This article will answer all your questions about Bursitis hip relief, if you suffer from hip bursitis pain there are a number of things you can do so that hip bursitis doesn’t last forever.
What is bursitis?
Bursitis is a very painful condition impacts the bursae, these are fluid filled sacs that act as a cushion for bones, tendons and the muscles close to the joints.
The bursa become inflamed this is called bursitis, it occurs mainly in the shoulders, hips or elbows, it is less commonly found in the knees, heels and big toes.
Why does bursitis occur?
Bursitis happens most frequently close to joints that are used frequently for example the shoulder, hips and knees, this type of repetitive action can cause wear and tear of the cartilage surrounding the joints.

Typically, the recommended treatment is REST! by that I mean resting the joints that are affected to keep it from further inflammation.
By resting the affected joint, you give the inflammation time to calm down, however in a lot of cases flare ups occur leading to more hip bursitis pain.
What causes bursitis?
Too much friction, another condition or a trauma can aggravate the synovium (synovial membrane) the soft tissue lining the spaces of the diarthrodial joints, the tendons, sheaths and bursae.
When the synovium becomes inflamed it will thicken producing an oversupply of synovial fluid leading to symptoms like warmth, skin redness, localized swelling, pain and tenderness.
There are more than 160 bursae in our bodies but only a few of them typically cause bursitis, the most common areas for this to happen is in the shoulder, hip, knee and elbow, less frequently so in the heel, wrist, buttocks & big toe.
List of main causes hip bursitis
- Repetitive use or stress on the hip
- Pseudo gout
- Gout
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Injury to the hip
- Hip infection
- Uneven legs
- Scoliosis
- Bony growths on the hip
Main symptoms
The main symptoms are joint pain and tenderness, other symptoms include
- Swelling & warmth around the joint
- Early sharp pain
- Dull ache later
- Pain noticeable when arising from a chair or bed
- Noticeable pain when standing for a long time in the same position
- Hip pain lying down in bed

Hip bursitis two types
There are two types of hip bursitis acute and chronic, hip acute bursitis normally flares up over a few hours or days.
Chronic bursitis may last anywhere from several days to several weeks. Acute bursitis may turn chronic if it comes back or should there be an injury to the hip.
Typically, chronic bursitis will disappear and reappear again. Over a period, the bursa becomes thick making the swelling worse, this limits the joint movement weakens the muscles in that area (atrophy)
Hip bursitis diagnosis
A visit to your doctor will reveal the condition by twisting your leg in different directions to establish when you have the pain and where. You may have to go to hospital for an x Ray or an MRI to confirm the condition.
In my case the X ray showed that I had about 50% loss in the cartilage surrounding the hip joint, the doctor explained that this occurred from wear and tear (too many football matches) so wear and tear on the cartilage can also cause bursitis hip pain.
How to find bursitis hip relief
As I stated earlier the first method to get bursitis hip relief is to rest, I realize that people have to work so getting enough rest for bursitis hip relief may be difficult, the second hip bursitis relief is a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also known as NSAID’s.
According to this study of 199 participants who use NSAID’s they were not aware that NSAID drugs may increase their chances of stomach bleeding, gastritis and higher blood pressure.
The most common of these are Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and Naproxen (Aleve) these drugs are designed to relieve the swelling and pain.
The third option is to use an icepack put it over the affected hip to reduce the pain and swelling.

As the swelling and pain subside your doctor may advise you to do some strengthening exercises on that leg to prevent atrophy or muscle wastage.
This also helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the hip.
Surgery for hip bursitis
In rare cases surgery of the hip may be required, it is a relatively simple procedure where the surgeon cuts open the affected area and removes the bursa. Recovery time usually takes about two weeks.
What is the best bursitis in the hip natural remedy?
In my experience you need to use a natural product that will get straight to the problem that is causing the hip pain, the main issue is the inflammation causing the pain in your hip.
I found that this natural enzyme got rid of my chronic hip bursitis pain within a few short months of starting the treatment.

Managing bursitis of the hip
Chronic hip bursitis isn’t pleasant, I should know, if you suffer from chronic hip bursitis every day and night you could try the following for bursitis hip relief.
- Do stretch exercises each day to minimize flare up
- Stretches will help to increase motion
- Try to stay away from activities that will cause hip pain
- Try not to do repetitive hip motion (easier said than done)
- If you have a flare up, rest otherwise the inflammation will continue
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Hi Chris,
I’m sorry about that, not quite sure why that happens. Your comments did come through, thanks for that.
This was an interesting read. I can completely understand how difficult it must be to try and alleviate any pain in the hip area. Medication from your doctor is the obvious and easiest way, but it may not always be the best. As you mention above, there can be various side effects to the medication, some of which can be quite severe.
I’ve seen recently on a couple of documentaries that CBD oil is on the rise and possibly becoming an alternative to some types of prescribed medication, especially with regard to joint pain. have you done any research into that? It may be worth a look?
I’m also a big advocate for Yoga. I used to be quite prone to injury in my upper back and shoulders, but since doing Yoga my injuries and pain have almost completely gone. Yoga is a very slow way to exercise all your joints and hip movement is a big factor in a lot of the exercises.
Great article!
P.S. I’ve tried to add the above comment to your website, but it keeps coming up with a message saying I’m trying to submit it too quickly? I’ve left it for 5 minutes and still get the same message
This is rather an interesting write up from you. I noticed that whenever I sleep or sit for too long, I get waist pains on my left hip. This has been constant for some months now and when I decided to research about it, thats how I got to this site. Burstis hip relief seems to be able to help me out.. I will try the medicine out before visiting a physician
Hi friend, I have read your entire article very carefully. I am very surprised to read your article because of Bursitis Hip Relieves. This medicine is very useful for my grandmother, very painful to my grandmother’s waist. I think it will work very well. I shared this article with my friends. I’ll buy my grandmother to use it. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful article.
I haven’t heard of Burstis pain before. I appreciate that this problem would be very painful. Again exercise is good especially yoga as yoga does not put too much pressure on joint or muscles as it is generally a gentle exercise.
I like to find natural cures and remedies, I am not at all keen on using chemical medicines so I like that you include natural products in your articles.
Thank you