I’m sure you would like to hear how to relieve sinus pressure and headaches. It’s that time of the year again when your sinuses become inflamed causing all sorts of problems for you, you don’t need me to tell you about the symptoms of sinus pressure and headache.
If you suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis, read on and discover how you would how to relieve sinus pressure and headache.
What are sinuses?
Sinuses are tiny spaces found in your forehead, cheekbones or behind the bridge of your nose, they are filled with air, your sinuses make the mucus that secretes through the channel of your nose.
Allergic reaction, infections or a tumour are the main causes of your sinuses becoming inflamed, when this happens the area around your sinuses becomes swollen and the mucus is prevented from draining through the channel in your nose, unfortunately this leads to sinus headache pain.

What are the symptoms of sinus headache pain?
A sinus headache can affect the cheekbone, the forehead or the bridge of the nose, sometimes all three are affected, the symptoms are a deep and constant pain that may sometimes worsen.
If you were to move your head suddenly or if you were to strain your neck in any way. Other sinus headache symptoms are blocked ears, facial swelling, and nasal discharge.
Doctor’s advice sinus pressure and headache
If you have suffered for years with a sinus pressure and headache then your doctor will have examined you.
He will decide whether the headache symptoms are indeed a sinus issue or whether your headaches are caused by a complete blockage in the sinuses arising from an infection, in that case you may have fever.
In cases like that doctors will need to have a CT scan done or an MRI to see what exactly is causing the blockage in your sinuses.
Can an allergy cause a sinus headache?
No is the answer, allergies contribute to congestion in the sinuses, congestion may cause headache pain. If you have been diagnosed with an allergy your treatment will not be the same as treatment for a sinus infection or sinus headache.
Does migraine cause sinus pain?
Studies have shown that doctors diagnose sinus headaches mistakenly in 95% of cases when in fact they should have diagnosed as migraine headaches with related nasal congestion.
One of the symptoms of migraine associated with congestion is nasal discharge, antibiotics or decongestants in cases like this may make in fact make the ailment worse.
What areas are affected the most?
The area most affected by a sinus headache is around the nose area, possibly following an infection or allergy causing pain in the cheeks and across the bridge of the nose.
So, what are the allergy headache triggers?
- Stress
- Nasal and sinus congestion
- Smoke
- Types of food
Foods that cause nasal congestion
It’s amazing but certain foods may cause nasal or throat congestion, many types of food are the cause of congestion in the nasal passage and throat.
If you suffer from sinus pressure and headache these are the foods that you should try to avoid reducing the pressure on your sinuses.
- Refined sugar: Check the label on food like chocolate for refined sugars in the product because it can encourage yeast and bacteria to grow leading to nasal congestion.
- Fish: Believe it or not certain types of oily fish cause inflammation and swelling within the nasal passage, everybody is different, but you will know straightaway as soon as you start eating the fish. You may feel an uneasiness when you swallow and breathe.
- Dairy products: Full fat milk can cause mucus to form and thicken allowing allergens to lodge in your system.
- Red meat: Red meat is full of high protein; however, this can lead to more mucus forming leading to congestion in your sinuses, red meat can cause sinus pressure and headaches.
- Gluten: If you are sensitive to gluten stay away from foods that contain gluten, foods like wheat, mayonnaise, rye and cereals are known to cause inflammation and the formation of mucus
- Types of nuts: Believe it or not certain types of nuts will trigger an allergic reaction making sinuses worse, some people are allergic to nuts, that’s why people in this category must take anti-histamine tablets following the reaction. Types of nuts to stay away from include cashew, peanut and walnuts.
Management and Treatment of Allergy Headache
Being aware of the cause of an allergy headache is important, if you can identify the cause then you are in a better position to avoid it, if stress is causing the allergy headache then why not try to destress or take yourself away from whatever is causing it.
Similarly, if smoking is the cause of allergy headache then the answer is simple STOP!
Where does sinus affect the most?
A sinus headache can cause pain right across the nose, the cheekbones and all the way up to your forehead, the sinuses are inflamed, there are four pairs of sinuses and they are:
- Frontal
This pair of sinuses are located to the left and to the right of the forehead centre right above the eyes.
- Maxillary
This pair are the biggest of the sinuses found behind the cheekbones close to the upper jaws or maxillae
- Ethmoid
The ethmoid bone separates the nasal cavity from the brain the pair of ethmoid sinuses are found in the bone, these sinuses are several between 6 and 12 tiny air cells that open on their own into the nasal cavity.
- Sphenoid
This pair of sinuses are found in the sphenoid bone close to the pituitary gland and optic nerve on the side of the skull.

