Serrapeptase and macular degeneration
In this article, I am going to talk about whether can Serrapeptase helps with macular degeneration.
I want to show you why a well-known proteolytic enzyme Serrapeptase may help to improve your eyesight and we shall explore the connection between Serrapeptase and macular degeneration
Many people if not already there are headed for age-related macular degeneration caused by a lack of good nutrition and a reduction in good oxygen and blood supply, AMD is a medical condition causing a lack of central vision, especially in older people.

Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration has such a negative effect on arguably the most important sense of the five senses in our bodies, we use our eyes for every conceivable action that we do from looking at the world around us and recognizing the people that we love.
Macular degeneration affects as many as three million people plus in the USA, in fact by the time people get to age 80 more than 50% will have developed cataracts.
In the years between 2005 and 2008 over 4.3 million diabetic people had a condition known as diabetic retinopathy causing a loss of vision, diabetes is turning out to be the latest cause of new cases of blindness in adults between the ages of 24 and 70.
How does macular degeneration affect the eyes?
Age-related macular degeneration affects the central vision, especially in older people it may happen slowly, or depending on the type of AMD it can happen rapidly it primarily affects how you see things right in front of you.

Dry form AMD
The most common form of AMD is known as “dry form” this occurs when protein deposits (drusen) gather in between the retina (nerves of the eye) and the choroid or blood supply for the eyes.
This gathering of debris causes pressure on the retina it may detach and this impairs vision.
This form of AMD is a slow process it may not be even noticed because there are few symptoms, the vision is affected gradually as the frontal vision becomes impaired and it becomes difficult to do activities of daily living.

Wet form AMD
The other form of AMD is known as “wet form” the difference is significantly different compared to “dry form” in the sense that the loss of vision is much more severe, and the cause is abnormal blood vessel growth in the choroid resulting in leakage of protein and blood.
There will be scarring as the retina detaches causing irreparable damage to the photoreceptors and affecting vision.
The difficulty with both forms of AMD is the lack of any perceptible symptoms or pain however you should look out for these::
- Changes in pigmentation
- A lack of contrast
- Shadow or an area of missing vision
- Susan floaters
- Dramatic changes in eye test results
- Trouble recovering your vision going from light to dark
Are any other Symptoms?
As I previously mentioned it is a progressive condition and it may not be noticed in the very early stages, it affects directly the central vision that we use to focus straight onto a thing or object for example when we read a book, or when we look directly at someone.
A person may notice that objects are a little fuzzy then it feels or seems like there is s greyish patch hanging over the center of our vision. If this starts to develop further to the final stage the disc in the middle of the vision starts to turn black causing a total loss of vision in the central area.
Fortunately, it is possible to use your peripheral vision but you would need to train your eye to see from the side.
As I explained earlier there are two types of AMD wet and dry, if it is a case of wet AMD the body will try to make up for the lack of nutrients by making more blood vessels, unfortunately, these new blood vessels just aren’t strong enough to do this job and they start to leak fluid out.
Treatment includes eye or laser injections to seal the leaks, however, this doesn’t take care of the key issue which is nutrient deficiency and isn’t a solution for the long term
Risk factors Age-Related Macular Degeneration
There are several risk factors associated with AMD, this list will help you to be aware of the most common risks:
- Heart disease
- Chronic inflammation
- Obesity
- Family genetics
- Smoking
- Ageing
Good nutrition
Your eyes need a good supply of oxygen and blood you get this through a well-balanced diet.
Your eyes are a very strong and complex organ the retina at the back of the eye holds millions of receptors.
The macula is a spot found on the retina where light is concentrated by the lens it is made up mostly of two carotenoids Zeaxanthin and Lutein, these are found in a healthy diet, so any shortage of these vital nutrients will have a detrimental effect on the macula.
What are the causes of a lack of nutrition?
The most obvious one is a bad diet, a good diet will contain lots of organic vegetables, and fruit like apples, oranges, kiwi fruit, and bananas these are good sources of nutrients.
However, even though you have a good diet problems arise when the digestive system doesn’t function so well and the nutrients don’t absorb fully into the body.
The reason that AMD affects people later in life is a decline in the digestion process, this could be because food is overcooked causing the digestive enzymes to be less effect
Recommendations for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

