This blog has been written to help people who suffer from a sinus pressure headache regularly and are looking for a way to relieve sinus pressure headaches.
Both my wife and daughter have suffered from sinus pressure headaches in the past until we as a family found a solution to relieve sinus pressure headaches for good.
Sinus pressure
Sinus pressure headaches can play havoc with your life, the headaches following an episode of sinusitis and can be quite annoying and affect your activities of daily living.
I have seen it firsthand, the sinus cavities of the skull become clogged and inflamed due to allergies, infections, and other irritants, all this activity causes the pressure on the sinuses to increase.
Repeated headaches
Repeated headaches such as tension or migraine can often be confused with a sinus headache so it’s important to find out if the symptoms are because of your sinuses.
Your doctor will know if the sinuses are blocked based on a physical check-up and the symptoms that you describe, in some cases a cat scan or MRI scan may be needed.
You can also use inhaled nasal decongestants, but only for up to 3 days. Longer use can make your symptoms worse.
Sinus headache symptoms
People with sinus headaches will describe the pain as being felt over the affected area which may feel tender upon touching, some have described the pain as a feeling of unpleasant pressure that can get worse by changing the head position or when getting up after lying down.
Where there is inflammation a yellow-green discharge from the nasal passage is common which may signal that there is an infection present.
Chills, fever, body aches, and tiredness are other symptoms that an infection may be developing, if the maxillary sinuses are inflamed there may be pain in the jaw or upper teeth area.
A sinus infection can sometimes be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Sinus Headache causes?
Inflammation in the sinus tissues plays a major part in causing a sinus headache because the inflamed tissues become swollen producing a discharge clogging up the drainage system within the sinuses.
This discharge causes pressure on the sinuses and leads to a sinus headache. Some of the main reasons for the inflammation are 1. Infection 2. An allergic reaction like hay fever 3. Irritation
A viral infection is the most common cause of a sinus infection followed by a bacterial or fungal infection of the sinuses, infections of the upper teeth can spread into the sinuses through the maxillary sinuses located in the cheekbone.
There have been some very rare cases where a malignant or benign tumor could penetrate the sinuses and cause a blockage leading to a sinus headache.
Sinus headache treatments
Depending on whether your symptoms are mild or severe the treatment will vary:
Mild symptoms treatments: For sinus pressure relief that lasts several hours try inhaling steam with eucalyptus oil 2-4 times each day, and keep a humidifier in the room where you spend the most time, a dry room will irritate the sinuses.
Medications for example Tylenol, decongestants as well as nasal irrigation (Neti-pot) or nasal rinse set (nasal bidet) are used to relieve sinusitis pain.
Chronic symptoms treatments: Include antibiotics, decongestants, and sometimes nasal irrigation, in some cases minor surgery may be performed to free the nasal passage from a build-up of bacteria or mucus.

Post nasal drip
Post-nasal drip is to some extent a familiar symptom of a cold, flu, sinus, rhinitis, acid reflux, or infection. and acid reflux.
Birth control pills, Allergens, smoke, birth control tablets, and dust can spark post-nasal drip.
Generally speaking, the production of mucus is necessary for the body to function properly by stopping bacteria and foreign invaders from entering the system.
Excess mucus
thin watery mucus runs down the back of your nasal passage towards the back of the throat causing the post-nasal drip. Thick or excess mucus can be difficult to clear from the back of the throat and can also cause post-nasal drip.
Normally, our body’s defense system will clear the mucus when we swallow, however on occasions other bugs such as allergies or colds will cause mucus buildup, it doesn’t clear away and develops into an annoying drip down the back of your throat.
If not treated in time it can lead to persistent cough, sore throat, and ear infection.
Symptoms of Post-Nasal Drip
1. Constant swallowing
2. Sore throat
3. Nausea and fatigue
4. Dry mouth
5. Bad breath
6. Hoarseness
7. Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
Post-Nasal Drip Treatment
Coughing, wheezing, halitosis, snorting, sore throat, and congestion can be obvious and disconcerting.
You may notice an increase in coughing or wheezing during allergy season, or these symptoms can affect you year-round.
- If post-nasal drip symptoms are related to allergies, antihistamines and in some cases nasal steroids, can help alleviate the problem.
- A doctor may suggest allergy injections as a long-term solution for allergy-related post-nasal drip.
- For post-nasal drip caused by birth control pills, your doctor may switch you to a different pill or recommend an alternative method of birth control.
