How to Clean Accumulated Plaque From Your Arteries Naturally
Plaque build-up in your arteries is something that you should be concerned about because plaque build-up is a key indicator that you are at a high risk of having a heart attack or stroke especially if the plaque breaks off or causes a blockage in the blood flow to your heart.
So is it possible to clean arteries of plaque?
LDL Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol encourages the formation or growth of plaque in the blood vessels putting you at risk of a heart attack or stroke.
So is it possible to get rid of a plaque build-up?
According to leading cardiologists, it isn’t possible to make plaque disappear.
However it is believed that plaque can be reduced and stabilized by making important changes to your lifestyle and diet, those already taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol will need to stay on their prescription.

Severe side effects
Those who are having severe side effects from statin drugs will need to make lifestyle changes if they already haven’t done so along with trying an alternative natural supplement to reduce plaque buildup and lower cholesterol.
What causes plaque to build up?
Plaque forms in the walls of the arteries in a gradual way, it is thought that plaque can start to form in your twenties caused by a combination of a poor diet, a lack of exercise, smoking, excess alcohol, high cholesterol, and a family history of heart disease.
Cholesterol, calcium, and unwanted debris start to gather in the arterial walls, this formation causes inflammation in the arteries. Inflammation damages the inner lining of the arterial walls known as the endothelium, this triggers a reduction in the body’s normal production of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide
Back in the eighties a well know scientist Doctor Louis Ignarro wrote the best-selling book called “No more heart disease” in the book his theory was that inflammation in the arteries was a primary cause of heart attacks.
He made the point that our bodies produce nitric oxide naturally from the food that we eat, nitric oxide keeps the lining of the arteries nice and smooth making it easier for our hearts to pump much-needed oxygen-rich blood around the arterial system.
The problem arises as we get older bad cholesterol (LDL) caused by a poor lifestyle diet and family history causes our bodies to produce less nitric oxide meaning the blood supply to the heart and brain is compromised causing plaque buildup.
Why is plaque so dangerous?
According to a leading cardiologist Doctor, Tabas from Columbia University Medical Centre roughly three out of every four heart attacks happen because of plaque ruptures.
When plaque ruptures it affects the blood flow and causes heart attack, stroke, or sudden cardiac death.
High blood pressure
A contributing factor to the cause of heart attacks and stroke is high blood pressure, for example, if there is a spike in blood pressure it can pressurize the plaque build causing it to break off into the bloodstream.
The danger is that a clot will form leading to a heart attack or stroke, bigger amounts of plaque are covered by thicker caps these are harder to break off but do cause an obstruction to blood flow.
Cardiologists would normally insert a heart stent to widen the artery allowing blood to flow more normally.
Unstable plaque
The biggest cause of concern for doctors is unstable plaque so they would target any patient that has a plaque buildup of 30% or more the priority is to try and clean arteries of plaque by sucking the bar cholesterol from inside the plaque.
So how is this achieved?
How do you reduce cholesterol from within the plaque? By reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol travels in particles known as lipoproteins or LDL where it deposits onto the walls of the blood vessels.

What lowers bad cholesterol?
Prescription statin drugs such as Lipitor, (atorvastatin) or Crestor (rosuvastatin) statins are designed to block a liver enzyme that makes cholesterol, medications like Zetia (ezetimibe) are sometimes added to inhibit cholesterol being absorbed into the digestive tract.
Doctor Cannon
According to Doctor Cannon who writes for the Harvard health newsletter prescribing a strong dose of statins has been shown to shrink plaque providing the LDL or bad cholesterol is below 70 mg/DL.
Statins don’t suit everyone
Statins have been around for a very long time, they are proven to reduce cholesterol however many people have found that there are side effects, currently, the FDA has approved 7 types of statins, they are:
• Lipitor (Atorvastatin)
• Rosuvastatin (Crestor)
• Pitavastatin (Nikita, Livalo)
• Fluvastatin
• Simvastatin (Zocor)
• Pravastatin (Pravachol)
• Lovastatin (Mevacor, Altoprev)

Common side effects of all types of statins
Reported side effects by some people are muscle pain and digestive issues muscle pain is by far the most reported side effect of statin drugs, and the percentage of muscle pain experienced was between 1-10%.
It can be uncomfortable to have muscle pain, but if you have any of these symptoms you should call your doctor without delay:
• Fever
• Diarrheal
• Dark urine
• Tiredness
• Unusual cramps or muscle pain
You may have symptoms of rhabdomyolysis a condition that causes a breakdown in the muscles that may cause problems with the kidney.
Other side effects
These are other rare side effects from statin drugs the risk is small but there could be an increase in blood sugar that may lead to diabetes, statin use can cause confusion or memory loss as well as a risk of liver or kidney damage.
Lifestyle changes
According to Doctor Cannon a major change in lifestyle can have a substantial effect on arterial plaque, here are his recommendations,
Change your diet
A Mediterranean diet may reduce the incidence of heart disease by as much as 30%, a Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, vegetables, fish, nuts, moderate cheese amounts, and low amounts of processed or red meat.
A study was recently conducted in Spain on a large group of people, it was found that this type of diet did reduce the risk of coronary by 30% much the same as cholesterol-lowering medications.
If you are a smoker, then you must be aware that smoking is one of the biggest risks to plaque buildup in the arteries, by quitting smoking you reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke.
I’m a huge believer in exercising regularly, there are many health benefits including:
• Lower blood pressure
• Weight loss
• Release of endorphins
• Lower “bad” cholesterol levels
• Burn body fat
• Lower blood sugar
Try to do exercise that gets your heart pumping, a brisk walk that involves some steps, join a gym and ask for advice, take up swimming, cycling, or hill climbing, or perhaps you like dancing. Do something positive in the exercise department each week, and aim for about 30 minutes each day.
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