For general eye health, I recommend lifestyle changes in the form of regular daily exercise and a healthy balanced diet, also if you smoke QUIT!
A carotenoid complex with fish oils would be a good place to start.
Take Serrapeptase because it can dissolve Dresden (present in dry AMD) because it is s similar substance to artery plaque Serrapeptase should help to break down protein and any scar tissue around the eyes.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme taken from the silkworm it is a natural anti-inflammatory and can break down drusen the yellow deposits of lipids a fatty protein.
Take Nattokinase because it can also help with dissolving Dresden, best to take it on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before a meal, this helps to detoxify the body and break down unwanted debris that can trigger macular degeneration.
What if you already have AMD?
If you experience the symptoms of and are diagnosed with Age-related macular degeneration the time has passed when you could change things by eating a better diet because at that stage you would need a very high level of nutrition from the food which isn’t possible so I recommend that you take a concentrated supplement that will absorb easily into your system.
I recommend a spray supplement because it will absorb about nine times more than a pill or capsule even though they may have the same strength.
Nutritional Vision Support
Millions of people worldwide take their vision for granted, and relatively few are proactive about their eye health. Look forward to the future with Lutenol.
- Supports Healthy Eye Function
- Supports Retina, Lens & Macula Health
- Antioxidant Support with Vitamin A & Lutein
Advanced Vision Formula
Relieve tired eyes, reduce fatigue caused by eyestrain, and support eye health with this vision supplement. It contains essential nutrients and antioxidants to support the health of your eyes.
#1: Astaxanthin. There are protective sheaths around the retina that protect them from damage called the blood-retina barrier. This barrier keeps out harmful fungi and bacteria. Unfortunately, it also keeps out most antioxidants (including beta-carotene). But in a landmark study, researchers at Johns Hopkins found that astaxanthin can cross the barrier! Now using AstaZine® brand natural astaxanthin.
#2: Bilberry. You may already know that bilberry is a potent antioxidant that WWII pilots took to improve their night vision.
#3: Lutein is an important carotenoid for eye health. But many formulas skimp on lutein … or leave it out completely! Advanced Vision Formula features an impressive 10 mg of lutein daily.
#4: Citicoline® gives you neuroprotective support for the nerve cells in your eyes.
#5: Beta Glucan: is a powerful polysaccharide that helps slow the absorption of higher-level glycemic index carbohydrates to promote eye health and function.
#6: Zeaxanthin is another carotenoid that supports your eyes. You’ll find a full 3 mg daily.
#7: Gingko Biloba supports healthy blood flow to the eyes.
#8: L-Taurine has been shown to support the retinas.
And 8 more ingredients shown to protect your eyes from free radical damage.
Advanced Vision Formula contains 15 nutrients to support healthy vision. It is manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.
Join all the people that use this supplement to support the health of their eyes as they age.
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Hi Francie,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I would let the customer know that they can work on the exact same points with microcurrent stimulation if they have a diagram on these points.
If it’s a recent study then they may not be included in the manual but any reference material will be fine to work from.
The Healthpoint kit also includes an eye probe and instructions to work the eye area to help with AMD.
You can watch videos on Youtube if they search Healthpoint and also go to
Does this home product include all of the micro Accupuncture points on the hands and feet that where are used in the recent studies showing that macular degeneration can be arrested or healed?
I found an acupuncturist using the aforementioned points who is being financed by the government in one of his studies I I. New Jersey. And there’s another one in Cocoa Beach.
I just want to know if this device can do the same thing as they are doing with acupuncture
Hi Henderson,
Thank you for your kind comments
Hi Shelley,
Thank you for your comment, glad to be of assistance
Hi John,
Glad to help
Hi Rodarrick,
Glad to be of assistance
Hi Alblue,
Thank you.
Thank you for the knowledge you’ve shared about AMD and the connection with Serrapeptase. I think my aunt has suffered from the wet AMD, since her symptoms are similar with it. She hasn’t had good diet and loves to drink alcohol. I agree that change in diet should be helpful to reduce the AMD effect. I will share your article to her. Hopefully she can change for the better. Thanks
This is really bad to know of. My optician diagnosed me of this dry AMD today but he presented it in such a way that it has no big problems attached to it but i knew there was more to it and that is the reason i decided to read more on it online. OMG! I could actually lose my sight as a result of this. I had better start getting serious with the treatments. Thanks so much for this information provided up here. I really need to visit him again soon. I cannot keep taking this with levity henceforth.
Wow, never knew all this that you have said here before. I guess we all learn new things everyday. Having read what you have put up here, I think that it’s is very important that one stops bad habits like smoking and eating foods that are not nutritious as they can be very detrimental to the sight. Serrapeptase is a very good one but I’d like to ask, does it have any side effects?
Macular degeneration is not something that many people get with so much but people who do have AMD can tell that it’s not nice at all. My aunt has this and she has been taking meds for a while but she hasn’t given serrapeptase a try at all. You have explained here why it is a good solution to the problem. Good diet is definitely another good one. I will tell my aunt about this then we go and ask the optician if it’s a good go. Thanks so much.
Hmm! This is definitely informative and insightful for me to know of. Though I’m yet to exhibit any of the symptoms that the two forms of AMD exhibits, but I fear that this might happen to me sooner than later. My nutrition has always suffer terribly when it comes to being balanced and I don’t even say often coupled with the fact that I to lack good sleeping too as a result of my work. But I’m really glad that there is cure to it and it is not costly. Though prevention is better than cure but in this case, the only way I can prevent it is to stop working and I cannot do that. Thanks for providing this much information on AMD.