This post will tell you all that you need to know regarding Serrapeptase uterine fibroids, I will use scientific articles to make you aware of the enzymatic properties of Serrapeptase and show some success stories of women that have had success with Serrapeptase uterine fibroids.
First let’s take a look at fibroids, what are fibroids, what are the different types, what are the causes, what are the symptoms, how can Serrapeptase help you with uterine fibroids.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids are a muscular tumour, they grow in the uterus wall, medically known as leiomyoma (myoma) they are nearly 100% non-cancerous, fibroids may grow singly or in groups within the uterus.
Size wise they can be the size of an apple seed or in a few cases they can grow as big as a grapefruit or bigger.
One of the benefits of Serrapeptase for uterine fibroids together is the ability of this wonderful enzyme to dissolve those troublesome fibroids over a period of time.
What are the different types?
Generally, there are four types of uterine fibroids depending on the location in or on the uterus.

Subserosal fibroids
This type of fibroid forms on the exterior of the uterus known as the serosa, the subserosal fibroid can grow big enough making the womb look larger on one side.
Intramural fibroids
These fibroids are more common than the others, they grow inside the muscular wall of the uterus to the extent that the womb may stretch.
Pedunculated fibroids
A pedunculated fibroid is a stem that supports the subserosal tumour.
Submucosa fibroids
This type of tumour develops in the myometrium (middle muscle layer) of the uterus, not as common as the other three types.
Most uterine fibroids develop in the wall of the uterus, some grow on stalks that develop out from the uterus surface or they grow into the cavity of the uterus.
What causes uterine fibroids
We still don’t have an exact cause of uterine fibroids; studies suggest that a number of factors are at play in the growth of uterine fibroids;
• Growth hormones
• Major stress
• Micronutrients (vitamin d deficiency, a lack of iron)
• Genetics
• Progesterone and oestrogen
What are the symptoms?
Women may disagree but most fibroids don’t produce symptoms per sae, however some females with uterine fibroids may complain of these:
• Feeling full on the lower stomach
• Lower back pain
• Excessive bleeding during periods
• Enlargement of the lower abdomen
• Painful periods
• Pain during intercourse
• Frequently urinating
• During pregnancy/labour complications may arise where the need for caesarean section is greatly multiplied (6x)
• Infertility rare but it can happen
• Urinary and faecal incontinence

Women with fibroids
Women with fibroids are more than likely to develop issues during a pregnancy and birth, having said that the vast majority of women with uterine fibroids will have a normal pregnancy.
For those with uterine fibroids Issues during pregnancy include:
• Premature birth
• Placental detachment happens when the placenta detaches from the uterus before the baby is born leaving a shortage of oxygen
• Breached baby the baby is not well positioned for a normal delivery
• Caesarean section uterine fibroids increase the chances of a C-section by 6 times
Imaging test
Your doctor may order an imaging test to confirm the presence and size of the fibroids, an imaging test will be done to create an image of the uterus and the fibroids, the normal tests are:
• MRI uses radio waves and magnets
• X-ray uses a safe form of radiation
• Ultrasound using sound waves on the abdomen or vagina to produce a picture
• CT scan uses x-ray to take pictures
• HSG or hysterosalpingogram uses a dye inserted into the uterus to take a picture
• Sonohysterogram involves water injected into the uterus to get ultrasound picture

