Serrapeptase health benefits in just two weeks

Serrapeptase health benefits in just two weeks

Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks

This post informs you on Serrapeptase health benefits in just two weeks. Serrapeptase is a wonderful proteolytic enzyme, so good for many health conditions including reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling, the benefits of using a natural enzyme like Serrapeptase are many.

So what are Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks?

Serrapeptase history

Serrapeptase aka Serratia Peptidase is a protein-dissolving enzyme (proteolytic) meaning it can digest or dissolve protein, the production of Serrapeptase begins in the gut of the silkworm where it can eat or digest the cocoon that surrounds it.

When this discovery was made scientists could see the value of Serrapeptase as an anti-inflammatory and a natural alternative for swelling and pain relief.

It became possible to produce Serrapeptase in an enteric-coated capsule meaning it passes through the intestines straight into the stomach where it gets to work on inflammation.

For more than 30 plus years health practitioners have been using Serrapeptase to treat heart conditions and conditions caused by inflammation.

In the area of pain relief Serrapeptase works very much like prescription painkillers the difference is that it is natural with very few reported side effects, some people feel Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks.

serrapeptase studiesClinical studies

More than 40 clinical studies have been done on Serrapeptase the vast majority of them have indicated tremendous health benefits, one particular study involving 93 people reported that Serrapeptase helped reduce ear, nose, and throat inflammation.

During the same clinical trial, patients reported a reduction in pain symptoms following Serrapeptase dosage over eight days.

A scientific journal Pharmatherapeutica published a study showing that Serrapeptase helped reduce swelling in 173 Emphysema patients who had surgery, and no side effects were reported.

In a similar study in Germany people who had undergone ankle surgery found a 50% reduction in swelling and no pain at all after the tenth day, the results show that there are Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks.

A wide range of health benefits

Were you aware that inflamed and dead tissues are behind the causes of inflammation in the body?

Inflammation is responsible for a whole range of health conditions including arthritis, sinusitis, and heart disease.

Serrapeptase is a naturally effective proteolytic enzyme for inflammation reduction and it can dissolve dead tissue, at the same time, it won’t harm any living or good tissue. Because of its effectiveness, Serrapeptase can help with a range of issues including

  1. Bursitis
  2. Arthritis
  3. Chronic sinusitis
  4. Muscle pains
  5. Enlarged prostate
  6. Blocked fallopian tubes
  7. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  8. Lesions
  9. Cysts
  10. COPD

10 Ways Serrapeptase can help in two weeks

1. Pain relief

Any pain in your body will alert you that something isn’t right and sometimes the pain can be intense. Pain is usually associated with inflammation, which means your body is trying to heal itself, red skin, soreness, and pain are common symptoms and you need to do something about the pain.

inflammation Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks

Serrapeptase has been used for many years to reduce pain by dissolving the inflammation, once this happens your body will start to heal by itself.

2. Improved Eye & Ear Health

Inflammation can occur in our ears and eyes, Serrapeptase can help to clear the inflammation. For example, signs of inflammation associated with retinitis, pigments, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, dry eyes, floaters, and glaucoma, can be improved by taking Serrapeptase.

Once the inflammation has cleared up the body starts to heal itself. Chronic ear infections can be improved although results may vary depending on what other supplements are added to your regime.

3. Circulation and blood flow improvement

Serrapeptase may help in supporting circulation and healthy blood flow. For healing purposes Serrapeptase allows oxygenated cells to bring more nutrients more efficiently into our body’s cells.

Serrapeptase can help in decreasing heart conditions like atrial fibrillation, heart disease, atherosclerosis, angina, and blood clots along with a balanced lifestyle and exercise.

Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks
Health benefits sign

4. Save on hospital bills

By dissolving dead scar tissue and inflammation that causes swelling, pain bruising, and redness this miracle enzyme potentially could save you costly hospital bills.

When the symptoms of pain clear up, blood will flow more freely around the body and the healing process will begin, many have reported Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks.

5. May Improve Fertility

Polycystic ovaries or Blocked fallopian tubes are described as two of the very common health issues facing women who want to have a baby, as a result of this condition dead scar tissue and inflammation may build up in the area of the uterine. Serrapeptase can work to dissolve these naturally.

So by reducing inflammation, our bodies can work to their optimum, that’s one of the Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks.

6. Reduce cholesterol

Serrapeptase has been shown in my case to reduce cholesterol, read my story here.

7. More brain power

If the blood supply to the brain is reduced in any way this can cause important brain tissue to become inflamed or die. This, in turn, can affect our memory, as we age it is normal to forget things, Serrapeptase can reduce inflammation and plaque buildup in the blood vessels in our brains associated with Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease.

8. Digestive problem relief with Serrapeptase 

Many digestive issues are caused by inflammation, Serrapeptase by clearing inflammation support your healthy digestive system.

Serrapeptase can be included as part of an overall digestive plan to help with conditions like polycystic kidney disease, colitis, diabetes, diverticulitis, gallbladder stones, irritable bowel, and liver cysts many feel Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks.

9. Clearing Skin Problems

Skin conditions can benefit from using Serrapeptase in this way, by clearing the inflammation that causes common skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, leg ulcers, shingles, fungal toenails, and acne. Post-operative scars, swelling, and lesions can also be improved.

