You may have heard about the health benefits of Nattokinase and wondered what Nattokinase works for, the Japanese eat a lot of natto (or baked soya beans) the base constituent of Nattokinase.
According to legend over 1,000 years ago it was discovered that soybeans, when heated, would ferment and turn into a strong-smelling gooey paste that added to the flavor of rice.
Thus, natto was initially discovered and quickly became a popular staple Japanese diet with purported health benefits in the area of cardiovascular health and longevity.
Nattokinase studies
Over the years scientists have become aware of natto or Nattkoinase’s health benefits and have begun studies to analyze what Nattokinase works for, many of the studies point to its amazing ability to dissolve unhealthy fibrin, for example in the arteries causing atherosclerosis or in the body causing inflammation and pain.
The studies showed that Nattokinase can dissolve plaque build-up in the arteries meaning a boost to blood flowing to the heart and health benefits for those with cardiovascular disease, research also found another answer to what does Nattokinase work for when studies showed that it could lower blood pressure.
So, we know from the studies on what does Nattokinase work for that it could be highly effective for people with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, and pain, that’s a very impressive range of benefits for one simple supplement.
How is Nattokinase produced?
In the laboratory a traditional fermented soybean is taken and boiled, the bacterium Bacillus natto is added, and the bacteria digests the soybeans and secretes Nattokinase, all of the clinical studies point to Nattokinase having powerful health benefits, especially in the area of cardiovascular disease.
When was Nattokinase discovered?
Nattokinase was discovered by a student Doctor, Hiroyuki Sumi way back in 1980, he was studying various conventional drugs at the University of Chicago and their impact on blood clots, and by accident, he dropped some natto onto a petri dish that contained a thrombus (blood clot)
Within 18 hours and much to his surprise the blood clot completely dissolved, the time frame was considerably less than the drugs he was working on, later he found a way to isolate Nattokinase and has continued to find out more about this marvelous enzyme, including finding out what does Nattokinase work for.
Dr. Sumi is not alone in the scientific community in studying and looking at the health benefits of Nattokinase, other scientists have studied its application as a potent fibrinolytic enzyme because it can dissolve blood clots and plaque in the arteries.
Other clinical studies have suggested that Nattokinase can:
- Reduce bad or LDL cholesterol
- Increase good or HDL cholesterol
- Reduce the viscosity of blood improving blood flow
- Lower blood pressure
- Dissolve unhealthy fibrin in blood vessels
- Improves circulation
When people ask what does Nattokinase work for, the answers lie in the studies showing its ability to improve the health of blood vessels, In one such study 73 patients that had untreated baseline, moderate blood pressure was given either Nattokinase or a placebo.
The trial was spread out over 8 weeks, at the end, those taking Nattokinase had a significant drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the people are given a placebo showed no reduction whatsoever,
What else does Nattokinase work for
Let’s not forget that the health benefits of Nattokinase are not confined to the cardiovascular system, did you know that excessive fiber can cause problems in other parts of the body, for example, chronic Rhinosinusitis, asthma, and nasal polyps forming?
A group of scientists in Japan knew about Nattokinase and decided to do some further investigation to find out if it could help with these conditions, so they studied the effects of Nattokinase on nasal polyps in CRS patients.
To their amazement, the nasal polyps were degraded by Nattokinase, not only it was found that Nattokinase significantly reduced viscosity and nasal discharge.
This information is very important for people that suffer from chronic inflammation in the sinuses, bronchitis, asthma, CRS, or other conditions characterized by persistent inflammation in the nasal mucosa and sinuses.
An important feature of sinuses, nasal passageways, and healthy airways is related to the fluidity and elasticity of the respiratory tract and its secretions, should mucus be too viscous and thick it triggers inflammation, which leads to blocked airways, polyps can form, breathing becomes difficult.
What does Nattokinase work for was confirmed by the above studies to not only be beneficial for cardiovascular disease but it can also help people with blocked airways caused by inflammation, reduce the formation of polyps, and support easier breathing.
The studies support the fact that Nattokinase is strong for not just conditions such as CRS but it could also be used for the likes of COPD, bronchitis, and sinusitis.
What is the Nattokinase dosage?
Good Health Naturally is the manufacturer of the best-selling Nattokinase brand, they recommend that you take 2,000 fu (100 milligrams) of Nattokinase once or twice daily, their customers are saying that the health benefits of Nattokinase are worth giving a try.
