Natural remedies for arthritis pain relief
In this article we are talking about natural remedies for arthritis pain relief, especially rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis,we also cover fibromyalgia signs, gout and polymyalgia symptoms.
Natural remedies can help with pain and inflammation so we will tell you about the best natural remedies for Arthritis, some supplements that help are Curcumin, Serrapeptase,Ginger and more recently CBD oil has shown promise in helping people with joint and muscle pain.
Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints, In the USA as many as 54 million people are affected by arthritis and in excess of 10 million in the United Kingdom.
Osteoarthritis is the predominant form of arthritis affecting all kinds of people even children, it affects the cartilage that lines the joint making normal movement difficult because of stiffness and pain.
In this article we are going to look at the natural remedies for arthritis and show you how to get some pain relief from your arthritis.
What causes Arthritis?
The lining of the cartilage starts to become thinner and wears down putting the ligaments and tendons under pressure in sustaining joint movement.
As the cartilage becomes thinner the joint bones start to rub off each other causing friction, typically the bursa surrounding the joint becomes inflamed leading to swelling and pain.
Bursa are small sacs of fluid that act as a cushion between the bones, arthritis causes the inflammation in the bursa.
Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that causes pain in your fingers, knees, hips or other joints as you use, them the joints become swollen from years of wear and tear.
As the cartilage surrounding the end of your bones starts to wear away the bones begin to rub off one another causing inflammation.
Inflammation is the cause of the intense pain that people experience, prescription medications are what most people try however there are alternative natural remedies for arthritis pain relief available.
Currently there are no ways to cure OA, however regular exercise can help to alleviate some of the symptoms.
Check out Natural Arthritis Remedies on ProHealth Click here
Regular exercise
Regular exercise is important for osteoarthritis sufferer’s no matter what age or fitness levels, your exercise activity should be a mix of exercises aimed at improving your muscles and your fitness overall.
I understand that osteoarthritis causes stiffness and pain you may be thinking that by exercising you will make your symptoms worse.
The correct exercises will help building up your muscles and strengthening your joints and keep you active. Regular exercise is also good to keep weight down, it relieves stress and improves your posture.
The areas in the body that are affected by arthritis include the knees, hips, hands and the spine, it can start off slowly but over time arthritis can become acute or chronic.
How many types are there?
There are in excess of 100 various types of arthritis and symptoms that are related, one of the most common is rheumatoid arthritis a category of autoimmune disease where the body attacks the healthy joint tissue.
It is estimated that nearly 1.5 million adults suffer from RA in the USA, almost three times more women than men have RA.
The most common reported symptoms are joint pain and morning stiffness over time the joint may become deformed other symptoms may occur such as severe dry eyes and mouth (Sjogren’s syndrome) sleep issues, numbness, burning, or warmth in the hands and feet.
Gout is caused when urate Crystals gather inside your joints, higher levels of uric acid in the blood can also cause gout.
Other causes of gout include diet, family history and overuse of alcohol.
About 4% of American males and females have gout, the symptoms include intense pain in your
- Toes
- Ankles
- Knees
- Hands
- Wrists
- Feet
Gout affects the joint in the big toe, but other areas are likely to be affected, a gout attack can be very painful within a couple of hours and give intense pain which can last for days into weeks.
Fibromyalgia syndrome
The signs of fibromyalgia are a feeling of overall tiredness and your body aches all over, it’s one of those conditions that are hard to diagnose, it is a common condition characterized by muscle pain and extreme tiredness others have complained of sleep disturbance.
Symptoms are intense pain in the muscles and joints the brain works in a strange way to process the pain and make it seem more acute than it really is.
Fibromyalgia symptoms are intense pain in the muscles and joints the brain works in a strange way to process the pain and make it seem more acute than it really is. A lot of people find relief from natural remedies arthritis for more information click here.
Polymyalgia Fibromyalgia
What is the difference?
Myalgia is a word that describes pain inside the muscles, both conditions fibromyalgia and polymyalgia have similar characteristics the main one being muscle pain however other symptoms of both conditions are different.
Polymyalgia is caused by inflammation in the muscle, we don’t know the cause for sure, but it is classed as an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks tissues leading to severe stiffness and pain in the neck, shoulder and hip muscles.
