Severe carpal tunnel pain relief
Severe carpal tunnel pain relief is something that I can help you with because carpal tunnel syndrome affected a very good friend of mine until she found pain relief from carpal tunnel by using SerraEnzyme.
This is Attractas story
I have suffered from pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome for years, in my job I have to do a huge amount of typing on a keyboard for most of the day, I believe that the repetitive nature of my work has led to my condition.
I went to my doctor, he diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome he also outlined my options one of which could be surgery which I didn’t fancy if I’m being honest, over the last year or so the symptoms got so bad that I started to wake up during the night, I had severe carpal tunnel pain.
At that point I decided to seek some more information on carpal tunnel and if possible some way for severe carpal tunnel pain relief, a friend of mine had read that an enzyme called Serrapeptase had helped others with severe carpal tunnel pain relief.
I decided to give Serrapeptase a go because I read up on it, Serrapeptase is natural and from what I read it encouraged me to take it, I haven’t looked back now that my carpal tunnel pain has now gone.
If you are looking for severe carpal tunnel pain relief then why not give Serrapeptase a try it worked for Attracta, you can read her testimonial here.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Anyone that works with their hands for a living stands a good chance of getting carpal tunnel syndrome because of the repetitive use of the muscles and tendons that surround the median nerve in your wrist.
This overuse of the hands tend to make the muscles and tendons thicker this puts pressure on the median nerve, the pressure causes inflammation that over time result in a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect you at night because the median nerve is very sensitive to extra pressure it can be hard to keep your hand and wrist straight if not you may find that you are woken up in the middle of the night because of severe pain and numbness in the wrist area.
The only way to get relief from the pain in the median nerve is to press hard on your wrist and shake your arm in a vigorous manner.
Here are five ways that you could try to get severe carpal tunnel pain relief
- Wear a quality wrist brace
- Try anti-inflammatory herbs in your food like Turmeric or oregano
- Use a topical cream containing America
- Take a look at how you could adjust your work space
- Try this natural supplement that contains Glucosamine Chondroitin With MSM
Wrist braces
Severe carpal tunnel pain relief may be found by wearing a wrist brace at night, some people have found that it can be helpful to reduce the pain and help you get a decent night’s sleep.
If you have to use your hands in a repetitive manner a wrist brace will keep your hand straight if you are lifting something it will also take the pressure of the median nerve.
You could wear two braces, one for work and one for sleeping, from a hygiene point of view it’s a good idea to have two anyway and to avoid any irritation to the skin.
Some tips on the type of wrist brace to consider
- Try to get one that isn’t too soft, in between is better for more support
- Look for a wrist brace that has two straps it will provide more support
- Buy a high quality brace
- Check that the brace only goes up half-way on the hand to allow for more finger room
I believe that the best range of wrist braces on the market are available on Healthy Products for You , just head over there and take a look at the range.
Anti-inflammatory herbs
You could consider trying anti-inflammatory herbs, one that springs to mind is Turmeric a very popular spice that people feel has anti-inflammatory properties, Turmeric isn’t one of those scientific trials type of herb that has been proven to reduce inflammation however anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that by adding Turmeric to your diet may help with severe carpal tunnel pain relief.
Vitamin B6 could help with carpal tunnel because some experts claim that a deficiency in vitamin b6 could be associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, other people feel that vitamin b6 helps to promote a reduction in pain.
Vitamin B6 is sold in supplement form however you don’t need it in large amounts so I recommend that you get some extra vitamin b6 through your diet because in supplement form you may over consume on it.
That can lead to toxicity in the nervous system causing other issues that negatively impact on the nervous system, just stick to getting more b6 from foods like bananas or spinach or you could try sunflower seeds.
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Use a topical cream containing arnica
You could try a topical cream that contains arnica, arnica is helpful for inflammatory type pain in the nerves, joints and tendons, your local pharmacy should have one that I recommend Penetrex it has arnica in it just rub it on the affected area.
