This is a question that people with hip bursitis ask, “does hip bursitis ever go away” or another common question for people with hip pain is “how do I get relief for my hip bursitis pain“.

In this article we will discover what is hip bursitis, what causes hip bursitis pain, and what is the best hip bursitis treatment.

Read how I got rid of hip bursitis pain here

anatomy of the hip

About the Hip

First, we will take a look at the anatomy of the hip, the function of the hip bone and why the hip area can become inflamed and painful.

The hip bone is divided into three parts namely the ilium, the pubis and the ischium. before puberty these individual bones are separated by the triradiate cartilage.

Between the ages of 15-17 the three bones begin to fuse together forming a socket that is shaped like a cup and is called the acetabulum.

This process completes itself around between age twenty and twenty-five when the head of femur bone (thigh bone) integrates with the acetabulum in the formation of the hip joint.

The hip joint could be described as a ball and socket joint, problems arise when the socket or cartilage surrounding the hip become inflamed causing hip pain hence the question does hip ever go away?

Function of the hip joint

Hip anatimy

​A healthy hip joint is made up of the femur, femoral head, acetabulum, tendons, ligaments as well as cartilage.

The bones are kept in place by the ligaments (stretchy like an elastic band) the muscles surrounding the hip joint are flexible, they shorten and lengthen causing the hip joint to move.

The surface of the femoral head (ball & socket) joint are encased in cartilage, the main function of cartilage is to cushion the bones and make it easy for them to slide against each other.

Surrounding the hip joint is a capsule, the space between the capsule and the joint cavity contains synovial fluid, the fluid is made by the synovium membrane and is necessary to provide nutrients to the joints and cartilage.

When you have a healthy hip, the membrane provides enough fluid to lubricate and completely get rid of any friction in the hip joint. In the ideal world when all of the pieces of the hip work together in unison allowing the hip joint to function normally we don’t have any hip problems.

What causes hip pain?

​The hip is quite a complex part of the body, the hip is essential to our movement and as such the hip gets a lot of use., because of the amount of use there are a number of reasons for hip pain. In some cases hip bursitis pain may never go away. 

​Top 5 causes of hip pain


​Bursitis is caused when the bursa become inflamed, the bursa is small fluid filled sacs that cushion your hip when you move, hips are particularly susceptible to bursitis caused by an injury to the hip or overuse of the joint.


There are in excess of 100 types of arthritis affecting people of all ages, two of the most commonplace types of arthritis linked to hip pain are septic arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Septic arthritis is typically caused by an injury or bloodborne pathogen leading a joint infection.

Osteoarthritis occurs when the bone and joints become inflamed, they come into contact with each other leading to stiffness and pain, does hip bursitis ever go away? Yes and no, other causes are dehydration.


​Believe it or not a lack of water can cause hip pain, by not drinking enough water it can mean stiffness and joint pain. Diuretics such as coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks will cause our bodies to eliminate fluids leading to dehydration.

Avascular Necrosis:

Throughout our bodies the normal flow of blood its essential for bodily function, if the circulation to our hip bones is reduced or stopped for example by an injury the bone tissue can die


Hip fractures are easily caused by falling or other trauma, as we age the risk of a hip injury increases other factors such as osteoporosis or other conditions can lead to hip pain.

Hip bursitis p​Symptoms of hip pain

​The symptoms of hip pain will vary depending on what caused the pain, these causes include:

  • ​Hip pain
  • Hip & leg pain
  • Limping
  • Groin pain
  • Joint pain
  • Warm feeling in the hip area
  • Loss of mobility
  • Swelling over the hip area
  • Trouble sleeping on the affected hip
  • Hip tenderness

​The symptoms will differ in intensity going from mild to severe pain, hip pain can be the cause of a disability.


​If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms it is important to visit your doctor for a diagnosis. A health care professional will ask you about any hip problems in the family, your lifestyle and your job to determine what was the cause of your hip pain.

In addition, they will conduct a physical examination as well as manoeuvring and rotating the hip.

This will indicate the pain exacerbating positions; inflamed areas will be determined by pressing hard on the affected area.

Raising the leg into a straight position will detect any signs of sciatica. If  your doctor can’t determine what exactly is the issue you may be sent for an X-Ray, CT Scan or MRI to get a more definite cause of the hip pain.

Hip pain treatments

​1. Rest

2.Hip exercises such as:

  • Tennis
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Swimming​

​3. Strengthening exercises such as;

  • Free weights
  • Exercise ball
  • Weight machines
  • Resistance bands​

4.Hip replacement

5.Prescription painkillers

6. Try Rose Hip from Source Naturals

In extreme case you may need a hip replacement

Does hip pain ever go away?

For people who have tried all the methods above and are still asking the question “does hip pain ever go away”

My recommendation is Serrapeptase. Why? because it worked for me.

Serrapeptase is a powerful enzyme that reduces inflammation and gets rid of hip pain permanently.

Serrapeptase has been used for over 30 years to help with inflammation and pain. It is a natural enzyme and works to get rid of any excess swelling and reducing pain.

If you have had hip bursitis diagnosed and you have tried different treatments to get rid of the hip pain and like me you are not getting the results that you desire.

Trust me, try Serrapeptase it does work for most types of hip pain,bursitis,swelling.

Get the Doctor’s Best Serrapeptase at the best price from Herbs Direct here.


  1. fintan duggan

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for your comment, I will always prefer to try a natural product first for most common health conditions instead of drugs.

    all the best


  2. fintan duggan

    Hi Jurgen,

           Thanks for your comment, hip pain is very common amongst people who play sports, the ageing process wear and tear affects the hip also.

    All the best


  3. fintan duggan

    Hi Kit,

    Serrapeptase has the ability to reduce swelling and pain with few side effects.Thanks for your comment

    All the best,


  4. fintan duggan

    Hi Darren,

        Thank you for your comment on hip bursitis, to be honest I don’t think that not drinking enough fluid leads to hip pain, the pain may be coming from wear and tear on the cartilage surrounding the hip bone, best to have it checked.

    All the best 


  5. Darren

    this is really interesting, I never knew that you can get hip pain from being dehydrated ! Thankyou for sharing this information.

    I normally wake up with hip pain and always thought it was the way I was laying but now I’m wondering if it’s due to not drinking enough? 

    I’ve never heard of Serrapeptase before but if it helps people with pain and it’s nataural then I would get it. I try to avoid medicine if I can so prefer Nataural products.

    That’s for s great post! 

  6. Kit

    Do Serrapeptase affect for certain people with allergies? Some people cannot withstand certain type of drugs. I guess one way to know is ask a Doctor. My friend had took Serrapeptase after had a swelling in the leg from a tennis match. It works reduce the swelling. The pain when initially stuck his foot slowly goes away, I think it has anti inflammatory effect.

  7. Jurgen

    This was interesting to read. Although I don’t really have hip problems, I find it good to know what can cause this issue. As sometimes after I do some heavy work in the garden I do feel a bit soar, but thankfully nothing too serious.

    I’m glad to see that tennis is on your list as I’m a frequent tennis player.

    Thank you for writing this article as I’m sure a lot of people will benefit from reading about it and more importantly what they can do about it.

  8. Brandon Pierce

    Doctors are too eager to turn to surgery or powerful painkillers for hip pain, and people too.  I would certainly rather try something like this enzyme supplement you have here before I turned in any of those directions.  I hope more people find out about this, because there could be a lot of needless suffering ended, not to mention a lot of needless money spent as well.  Great find.

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