The symptoms may be like getting the flu and may include weakness, weight loss or fever, around fifteen percent of people advance to a threatening condition known as giant cell arteritis or inflammation in the arteries leading to the head.
Fibromyalgia is not caused by inflammation it is caused by unusual processing in the senses of the main nervous system making people with fibromyalgia very sensitive to pain and other uncomfortable sensations like cold air or hot air.
A typical diagnosis of fibromyalgia will show the symptoms of pain on each side of the body as well as the top and bottom of the body. Other symptoms will include tender points throughout fatigue, sleep issues, headaches and IBS.
Natural remedies for arthritis pain relief have been used successfully to find relief from the inflammation and pain caused by arthritis the nutrient rich supplements work to target the inflammation and corresponding pain providing much needed relief for painful joints.
Recommended best arthritis pain relief
1. Curcumin
Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant, in rheumatoid arthritis clinical study curcumin had the same beneficial effect as Diclofenac a rheumatoid arthritis drug but lesser side effects according to Baylor University Medical Centre. Curcumin is great for arthritis pain relief.
Curcumin on its own doesn’t absorb well however if you add black pipeline you increase its bioavailability by as much as 2000% making Curcumin with Piperine (black pepper) a potent anti-inflammatory that can have a significant impact on pain and inflammation.
2. Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase is a potent proteolytic enzyme that dissolves inflammation safely inside the body and drains it away through the liver and the kidneys.
Serrapeptase works for inflammation and pain relief in the affected joints and tendons allowing the natural healing process to begin.
Serrapeptase should be taken with a glass of water on an empty stomach it passes through the stomach and is released into the small intestine where it is so effective at dissolving inflammation and dead scar tissue anywhere in the body.
As the inflammation starts to reduce the soreness and swelling will become calmer leading to a more natural pain. Serrapeptase can help with arthritis pain relief.
Ginger is very popular because of its anti-inflammatory properties it has been shown to have the same effects as taking ibuprofen for pain or Cox-2 inhibitors during a study in 2012 a special ginger extract was given to the participants with RA the reports showed a significant reduction in inflammation.
During an earlier study a ginger extract was given to patients with osteoarthritis pain in the knee four Arthritis or Osteoarthritis pain and inflammation times a day for three months the results again showed a significant reduction in swelling and pain. Ginger is great in helping with arthritis pain relief.
4.Cannabidiol or CBD Oil
Some recent studies of CBD have shown great promise in treating chronic pain and reducing the symptoms of arthritic disease CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant the studies show that CBD oil is effective at treating swelling and pain in the joints associated with arthritis.
One of the studies back in 2014 demonstrated that CBD could be used successfully to relieve arthritis pain they used CBD oil in the study and applied it to the affected joints the participants reported relief from their painful symptoms.
For maximum effectiveness from arthritis pain it is necessary to incorporate these nutrients into your daily life to find natural relief from pain in the joints.
NB: As with all supplements or medication results will vary from person to person, please consult with a health practitioner before starting on a course of inflammation supplementation.
Other Natural remedies for arthritis pain relief that don’t cost too much
- Try losing weight
Believe it or not those extra pounds can make an impact on how much pain you are experiencing from inflammation caused by arthritis in your hip, knees and feet. By reducing your weight, you take the pressure off your joints and decrease the pain.
- More exercise
As I alluded to earlier in the article the benefits of regular exercise are tenfold for example weight loss, joint flexibility, lowering stress levels and it improves your overall health.
- Acupuncture
Perhaps you have never tried acupuncture for pain before, the Chinese have used acupuncture for centuries to restore balance and help with pain, in fact acupuncture is recommended by the WHO as a treatment for many painful conditions.
Meditation or mindfulness has been shown in some studies to be helpful for some patients with joint and muscle pain especially those suffering from arthritis.
5.Hot or cold treatments
It’s amazing how soothing a hot towel can be when applied to a painful muscle or joint similarly try using a cold ice pack on the affected area, it will help.
