Can deep vein thrombosis be cured?
Are you one of those people that wants to try something natural for deep vein thrombosis, have you ever asked yourself the question, can deep vein thrombosis be cured?
Doctors don’t have a cure for DVT, I have a lot of time for doctors they have to stick to what they know and use a medical procedure or medications for a condition like deep vein thrombosis.
Nattokinase is one of those natural products that has been used for a long time and even though scientific evidence is in short supply on the benefits of Nattokinase nonetheless there are good reasons to try Nattokinase for deep vein thrombosis.
Nattokinase is now available in supplement form from the people at Good Health Naturally.
Who is at risk of DVT?
DVT is more likely to happen to elderly men and women, the risk is equal, however, women in their younger years are more affected than men because of the:
- Birth control pills
- A pre-existing vein disease
- Pregnancy
- Smoking
- Weight issues
- Physical exertion
- An operation
- Blood coagulation
Is DVT life-threatening?
Luckily by itself, DVT isn’t a threat to life however the blood clot has the chance to break away and move through the bloodstream, it could become stuck in the blood vessels in the lungs causing a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a very real threat to life, so an early diagnosis is essential.
Symptoms of a pulmonary embolism
If you have any of the symptoms listed below, it is extremely important to contact your doctor without delay, do not delay in the hope 5hat symptoms will improve, call your doctor if you have:
- A fast heartbeat
- Unexplained shortness of breath
- Back pain
- Chest pain from coughing
- Sweating profusely
- You feel dizzy or faint
- Blood from a cough
Be aware that you may have DVT and the clot may move quickly from your leg and travel to your lung.
Complications in the leg
Deep vein thrombosis can cause other conditions in the legs such as chronic venous insufficiency or another condition known as post-thrombotic syndrome. Symptoms of this condition are chronic leg swelling, pooling of blood, increased leg pressure, increased discoloration of the skin or pigmentation, or venous stasis ulcers ( leg ulcers)
Deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis occurs when a blood clot blocks a vein and stops the blood supply from circulating properly in the body. There are several reasons for this:
- Inactivity or reduced mobility– When a person is sitting down a lot the blood supply can build up in the lower legs, if there is no movement of the legs for long periods it slows down the blood flow and this can lead to a clot developing.
- Injury-An injury to the leg can cause damage to the wall of the blood vessels which may cause a blood clot.
- Medications-There are certain medications that can cause your blood to clot for example NSAIDs
- Surgery-During surgery there is a chance that damage could be done to the blood vessels increasing the risk of a blood clot, similarly inactivity following surgery may also increase the likelihood of a blood clot forming in the leg.
Symptoms of DVT
Symptoms may include
- Leg pain, may start lower down in the calf muscle and may feel like a cramp
- Swelling in the leg that is affected
- A warm feeling in the affected leg
- The skin may turn red or be discolored.
Where does Nattokinase come from?
Nattokinase is a product of the Japanese dish natto, a fermented soya bean food consumed in Japan for many thousands of years. Natto is consumed daily by the Japanese people because of its health benefits:
- It is nutrition rich
- It improves the digestion
- It promotes heart health
- Strengthens the immune system
- Helps to strengthen your bones
Healthier heart
Nattokinase contains fiber and probiotics which are known to reduce cholesterol, during the natto fermentation process Nattokinase is produced this enzyme helps to dissolve blood clots
In addition, researchers in Japan have reported that Natto may help lower blood pressure by making the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inactive.
Many studies have shown that by using Nattokinase supplements blood pressure was reduced in the region of 3 to 5.5 mmHg in people with initial hypertension values of 130 SYSTOLIC OVER 90 DIASTOLIC or higher. These improvements combined may have a major effect on promoting a healthier heart.
Nattokinase enzyme
As an enzyme Nattokinase can decrease inflammation and break down blood clots in the circulatory system allowing waste products to be excreted and nutrition to enter. People with muscle pain, fibroids, and fatigue report positive effects from taking Nattokinase as a support for overall health.
Nattokinase and Deep Vein Thrombosis
Nattokinase has a unique ability to dissolve blood clots, however, please be advised that blood thinners such as warfarin must not be used in conjunction with Nattokinase because it may affect its ability to assist in thinning the blood.
How does Nattokinase dissolve blood clots?
According to this study, Nattokinase can dissolve blood clots by breaking down layers of fibrin and plasmin, it also converts deep tissue purokinaseto urokinase, and significantly it breaks down Pa1-1 (a plasminogen activator inhibitor) at the same time it increases the inactive precursor of the enzyme plasmin that supports the fibrinolytic activity.
Anecdotal evidence
As I have said earlier in this article scientific evidence is in short supply when it comes to Nattokinase and deep vein thrombosis however rather a lot of people that have tried Nattokinase swear by it because they have had some positive results. Why not judge for yourself?
How does Nattokinase work
Two things are happening, on the one hand, there are blood clots forming, on the other hand, a healthy body can cope by breaking down and dissolving these blood clots naturally, as the aging process affects the body’s natural ability to take care of blood clots doctors prescribe blood thinners like Aspirin, however, Nattokinase can do a much better job.
Blood proteins like fibrinogen increase the risk of blood clots forming, Nattokinase has been shown in several studies to have the ability to decrease levels of fibrinogen in the bloodstream, it also helps normal blood clotting by supporting and activating the body’s natural enzymes that break up blood clots that have already formed.
Nattokinase has been favorably compared to plasmin a natural clot-busting enzyme, another good example of what is Nattokinase for is its ability to enhance the natural production of plasmin as well as urokinase another natural clot-busting enzyme.
Nattokinase is a safe, effective, and natural way to decrease blood viscosity, thick heavy blood leads to any number of health issues:
- High blood pressure
- Poor circulation
- Heart disease
- Peripheral artery disease
- Cold hands and feet
- A lack of energy
- Cardiovascular disease