Sinus pressure and headaches FACTS
The principal symptoms are sinus, face and headache pain
Caused by an allergy or infection leading to
Inflammation and pain
Mucus build up blocks the sinuses
Sinuses are lined with membranes,
Allergies cause the membrane to swell blocking the mucus causing pain
The pain may be felt in the cheeks, the bridge of the nose, the area above the nose.
One or both sides may be affected
Treatment will depend on the cause
Sinusitis is caused by some type of infection usually viral or bacterial the symptoms are swelling in the lining of the sinuses.
Other symptoms are a high temperature, a blocked runny nose and tenderness and pain in the face. Sinusitis is a very common condition it affects people of all ages.

The four pairs of sinuses open into the nose cavity where they help to control the water and temperature content of the air coming into your lungs.
The sinuses produce mucus it drains naturally through small channels in your nose, inflammation causes these channels to become blocked, the largest sinuses (maxillary) are affected the most.
There are two types of sinusitis, acute and chronic, acute sinusitis develops over a few days after a flu and normally clears up within three months.
Chronic sinusitis is a much longer lasting sinusitis, it can go on for more than three months and even longer.
Other symptoms of Sinusitis
People who suffer from sinusitis will more than likely have other symptoms like:
- A blocked nose
- Fever
- Smell will be affected
- Yellow or green mucus
- Painful when coughing especially bending over or leaning down
Sinusitis Treatment options
Depending on the level of pain experienced the sinusitis could be treated at home, best advice is to take painkillers, rest and drink lots of fluids.
When to see a doctor

Should the pain become progressively severe you need to see a doctor, you should look for medical advice if:
- Painkillers don’t work
- Symptoms don’t change after 7 days
- The pain is getting worse
Your doctor may need to prescribe antibiotics or decongestants, if the headache is caused by an allergy you may need a nasal spray with steroids or antihistamines.
If the sinusitis doesn’t go away after a period of three months, then you doctor may need to refer you to an ENT specialist.
In some cases, surgery may be required to make the sinuses wider, this procedure involves taking a tiny amount of tissue away from the sinuses or the consultant may use a balloon type device to make the sinus passage wider.
Home Remedy for Sinus infection
Fill a small container with boiling water, add eucalyptus oil or a one teaspoon of salt/baking powder.
Put a towel over your head, face down into the steam and breathe in and out, this may help to alleviate to open the nasal passages up and reduce the symptoms.
Try holding a warm facecloth over your face, bring it around the bridge of the nose, around the cheeks and up to your forehead.
Humidifiers for nasal congestion
Humidifiers may help with nasal congestion by providing moisture and humidity inside the nose, this is a function of the nose but where home heating systems dry out the nose causing aggravation to the sinuses and allergies.
The air from a good quality humidifer from ProHealth is in general terms good for sinus health.
Serrapeptase for Sinus Pressure and Headache
If you have been suffering from sinus pressure and headache each year and you want to hear how to relieve sinus pressure and headache on a more permanent basis then a natural enzyme known as Serrapeptase may be something for you to try.
Serrapeptase is a natural product it works extremely well to remove the mucus build-up in your sinuses and clear the nasal passage without any side effects.
Read how many people found much relief from Sinus Pressure Headaches naturally
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This post popped up for me in a timely fashion! I had a bad head injury where I broke my eye socket and a few bones in my nose, there is nothing more the doctors can do for me, but I struggle a lot with sinus headaches and migraines. I already avoid the foods you’ve mentioned, aside from nuts. The serrapeptase has piqued my interest, I’ve been reading a lot about it for different issues recently. I’m starting to think it might be useful for a number of conditions I have. Thanks for sharing!
The most fascinating part of this article is certainly the section that covers the foods that can lead to nasal congestion – I never knew that foods could have this sort of control over your nose functions!
I tend to eat a lot of dairy products, and I do suffer from migraines from time to time. Is there any form of dairy that is safe to eat (i.e safer than the more obvious versions like cheese and milk)?