Nattokinase testimonial
“Good Health Naturally is an excellent company with very good, caring, and helpful staff, the one problem is they want your review very quickly! And of course, some health issues take time. I am endeavoring to shift scar tissue in joints that suffered fractures in an accident, to regain full mobility. I’ve been taking this and Serrapeptase for several weeks now and there is already an improvement in flexibility but I will continue taking them for a while yet to try to restore the proper functioning of these joints. I can say also that the quality is very good and I have experienced no side effects, as I sometimes do with medicines, even the natural ones! So I have no hesitation in recommending this company and its products“
A word of caution
Good Health Naturally does have a word of caution about people that may be taking antiplatelet drugs like Aspirin, Ticlid, or Plavix, or if you take Coumadin does hot take Nattokinase because it could affect the ability of your blood to clot.
Nattokinase works for cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is a great example of what Nattokinase works for because it is the best enzyme that you can buy to dissolve fibrin, fibrin is a protein that supports blood clotting, and that’s fine until the aging process has a detrimental effect on blood viscosity as it thickens and becomes more difficult for your heart to pump around your body.
Natural clot-dissolving enzymes that are generated by cells that line the blood vessels can over time become less effective so blood viscosity and thickness become an issue as it becomes more prone to clotting making it harder to flow through arteries and blood vessels
An added disadvantage is the fact that this process does increase or cause high blood pressure because of the extra pressure on the heart as it tries to cope with blood circulation through the blood vessels, a knock-on effect is a reduction in enough quality minerals, nutrients and oxygen-rich blood going to the organs and tissues.
Unfortunately, higher levels of blood viscosity contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, or in extreme cases premature death, Nattokinase is the answer to a healthier cardiovascular system, why not give Nattokinase a try?
How does Nattokinase work
Two things are happening, on the one hand, there are blood clots forming, on the other hand, a healthy body can cope by breaking down and dissolving these blood clots naturally, as the aging process affects the body’s natural ability to take care of blood clots doctors prescribe blood thinners like Aspirin, however, Nattokinase can do a much better job.
Blood proteins like fibrinogen increase the risk of blood clots forming, Nattokinase has been shown in several studies to have the ability to decrease levels of fibrinogen in the bloodstream, it also helps normal blood clotting by supporting and activating the body’s natural enzymes that break up blood clots that have already formed.
Nattokinase has been favorably compared to plasmin a natural clot-busting enzyme, another good example of what is Nattokinase for is its ability to enhance the natural production of plasmin as well as urokinase another natural clot-busting enzyme.
Nattokinase is a safe, effective, and natural way to decrease blood viscosity, thick heavy blood leads to any number of health issues:
- High blood pressure
- Poor circulation
- Heart disease
- Peripheral artery disease
- Cold hands and feet
- A lack of energy
- Cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is a sure sign that your heart is under pressure to pump enough blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all parts of your body, it’s quite common and affects nearly 50% of all adults in the USA, high blood pressure is defined as equal to or over 130 mm Hg systolic or equal to or over 80 mm Hg diastolic, during trials Nattokinase has been found to decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
If you are one of the millions of people that suffer the effects of high blood pressure why not give Nattokinase a try, to find out more go to Good Health Naturally here.
Nattokinase for atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a common term used to describe a condition that occurs in the arteries where blood clots occur and stick to plaque build-up along the lining of the arteries.
Atherosclerosis is a very serious health condition and can occur in any of the arteries decreasing blood flow to the heart, kidneys, brain, legs, and feet, by supplementing with Nattokinase daily it is possible to slowly reverse the effects of atherosclerosis.
A daily dosage of 2,000 fu of high-quality Nattokinase from Good Health Naturally can suppress and reverse the progression of Atherosclerotic plaque naturally and effectively, to learn more go to the website here.
A study on Nattokinase
A study over 26 weeks involved 82 people that volunteered to take either 6,000 ft or 300 milligrams of Nattokinase each day or 20 milligrams of Simvastatin a cholesterol drug, the results of the study confirmed that the people that took Nattokinase reported a significant reduction in arterial plaque (36%) compared to (11%) in the people taking simvastatin.
On top of that, the people taking Nattokinase blood work showed reductions in bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides while their HDL or good cholesterol increased, the study concluded that the health benefits of Nattokinase were associated with the combined effects of its anticoagulant, antioxidant, lipid-lowering and antithrombotic activities.
Nattokinase for optimal blood flow
Healthy blood flow is massively important and beneficial for a healthy body, blood clot formation and plaque build-up means that your body will struggle and become unhealthy, the answer to what does Nattokinase work for in a nutshell it reduces excessive blood clot formation a d plaque build-up.
I hope that you have enjoyed reading what does Nattokinase work for if you have problems with poor circulation, high blood pressure, heart disease or other issues relating to blockages in arteries or blood vessels then why not give Nattokinase a try? all-clear, proteolytic
Nattokinase and Serrapeptase together form a potent partnership in the fight against clogged arteries.
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