Would you like to hear about natural supplements for high blood pressure that work, I’m going to review Advanced Blood Pressure Formula a popular natural supplement to reduce high blood pressure that works.
The best part is you can try Alistrol safe in the knowledge that if your blood pressure doesn’t come down within 90 days or you’re not happy with the product all you have to do is call the manufacturer’s CLE Holistic at 800-613-572.
Or if you prefer email them at feedback@advancedbionutritionals.com for a 100% money-back guarantee.
If you are serious about the best natural supplements for high blood pressure and want to get started immediately to bring your high blood pressure down please visit the Advanced Bionutritionals website, 5305 Oakbrook Parkway, Norcross, Georgia 30093 here.
Natural supplements for high blood pressure by doctors
Let me tell you a little bit more about Advanced Blood Pressure Formula, a wholly natural supplement for high blood pressure, its produced in the United States from all-natural herbal ingredients sourced by Advanced Bionutritionals and formulated in their laboratory by Doctor Janet Zand.
Advanced Blood Pressure Formula has been on the market for a long number of years, it is without doubt up there as natural supplements for high blood pressure go, the product consists of 100% plant-based all-natural ingredients designed to support healthy arteries, high blood pressure, improve circulation and healthy heart function.
As natural supplements for high blood pressure are becoming more popular it’s important to know that the Advanced Blood Pressure formula is a quality all-natural product that is proven to work.
The product is formulated and backed by doctors, it is clinically tested, and with no side effects that Advanced Bionutritionals is aware of.
Does Advanced Blood Pressure formula work for high blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure then I’m sure you are aware that it is a strong marker for a stroke, high blood pressure can also lead to other serious health conditions such as heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure, or damaged blood vessels.
High blood pressure is a signal that your heart is under some extra pressure as it pushes the blood against the walls of your blood vessels, it is dangerous because as your heart has to work so much harder the process can lead to a condition known as atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
Advanced Blood pressure formula is perhaps the best choice as a natural supplement for high blood pressure go because it is a proprietary, unique, and synergistic blend of 3 all-natural plant-based herbs that are beneficial and support your heart, blood pressure, healthy arteries, circulation, and the healthy functioning of your heart.
Advanced Bionutritionals takes pride
Advanced Bionutritionals pride themselves in knowing exactly where the ingredients come to form by knowing the farmers that grow all of their herbs in their fields and harvest them.
The company manufactures natural supplements for high blood pressure to very exacting standards.
You can be assured that these natural supplements for high blood pressure are premium quality natural supplements for hypertension that won’t let you down, every dose, every extract, is identical, it is effective and safe for you to take.
Why is Advanced Blood Pressure Formula so good for high blood pressure?
Let’s take a closer look at the Advanced Blood Pressure formula and why it is so good at lowering high blood pressure naturally, Advanced Bionutritionals doctors have taken top-quality herbs that traditional medicine has used for centuries in Asia as a folk remedy for high blood pressure and heart disease.
The study was set up so that a percentage of the participants took the ingredients twice a day for six weeks, the others were given a placebo, results of the study proved beyond any doubt that these powerful herbs could indeed lower blood pressure in a significant way.
Following the study, the results were published and showed that Alistrol heart health ingredients were
- Effective at managing mild to high blood pressure in the first 2 weeks
- Efficacious for 14 out of 15 trial participants after 30 days
- Effective at lowering systolic blood pressure by eleven and a half points
- Successful at lowering diastolic blood pressure by ten points
- No known side effects, safe to use even with other medications
What are the ingredients?
This special blend of herbs and nutrients is designed to promote healthy blood pressure and support the heart and circulatory systems.
These ingredients include hibiscus, magnesium, and a proprietary blend of 11 Chinese herbs.
#1: Hibiscus – In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study on 65 adults, those subjects who took hibiscus saw better blood pressure support than those who took a placebo.
#2: Magnesium – Contributes 50 mg elemental magnesium—the amount in two tablespoons of peanut butter or one medium avocado.
#3: Chinese Herbal Blend – A blend of 11 Chinese herbs that have been used for over 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine to support healthy blood pressure.
Chinese Salvia Root
Rhizome Tree Peony Root Bark
Chinese Skullcap Root
Gardenia Fruit
Rhizome Pearl Shell
Scabrous Gentian Root
Rhizome Rehmannia Root
Tuber Achyranthes Root
Prunella Vulgaris Fruit Spike
Chrysanthemum Flower
There are three specific ingredients in Advanced Blood Pressure Formula natural supplements for high blood pressure, they are there to support healthy blood pressure, support a stronger heart, clear and strengthen arteries, improve circulation, improve the flow of blood to the heart, they also provide healthy anti-aging benefits.
More about High blood pressure
High blood pressure isn’t a condition that you can ignore, if you have hypertension then you are in the risk category for something more serious if it is allowed to continue untreated the consequences could be very serious or life-threatening.
Now is the time to do something about getting it down in a more natural way without any known side effects, why not give this unique and best-selling natural supplement for high blood pressure a go, to learn more about Advanced Blood Pressure formula go direct to the Advanced Bionutritionals website here.
Alistrol heart health customer testimonials
I think it’s important to read the experiences of people that have had success at lowering high blood pressure with Advanced Blood Pressure formula natural supplements for high blood pressure.
I skimmed through the product’s website and read heart health customer testimonials, this one caught my eye, you can read more Advanced Blood Pressure Formula testimonials here.
“Excellent product! ”
“I needed a solution for my mother. I searched online for various natural products and found quite a few that I tried with varying degrees of “success.” Then I discovered Advanced Bionutritionals Advanced Blood Pressure formula and started giving it to her.
Her out-of-control blood pressure is now under control to a MUCH greater degree than it was with any of the other (numerous) products I tried. Thank you very much for this excellent product. It’s been a literal lifesaver”
How many should you take?
According to Advanced Bionutritionals the company recommends that you take three tablets twice a day with or without food, it is a dietary supplement that produces results within four to six weeks, it should not be taken while pregnant.
How much does it cost?
As I mentioned earlier you can try the Advanced Blood Pressure formula with zero financial risk because of Advanced Bionutritional’s 100% money-back guarantee policy, how much does it cost, each bottle contains 60 tablets, and the recommended dosage is 2 tablets a day so enough supply for 30 days.
That period should be long enough for you to know if the product is working to lower your blood pressure or not, one bottle costs $29.95 each tablet costs .49 cents to buy Advanced Blood Pressure Formula go to the official website here,
This most effective natural supplement for high blood pressure Advanced Blood Pressure doctor-formulate herbal-based reading formula can be purchased at a cheaper price by availing of the special offer that is currently available on the official website here.
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