Turmeric has been found to be particularly beneficial when added to your food, Turmeric has some very effective anti-inflammatory properties, it has a chemical called curcumin that could help to reduce inflammation and pain. Turmeric adds that little kick that some dishes need to give it more flavour. There are so many natural remedies for arthritis pain relief, not all of them work but Turmeric Curcumin has been shown in numerous studies to be one of the more effective natural remedies for arthritis pain relief.
Why not try Curcumin turmeric?
6.Fatty acids
Fish oil supplements contain Omega 3 fatty acids, we need these fats to reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis. Consider fish like salmon or if you don’t like fish why not try seeds found in plants such as primrose, hemp, blackcurrants or borage. These seeds are also available in supplement form
The Arthritis foundation recommends trying regular massaging to soothe the arthritic joints a massage will also help with the pain, stiffness and motion. You could approach a physiotherapist for some massage treatments and learn how to do the massages at home by yourself.
Not all supplements are created equal so always buy from a reputable manufacturer, I can recommend ProHealth because they are a reliable company with a large range of health products.
If you are taking medication always check with your doctor for possible side effects. Please be aware that results will vary what works for one person may not work for another and finally supplements are generally safe to take but like everything else they take time to work.
I would feel that 6 months should be long enough to see and feel some tangible results if that isn’t happening for you perhaps you need to look at a different supplement. Herbs and supplements are not monitored by the FDA please ask for customer testimonials if you aren’t sure about which supplement to take.
Hi Fahem,
Inflammation causes so much pain for people, using a natural anti-inflammatory like turmeric is worth trying.
Hi Edwin,
You are very welcome.
I learned a lot from your article. My wife suffers from arthritis in her hands. Her fingers got so deformed she had difficulty using them. Eventually she had surgery to straighten them out. They definitely look better and she can use them to some extent but not like before.
It would have been awesome if I came across your article three years ago. But it didn’t exist then. I think that my wife can benefit today by using the remedies you suggested. So thanks for writing it.
Thank you for an insightful article explaining the natural remedies of arthritis. These natural process may take times to heal so one has to wait untill they get a result out of these. I didn’t know that turmeric has inflammatory properties that help reducing pain and inflammation. I have also sorted out from your article that regular exercise and diet really help us fight against any kind of illness.
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Dave,
Sorry to hear that you have arthritis, I did have hip bursitis pain a type of inflammation similar to arthritis Serrapeptase did work very well for me in terms of pain relief, it may ge worth a try in your case.
Thanks for your comments
Hi this is a very helpful and interesting topic I no of people who suffer from some of these symptoms and would benefit alot from reading this article, there is great information on how to look out for signs of arthritis so you can help reduce the pain your in with the right exercises thankyou
I was very interested in this article on the best natural remedies for arthritis pain as I suffer from it often. I think a lot of it just comes with age but there is also a matter of old injuries and the hard beating my body took over the years while in the military.
Contrary to what many are doing, I do not want a lot of pharma meds that could lead to other problems and would prefer some natural methods that can complement what I am doing now for other health concerns. I believe that diets and supplements can be a better solution than a lot of doctor prescribed pills.
Many of the recommendations you have listed are ones that I am taking now, but perhaps I will increase the intake levels of them. Additionally, I will try more massages and exercise (walking). The one item that is new to me is the serrapeptase which sounds very promising.
The benefits it offers (dissolving inflammation and removing scar tissue) are the exact ones I am looking for! The only thing on your suggested list of items that I cannot get ahold of here in Dubai is the CBD oil. Once I return to the USA, it will be added to the list!
Lots of good suggestions and advice, thanks for taking the time to put this together. Arthritis and the pain associated with it is not something a lot of people think about much until they have it a couple of times. After that, you can bet they will be looking for answers, just like me!
Hi Louise,
I have been saying for a long time, diet and exercise are the key to a healthier life. Thanks for your comments
This article is very informative, I find it interesting that CBD Oil is a source of pain relief for many aches, pains and problems such as arthritis, we have a lot more to learn about CBD Oil I think.
Arthritis and other illness’s that you talk about are so debilitating for the person who is suffering and as you say affects many people. Research needs to up its game to help combat it.
I am a firm believer that exercise and a healthy diet improve most symptoms and generally help our bodies to fight these illness’s.
I have a friend who takes cucurmin and I will share this article with them as there are other things here that may help.
Thank you