious from happening.
What are the causes of arterial plaque?
Plaque consists of a variety of substances that gather along the walls of the arteries, these substances are made up of fat, cholesterol, fibrin, cellular waste, and calcium. they circulate in your blood.
Fibrin is a clotting agent for your blood, the cells in the arterial walls respond to plaque buildup by secreting other substances that make the clogged arteries worse.
The condition is atherosclerosis meaning the arteries start to harden and become narrow, blood vessel plaque removal is essential to prevent atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis starts when the endothelial (inner lining of the artery wall) becomes damaged making it easier for plaque to stick and build up, the other contributing factors to plaque buildup are:
High cholesterol
High levels of LDL (high cholesterol) low-density lipo-proteins contribute in a major way to the formation of artery plaque, we do need this soft sticky substance cholesterol, for cell membrane production, as well as vitamin D and bile acids, to assist in digesting fat.
Did you know that we need cholesterol for vital neurological functioning?
High blood pressure
If your blood pressure is constantly higher than normal (120 over 80) this hastens the build-up of plaque and clogged arteries, blood vessels become blocked with plaque, and blood vessel plaque removal is vital to lower blood pressure.
People who smoke are at a higher risk of atherosclerosis, smoking speeds up the plaque buildup of the arteries that go to the heart, the legs, and the largest artery in the body the aorta.
People with diabetes (elevated blood sugar) are at a higher risk of atherosclerosis, and so are people with a family history of heart disease, stress also plays a part as well as obesity.
Clogged arteries can start to develop during middle age but plaque buildup can start during the middle teen years.
Dangers of arterial plaque?
A lot depends on the location of the arterial and where it accumulates, blocked or clogged arteries can lead to numerous medical conditions such as:
Heart disease
When the blood vessels to the heart have plaque build-up it can result in coronary artery disease (heart disease) some symptoms of coronary artery disease would be shortness of breath and chest pain.
Coronary artery disease kills as many as 17 million people worldwide each year, it is the principal cause of death in the united states, and you can see why blood vessel plaque removal is so important.
Carotid artery disease
The carotid artery supplies oxygenated blood to the brain, they are located on either side of the neck, if plaque builds up in these arteries it may lead to a stroke.
Peripheral artery disease
The peripheral arteries carry blood to the legs and the feet, plaque builds up in the peripheral arteries and reduces the amount of oxygenated blood going there, symptoms of peripheral artery disease would include numbness, pain, or a very serious infection in the legs and feet area.
What are the symptoms of blocked arteries?
The difficulty with clogged arteries is that in many cases there may be no symptoms until a heart attack or a stroke happens, because of this heart disease is known as the silent killer.
A blockage of 70% plus can lead to symptoms and in no particular order such as:
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Heart palpitations
- Profuse sweating
Angina or chest pain is the most common symptom, the plaque buildup reduces the blood flow to the coronary arteries leading to the heart.
A stroke also known as a TIA, (transient ischemic attack) is caused by a blockage to the carotid artery and produces symptoms like a sensation or a weakness on one side of the body.
It may be difficult to move the arm or leg, blood vessel plaque removal can help with the symptoms of a TIA.
Somebody having a stroke may show a loss of vision along with slurred speech.
Peripheral artery disease in the legs and feet will cause leg pain, cold feet, gangrene, and injuries that will take longer than normal to heal up.
How would you feel if you had clogged arteries?
If you experience any repeated discomfort in the chest legs or neck it is advisable to go to your doctor, don’t delay because you may have blocked arteries, there are several tests to determine if your arteries are clogged or not such as:
- Blood test for high cholesterol
- Chest X-ray
- Ultrasound
- Ct scan
- Ultrasound
- Pet scan
- Echocardiogram or cardiac stress test
- Angiogram
What is the best treatment for blood vessel plaque removal?
After your tests have been concluded your doctor will present the findings to you, if you have clogged arteries, and depending on the severity of the blockage and your medical history a lifestyle and medical program will be prescribed for you:
To manage the build-up of arterial plaque it will be necessary to change your lifestyle,e, especially in the areas of diet and exercise.