If the above tests cannot determine if uterine fibroids are present surgery may be needed, there are two types of surgery:
1.Hysteroscopy a small scope/camera with a light on the end of scope/camera is inserted into the vagina and cervix through to the uterus, the doctor can use the camera to check for fibroids or other issues like polyps. No need for any incision.
2. Laparoscopy there is a need for incision in or close to the navel in the case of a laparoscopy, a long narrow scope is then inserted the doctor can then see the uterus to check for fibroids, if necessary, a picture will be taken.
What are the treatments?
If you have some of the above symptoms you may need to see your doctor for a regular pelvic examination that checks your uterus, vagina and ovaries, its relatively easy for the doctor to feel for fibroids during the examination he or she should be able to tell how small or how large it/they are.
A comparison is done on what size the uterus should be at that stage of pregnancy to the actual size that it is following the examination.
Where the symptoms are severe a surgery called a myomectomy is performed, the fibroids are taken away from the walls of the uterus, in a lot of cases fibroids reappear after surgery or the surgery causes painful scar tissue.
In some of the cases where there are so many fibroids the uterus may need to be removed (hysterectomy) in fact uterine fibroids are the number one reason for a hysterectomy each year in the USA.

Where does Serrapeptase come into this?
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from silkworms, one of its properties is its ability to dissolve harmful proteins like uterine fibroids, scar tissue or mucus build-up, Serrapeptase for uterine fibroids can make an uncomfortable situation into one of better health and wellbeing.
Serrapeptase can reduce inflammation, slow down the scarring process or clear chronic sinusitis. Fibroids contain low levels of a form of protein (dermatopontin) along with keloids, keloids are an overgrowth of scar tissue.
Serrapeptase when taken orally is one of the best and most effective proteolytic enzymes to break down those uncomfortable uterine fibroids into amino acids, this action triggers the healing process in the body leading to healthy wellbeing once again.
These are some comments by women who have had success with Serrapeptase and fibroids and some women who are thinking about trying Serrapeptase for uterine fibroids.
A little about Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase is one of the best enzymes for breaking protein down that is dangerous and unwanted without harming any causing any harm to the good proteins.
Enzymes are biological catalysts and proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body enzymes are essential for life they perform so many important tasks like helping with digestion and metabolism.
Enzymes break down almost everything that goes into your mouth all the way down into your stomach into the pancreas for example fats, sugars and proteins are turned into smaller mini particles that are easily absorbed by our bodies.

Serrapeptase the enzyme works to keep inflammation at bay as well as helping with the healing process and protecting the body against harmful bacteria, that’s what makes Serrapeptase and fibroids a powerful combination.
Serrapeptase the supplement
Serrapeptase is now available as a supplement on capsule or tablet form, it is the leading enzyme proven to break up the thickest of proteins containing fibrin found in scar tissue.
Serrapeptase can be used to get rid of scar tissue, break down protein, manage pain, reduce inflammation and mucus build up, Serrapeptase can work to help people with copd by dissolving the scar tissue on the lungs.
Serrapeptase benefits
1. Healing
As stated Serrapeptase can help with uterine fibroids, it can also help with the healing process if one becomes injured by speeding up tissue repair.
2. Inflammation
I can vouch for how good Serrapeptase is at fighting inflammation, I had a very bad pain in my hip caused by bursitis a type of inflammation after taking Serrapeptase for a few months the pain disappeared altogether, studies have shown this to be the case in patients with chronic leg swelling.
3. Scar tissue
Scar tissue consists of fibrin, Serrapeptase dissolves fibrin not only is it a real benefit for scar tissue outside the body it works just as effectively on scar tissue inside the body for example Serrapeptase and fibroids and Serrapeptase a COPD.
4. Mucus build up
People that suffer from chronic sinus infections will know all about mucus build-up Serrapeptase may be of real benefit to break up the mucus and improve the nasal passageway.
5. Arterial health
Serrapeptase is well known throughout Europe many physicians recommend it to treat blood clots, arterial plaque and cysts, other applications include torn ligaments, sprains, swelling, deep vein thrombosis, ear nose throat infection and atherosclerosis.