If you believe in herbal medicines like I do then you may know that arnica comes from the leaves of the Arnica Montana plant from which pain relieving tinctures and creams are made, a topical cream containing arnica may he helpful for flare-ups.
Adjust your work space
If you spend a lot of time working on s computer every day take some time to examine how your work space is set up, are there adjustments that you could make that would take the pressure off your wrist area?
Could you use a raised mouse pad to support your wrist for example, could you change the height of your desk or your chair, perhaps you don’t work on a computer maybe you drive for a living does that affect your wrist action, maybe wear a wrist band for support.
Can a supplement help with severe carpal tunnel pain?
I don’t know about you but the thought of surgery for pain relief fills me with dread, not only is it expensive but the thought of having my wrist cut open just doesn’t appeal to me, moreover recovery from surgery varies from person to person, apparently if the surgery doesn’t work there could be issues with numbness.
So is it possible to get pain relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome without surgery?
I have heard some good things about a natural supplement called Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM, people looking for severe carpal tunnel pain relief have reported that this supplement is quite effective at tackling the pain.
Its important to get take Glucosamine Chondroitin in doses of 1,500 mgs with MSM because studies have shown that when you combine these ingredients you get the maximum amount of pain relief.
MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory compound necessary for optimal health in the body including the bones organs and the heart, some studies on Glucosamine Chondroitin did report a marked improvement in pain levels of the participants with carpal tunnel while other studies showed no improvement.
I guess that any new treatment for carpal tunnel will have success for some but not for others, I recommend that if you are going to try a natural supplement like Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM that you give it the required time to work three months would seem to be the best option according to the manufacturers of the product.
Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM may work for you in alleviating the severe carpal tunnel pain that you have, you won’t know unless you give it a try.
Recommended example of Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM
It may be worth a try for carpal tunnel pain relief to use some simple exercises for your wrist, try bending your wrist backwards and forwards bring your finger tips upwards and then downwards bend the wrist as much as you can unless it hurts.
Secondly try moving your wrist in a circular motion one way and then the other way, work on these wrist exercises for about 10 minute at a time, try these exercises every day they may help to strengthen the median nerve.
I’m not sure if you exercise regularly if you don’t and you are looking for carpal tunnel pain relief then regular will help your bodies circulatory and repair systems by getting the blood flowing to all parts especially the extremities such as your hands and feet.
Regular exercise will also help to maintain a healthy weight overall by going for a walk each day for about 25 minutes may help to alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel.
I sincerely hope that you have enough information on carpal tunnel pain relief, a lot of people suffer with the symptoms however there are ways to alleviate the pain that don’t include expensive surgery, try the herbs like Turmeric or vitamin B6, the wrist band seem to be a good support.
Look at your work station, try a natural supplement my friend Attracta has great success with Doctor’s Best Serrapeptase the other option that could be worth a try is Glucosamine Chondroitin 1,500 mgs with MSM.
Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your comments, good to know that pregnancy can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, Serrapeptase works really well for carpal tunnel, it doesn’t take too long to work either and no surgery!
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your comment, good to know that pregnancy can cause carpal tunnel, Serrapeptase works really well for the condition it doesn’t take too long to work and no surgery.
There are some interesting ideas in your post. I had carpal tunnel syndrome years ago; but I got it from pregnancy. Apparently that happens sometimes. It’s a hormonal thing.
I remember being in a lot of pain, especially at night. I had many sleepless nights. I got instant relief from an operation. Nothing else seemed to help with that kind of carpal tunnel.
I hope your post helps someone else suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.
There are some interesting ideas in your post. I had carpal tunnel syndrome years ago; but I got it from pregnancy. Apparently that happens sometimes. It’s a hormonal thing.
I remember being in a lot of pain, especially at night. I had many sleepless nights. I got instant relief from an operation. Nothing else seemed to help with that kind of carpal tunnel.
I hope your post helps someone else suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.