The preferred diet would include foods that are low in cholesterol and saturated fats, foods that have less sugar and carbohydrates, and, fruit and vegetables are really good options.
By getting regular exercise you will help to keep your body weight at a healthy level, this will also help with high blood pressure, stress levels, and lowering blood sugars.
If you smoke try to stop smoking as smoking leads to other conditions as well as clogged arteries.
The accumulation of arterial plaque has serious consequences and symptoms, these symptoms include high blood pressure and high cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe blood pressure-lowering medication, and cholesterol-lowering drugs as well as aspiring to thin the blood and avert the dangerous formation of a blood clot.
Depending on the severity of the blockage you may need to go for surgical treatment for clogged arteries and to prevent further accumulations of plaque build these are
1 . Stent
A stent is a tiny tube that is inserted in the femoral artery in your groin area using a small catheter (wire), it is pushed up to where you have the blockage and left there to allow the blood to flow, the stent has a coating on it which prevents plaque build-up in that area.

2 . Heart Bypass
During this medical procedure,e the surgeon will take arteries from other parts of the body that are not blocked and replace the clogged arteries with these.
3 . Balloon Angioplasty
When the arteries are fully or partially blocked the surgeon will attempt to open up the artery with a balloon catheter
The natural alternative
I speak from my own experience of a massive heart attack that nearly left my wife and three daughters without a father and husband, I wish that I had known about how important blood vessel plaque removal was at that time.
During my thirties I would go for regular blood tests because of a history of heart disease in my family, my doctor warned me to take statin drugs, and my cholesterol was 6.9 he prescribed Lipitor .75 mg.
I was a healthy person that enjoyed playing a sports, I exercised regularly my wife made sure that I ate all the right healthy foods.
Heart attack
I continued to take the statin drugs into my mid-fortress. My family and I were on a holiday, my phone rang my doctor was on the line, “Fintan your cholesterol level is still high you will have a heart attack”.
I was stunned but you know life gets in the way sometimes and you don’t heed the good advice from your doctor.
Six months later I had a cardiac arrest whilst jogging on the local beach, it nearly killed me.
That was 21 years ago, afterwards, I did what my doctor told me and took the medications for several years until I found a natural alternative to reverse the plaque buildup in my arteries.
I knew that by taking Blockbuster All clear in the recommended dosage I had the answer to blood vessel plaque removal, but it proved to be the case, and the following 12 months changed how I felt in terms of more energy and overall well-being.
Clear clogged arteries
Clogged arteries are a real sign of heart disease that could potentially have devastating consequences, doctors will tell you that it’s nearly impossible to clear clogged arteries, but the options presented are not going to unclog those troublesome clogged arteries.
I highly recommend that you take a closer look at what I consider to be a good, safe, and effective natural alternative called Blockbuster All clear, the product contains two fantastic natural ingredients Serrapeptase and Nattokinase.
Good health naturally hhascombined these two wonderful enzymes to work synergistically at blood vessel plaque removal, take the recommended dosage on an empty stomach, trust me at the end of year one your arteries will be much healthier and you will feel better.
To purchase Blockbuster All clear from the people at Good Health Naturally go straight to their website here.
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Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for visiting,I am really well now thanks to Nitric oxide, it really does make a massive difference to the flow of blood around the body.When you have healthy blood flow to your heart it has a positive knock on effect and you feel well.
Hi Fintan, wow, I can see that you have really been through it at a young age. It just goes to show that no matter how healthy you are these things still happen, especially if you have family history. Quite shocking really!
It’s good you have given us some advice on how to possibly avoid this, and a healthy diet and exercise will most definitely help. I read a medical report not long ago about how much of a role sugar plays in high cholesterol, we all presume it’s saturated fat, but its sugar too!
It’s pretty scary that high cholesterol is something that you don’t even know is happening until its often too late. Thanks for the warning, and I do hope you are well now?