10. Helps with breathing

Serrapeptase can get rid of lung inflammation, thereby providing relief from conditions like chronic cough, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary embolism/tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Once we have the inflammation under control many of the common symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and bringing up mucus will go away as the body can, leading to nattokinase breathing again.


I hope that you have enjoyed my article on Serrapeptase benefits in two weeks, if you are looking for a natural enzyme that can help with so many conditions associated with inflammation then look no further than Serrapeptase.

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Where does Serrapeptase come from?
​Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme,it was discovered way back in the 1970's in the intestine of the silkworm,it is also known as Serratiopeptidase the enzyme was separated for the Serratia class of bacteria in the gut of the silkworm.

Serapeptase has been used for more than 30 years in a clinical setting throughout Europe and Asia,a German physicist Dr Hans Napier discovered that Serrapeptase worked very well for his patients that had varicose veins and heart problems.Serrapeptase is a superior anti-inflammatory, it has been used successfully as a viable alternative to pain killing prescription drugs (NSAIDs) inflammation is the root cause of so many common health conditions, by treating the inflammation you treat the problem.

But How Does Serrapeptase Work?
​When inflammation occurs  fluids are formed around the affected area,Serrapeptase is thought to thin the fluid allowing it to drain easily and speed up the tissue repair process.Bradykinin is a pain facilitator, it is thought that Serrapeptase restricts their release thus reducing pain.
Serrapeptase is an pathologically effective enzyme binding itself to the the alpha 2 plasma protein where it is hidden from our immune systems without it affecting it's enzymatic work,in this way it moves to where it is needed the most in the body.  What is so amazing about Serrapeptase is it's unmistakable ability to break down (digest) dead tissue without causing any harm to living tissue.
Serrapeptase for Ear, Nose and Throat infections

Serrapeptase for ear, nose and throat infections
​Currently researchers are working on the theory that Serrapeptase's anti-inflammatory properties may be able to assist in preventing infections building up in the ear,nose and throat,it may be particularly effective in dealing with Chronic sinusitis.
What is the best dosage to use for Serrapeptase?
The dosage will depend on what strength it is, what medication if any you are taking,what are the symptoms of your condition,how acute or chronic the condition is(for more help on this please use the contact page at the top for an answer),typically a dosage would be between 40,000 IU and 250,000 IU, the tablet is taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
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Where does Serrapeptase come from?
​Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme,it was discovered way back in the 1970's in the intestine of the silkworm,it is also known as Serratiopeptidase the enzyme was separated for the Serratia class of bacteria in the gut of the silkworm.

Serapeptase has been used for more than 30 years in a clinical setting throughout Europe and Asia,a German physicist Dr Hans Napier discovered that Serrapeptase worked very well for his patients that had varicose veins and heart problems.Serrapeptase is a superior anti-inflammatory, it has been used successfully as a viable alternative to pain killing prescription drugs (NSAIDs) inflammation is the root cause of so many common health conditions, by treating the inflammation you treat the problem.

But How Does Serrapeptase Work?
​When inflammation occurs  fluids are formed around the affected area,Serrapeptase is thought to thin the fluid allowing it to drain easily and speed up the tissue repair process.Bradykinin is a pain facilitator, it is thought that Serrapeptase restricts their release thus reducing pain.
Serrapeptase is an pathologically effective enzyme binding itself to the the alpha 2 plasma protein where it is hidden from our immune systems without it affecting it's enzymatic work,in this way it moves to where it is needed the most in the body.  What is so amazing about Serrapeptase is it's unmistakable ability to break down (digest) dead tissue without causing any harm to living tissue.
Serrapeptase for Ear, Nose and Throat infections

Serrapeptase for ear, nose and throat infections
​Currently researchers are working on the theory that Serrapeptase's anti-inflammatory properties may be able to assist in preventing infections building up in the ear,nose and throat,it may be particularly effective in dealing with Chronic sinusitis.
What is the best dosage to use for Serrapeptase?
The dosage will depend on what strength it is, what medication if any you are taking,what are the symptoms of your condition,how acute or chronic the condition is(for more help on this please use the contact page at the top for an answer),typically a dosage would be between 40,000 IU and 250,000 IU, the tablet is taken on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
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Even more health benefits serrapeptase youtube

Lower Cholesterol Serrapeptase April 6, 2019 11:29 am



  1. Because Serrapeptase digests protein it is advisable to take it on an empty stomach up to an hour before eating.

  2. Eli

    nice. my aunt is having a hard time with cholesterol, so this is amazing, infamation is so linked to all the problems of cholesterol, apparently inflamation is more of an indicator than cholesterol levels for all the things they scare you about with high cholesterol, and low cholesterol diest means you dont get enough cholesterol that you need, low fat food and all that they recomend does little. teh most i can get her to take right now is two apples a day. if she can manage it. any supplements shes very wary of taking, different generation. and weird food that isnt bread? she thinks im crazy. is there a food serepeptase can be eaten in?

  3. Thank you so much Holly,Serrapeptase has many benefits particularly in fighting pain caused by inflammation.

  4. Holly Firth

    Excellent site, very informative about inflammation, Serrapeptase uses and side effects

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