Side effects and drug Interactions
Serrapeptase does indeed work for many conditions however you need to be aware of possible side effects and drug interactions, if you are taking medications and/or supplements then read on
1. Heart medications
If you are taking warfarin, clopidogrel or any other prescribed blood thinners don’t take Serrapeptase as well, it may cause your blood to get too thin so that it won’t clot.
2. Aspirin
Aspirin is a commonly prescribed blood thinner for the prevention of stroke, don’t mix it with Serrapeptase
3. Fish oil
Fish oil is a known anti-coagulant, it prevents blood from clotting, it is recommended not to take it with Serrapeptase
Side effects
I always point out to people that Serrapeptase may come with side effects for certain people, on the other hand many have used Serrapeptase down the years with no reported side effects (just like me) these are some side effects that I have read about:
• Stomach cramps
• Nausea
• Skin reaction
• Loss of appetite
• Cough
How much should you take
Serrapeptase manufacturers will offer a dosage guideline as well as different strengths, usually you will read Serrapeptase SPU, IU, Mgs, the important thing to look out for is (a) the dosage and (b) the enzymatic activity.
Typically, Serrapeptase is offered in capsule or tablet form in doses ranging from 40,000 IU -80,000 IU-120,000 IU the strongest Serrapeptase dosage is 250,000 IU.

Depending on how acute or chronic your condition is will determine how much and what dosage you should take here is a rule of thumb;
1. Acute conditions are ones that have suddenly appeared for example an inflamed shoulder or an injury use Serrapeptase in the 40,000- 120,000 IU range
2. Chronic conditions are conditions that you have had for quite some time, use the higher doses of Serrapeptase 180,000 IU- 250,000 IU.
Directions for use
Always take Serrapeptase on an empty stomach with a glass of water, refrain from eating food fir about one hour afterwards, check your progress it will take time, my advice is to buy up to three months’ supply it usually ends up that but cheaper, give it time to work follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed my post on Serrapeptase and fibroids, there is no doubt in my mind that Serrapeptase can help to remove uterine fibroids in a safe manner probably for most people without any bad side effects.
Pingback: Best serrapeptase supplement on the market
Hi David,
You are correct, Serrapeptase can help women with uterine fibroids.
Hi Edwin,
Thank your for your kind comments.
Hi Shanta,
I’m glad to hear that your mom is getting relief from uterine fibroids, thank you for your comments.
Hi Gomer,
To help you understand Serrapeptase is it safe to take, please go to this page for more information.
Thank you,
I found your article about serrapeptase and fibroids very engaging. I had heard the term fibroids but had no idea what it was. Your descriptions solved that problem.
You wove a story that explained very clearly what the different types of fibroids exist in the womb, the symptoms and how the serrapeptase made from silkwoims can help. The advice to work with ones doctor was very wise. I loved how you mentioned the negative interactions with several medications.
Overall I found your approach in recommending the use of serrapeptase was delivered in a combination of caring and informational at the same time. This is another helpful article in your arsenal of natural remedies for common human ailments.
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .My mom had problems with uterine fibroids .Currently my mother is a woman with success with Serrapeptase uterine fibroids .Serrapeptase has a safe way to help the uterine fibroids be safely removed without adverse side effects .And she is currently recovering by taking the necessary medication as per the doctor’s advice and I hope that by doing your article everyone will gain an understanding of the very important information. And I also enjoyed myself reading your article and gaining a lot of knowledge .Your article is really informative and useful and i think proper awareness may be needed to address this problem and keep it healthy.
Lastly, I would like to share your article on my social media to make everyone aware of this important and knowledge of appropriate treatment if you allow it.
Hello there,thanks for sharing this awesome article as I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of useful for me to know.
It’s for sure that uterine fibroids has become a very common illness and most of the women I knew had to go for surgery operations…..but I think with the use of SERRAPEPTASE this can be cuted as surgery complications has taken some lives.
I understand that this is a breakthrough in treating uterine fibroids but I am adamant with the safety of this newly discovered solution. I personally want to know if this is safe over prolonged use and if it is that safe, then I can recommend this to my customers here. Although I am not a physician, I am a pharmacist by profession and currently operating a community pharmacy here in the Philippines. If the safety is guarantee over prolonged use, then I’d be one of its strongest advocates. Can you guys guarantee it?