- Sinusitis is one of the more serious causes of post-nasal drip and is commonly treated with antibiotics, decongestants, and sometimes nasal irrigation.
- In more severe and chronic cases, minor surgery may be needed to drain the sinus passages of built-up mucus and bacteria.
- When the mucus from post-nasal drip accumulates and mixes with anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria in tonsil crevices, small, odorous formations called tonsil stones begin to form.
Home remedies for Sinusitis
There are several simple, inexpensive remedies you can try at home to alleviate both post-nasal drip and bad breath.
The first is a specialty breath freshening throat spray designed to neutralize odors and cleanse away irritants.
To banish drip-related odor quickly, consider gargling with a specialty breath freshening rinse or a mixture of warm water with a little salt.
This can cleanse away mucus, soothe your throat, and may even potentially dislodge tonsil stones lurking in the back of your mouth.
If symptoms don’t diminish, see a doctor to rule out tonsil stones or other problems, get an accurate diagnosis, and post-nasal drip treatment recommendations.
Relieve sinus pressure headache
Do you find yourself with sinus pressure headaches? Do you get them on a too regular basis? Do sinus headaches affect your activities of daily living?
Have you tried everything out there to get rid of the pain? Have you tried nasal decongestants, nasal irrigation, nasal sprays, and other methods but the sinus headaches keep coming back or worse never go away?
Are you ready to try something different? Something natural with few if any side effects, something that can be used in conjunction with medication?
Something that gets rid of inflammation and mucus buildup, the main causes of sinus pressure headaches.
Something that has been used by healthcare professionals for over 30 years to get rid of sinusitis.
Something that has worked to get rid of sinus head and face pain for my wife? Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme that works for chronic sinusitis.
Runny Nose Relief Testimonials
“My runny nose was getting on my nerves. In addition, I was sick of the doctors giving me medication and brushing off my questions as to why it wasn’t working.
I took the SerraEnzyme 80,000 IU as you suggested in your Health Plan and I’ve been feeling much better ever since. Thank you, thank you.”
– Sandra, Canada
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic bacteria Serratia species found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. The enzyme is used by the worms to digest their cocoons. Serrapeptase has been used as a nutritional supplement in Europe and Asia for nearly three decades. Each vegetarian capsule of Best Serrapeptase contains enteric-coated pure serrapeptase designed for optimal absorption in the intestinal tract.
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for your comments, Serrapeptase does work very well for chronic sinusitis, how long that takes will vary but I would think a thre month period should be sufficient.
Hi Jay,
Thank you for pointing out these errors, I have fixed them now.
All the best
The link to this website took me to the relieve-sinus-pressure-headache with enzyme therapy page. Overall , I found the content logically organized with a natural flow to it. I believe the writer was going for a conversational tone with the text but on my initial read it seemed there were a number of run-on sentences (my opinion).
Under the heading Sinus Headache Treatment he recommends keeping a “dehumidifier” in the room because a dry room irritates the sinuses. I think he mean’t “humidifier” which adds moisture to the room.
I clicked the many internal links on the site and all seemed to be working with 2 exceptions: Learn More About Amazing Enzyme and The Herbspro link both returned 404 not found errors.
I liked the fact that the writer recommends organic vitamins and supplements. I agree with him that they are worth the extra cost. I also liked his recommendation to take the “enteric” coated Serrapetase.
I do wish he had stressed the blood-thinning effect of Serraptase a little more seriously. As someone who is currently on prescription blood thinners, I would want to run this by my doctor before ordering any supplement that has this effect.
Hi Cathy,
Happy to help, Fintan
Hi there.
I suffered from Sinus build up when I was younger and suffered symptoms as you have described in your post.
That was over 20 years ago and I’m starting to get all blocked up with the pressure feeling also returning. Although I’m not suffering from headaches yet, I know that they are not too far away.
I thought my sinus days were far behind me and can’t believe my sinus symptoms have returned I noticed you have a natural product that sounds pretty good.
How long would it normally take to get rid of my sinuses taking your product and does this help prevent further sinus symptoms coming on?
Very keen to hear what you have to say.
Thanks, Jeff.
I had a really bad sinus headache last week and started searching for answers and relieve,that is how I ran across your article. Very glad I did too I thought I had tried everything..tylenol..steam nothing seemed to touch it until I ended up taking benedryl. Yes it helped but as I have other health issues it is not good for me to take…but I was desperate for relieve!! Your article however pointed out a better and healthier natural way, steam WITH eucalyptus oil 2 to 4 times a day….It WORKS!! Thank you for the suggestion and advice.