Supplements for internal scar tissue

Supplements for internal scar tissue

Could there be supplements for internal scar tissue that work,? Let’s take a look at what causes scar tissue both externally and internally, what are the symptoms, and whether is there a natural alternative to prescription drugs that people can avail of.

What exactly is scar tissue?

Inflammation is useful and a way for our bodies to respond to an injury or bacteria coming into our system, inflammation is an umbrella term for a group of immune system messengers that are located in the body’s cells.

When injuries happen cells die, they burst the insides and inflammation-type chemicals turn into excess fluid outside the cells.

The more intense the injury the more of those harmful chemicals get into the cell membranes attracting other messengers to the injured site, that is all fine until too many of them congregate causing pain and excess scarring and adhesion (fibrosis)

Scar tissue is bulky fibrous tissue produced to replace healthy tissue that has been harmed or damaged by injury, a cut, or surgery, there are external scar tissue and internal scar tissue.

For example, external scar tissue can be from a cut or injury while internal scar tissue can be from a disease or surgery. During the early stages of scar tissue, no pain will be felt because of the damage done to nerves in the affected area and healthy tissues.

Nerve damage

Over time as the damaged nerves begin to regenerate scar tissue can eventually be painful especially during a disease internally, the severity of pain will vary and will depend on the gravity of the original wound and where it is located in the body.

Scar tissue can cause severe pain in some cases, most people are diagnosed and prescribed medications from the pharmacy however these drugs don’t address the primary cause and which is inflammation.

By treating the cause of severe pain namely inflammation you are allowing the body to begin the healing process.

Supplements for scar tissue

Supplements for internal scar tissue are a natural alternative for people to use, supplements for scar tissue can be quite effective and safe to take so if you are experiencing pain related to scar tissue a supplement like Serrapeptase may be the answer for you.

Doctor's best SerrapeptaseSymptoms of scar tissue

As mentioned scar tissue may not hurt at all, if you can visibly see it on your skin you will notice that it has a thicker feel to it compared to the rest of your skin, however exterior scar tissue can hurt and causes symptoms like:

  • Swelling (inflammation)
  • Itchiness
  • Redness
  • Throbbing
  • Mobility issues
  • Sensitivity to touch

Internal scar tissue

Internal scar tissue caused by an underlying disease, internal wound, or surgery can’t be seen but pain and stiffness will be experienced in the affected area, this is especially so if the joints surrounding the affected area are affected.

An example is scar tissue forming after surgery in the case of knee or spine or face operations, or internally from a hysterectomy.

Scar tissue pain may be noticeable shortly after the scar forms however some may not feel pain for some years later, this may be the case where new nerves replace damaged nerves after the injury clears up.

Internal scar tissue can be caused by a deep wound or severe burn, sooner or later it affects supporting bones and joints causing deferred pain where the scar tissue is located.

In cases like this supplements for internal scar tissue are going to dissolve the hard scar tissue over time allowing the body to naturally heal itself, endometriosis is another example of internal scar tissue forming.

Scars cause internal damage, the pain that is felt comes about because the scar tissue is dead tissue taking the place of healthy tissue, this is the case in lung and liver disease, as the condition gets worse pain will ensue due to a lack of performing body parts and other symptoms related to the condition.

Lung scars

Scar tissue on the lungs develops over time and may be caused by pulmonary fibrosis, symptoms include a painful cough as well as shortness of breath, aching joints, and fatigue.

Fibrosis or when fibrous tissues form may not cause any pain at first but over time will accumulate and can cause conditions like jaundice, bruising of the skin, and fluid retention.

So are there supplements that can help with internal scars?

Luckily yes, there is one supplement in particular that I have seen working very efficiently to get rid of internal scars Serrapeptase, it is a natural proteolytic enzyme supplement that eats fibrin the main constituent of scar tissue.

Serrapeptase dissolves dead tissue and amazingly leaves good tissue unharmed.

If you are looking for supplements for internal scar tissue all you have to do is purchase Serrapeptase and take adequate amounts as recommended by Doctor’s Best Serrapeptase the systemic enzyme will get to work to rid your body of internal scar tissue in a short space of time.

Great product, that I have used for myself and others, with amazing success for the last 15 years!”

We know that inflammation is a good thing, our bodies create it to respond to an injury or disease, as part of the response an imbalance can occur, causing a chronic condition or a reduction in the body’s natural enzymes, and as a result scar tissue builds up, our bodies find it hard to cope so excess fibrin continues to grow.

Serrapeptase for scar tissue

Serrapeptase known also as Serratiopeptidase comes from the family of proteolytic enzyme supplements that have the amazing ability to break down protein into smaller amounts of amino acids and peptides.

Serrapeptase comes from the silkworm’s digestive system, it is used to break down the cocoon surrounding the silkworm and set him free. Serrapeptase is a very potent systemic enzyme designed in the laboratory to reduce excess fibrin in the form of scar tissue such as cysts, fibroid tumors, and blocked fallopian tubes.

“I took Serrapeptase for a month, hoping it will do justice to healing my scar tissue. My doctor saw a fibroid in my uterus cavity. He scheduled me to have it removed a month later. I went to my appointment today and had a sonogram, the doctor did not see any fibroids at all. He also told me my scar tissue is healed”

So many studies have demonstrated how systemic enzymes like Serrapeptase reduce scar tissue, discomfort, and pain, not only that but as a supplement for internal scar tissue Serrapeptase helps to speed up the healing process.

How much should you take?

Each person with internal scars will feel the benefit of taking Serrapeptase enzyme, in a small few cases, there may be minor side effects if so these are just normal symptoms associated with the removal of scar tissue (fibrin) it is best to start with the recommended dosage.

Recommended dosage

For painful internal scarring, the recommended Serrapeptase dosage is up to four Capsules per day until the pain starts to dissipate, then a maintenance dose of two Serrapeptase of the maximum strength 120,000 SerraEnzyme is recommended.

If results are taking longer than expected increase the dosage, it is safe to take up to 1,000,000 IU of this Serrapeptase enzyme per day, when the scar tissue has been dissolved go back to a maintenance dose and keep your body healthy.

Taking Serrapeptase in higher doses isn’t always beneficial however it will lead to faster results, over time you will want to take enough of the supplement to reduce both normal and excessive fibrin scar tissue, higher doses of Serrapeptase means a higher level of enzymatic activity meaning a faster reduction in scar tissue.

Recommended Serrapeptase products for internal scars

Serrapeptase by NOW Foods

Serrapeptase (serratiopeptidase) is a protein-digesting enzyme isolated from the friendly bacterium Serratia marcescens. Studies indicate that serrapeptase is absorbed intact from the digestive tract and that it acts systemically to support healthy immune system functions and promote the body’s normal healing processes. Some evidence suggests that serrapeptase may support respiratory health by helping to maintain normal mucus secretions

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Serrapeptase by Doctor’s Best

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic bacteria Serratia species found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. The enzyme is used by the worms to digest their cocoons. Serrapeptase has been used as a nutritional supplement in Europe and Asia for nearly three decades. Each vegetarian capsule of Best Serrapeptase contains enteric-coated pure serrapeptase designed for optimal absorption in the intestinal tract.

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Serrapeptase by Source Naturals

Serrapeptase is an enzyme that naturally eases minor pain and inflammation from overexertion or everyday activities by breaking down extraneous fibrin, mucus, and other compounds that congregate when the body’s natural repair functions are working. Serrapeptase promotes cardiovascular and arterial health, and it supports the body’s natural processes for both drainage and repair.

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Thank you for reading my article. I hope that it’s been helpful. Here’s to a healthier world!

Read more about me and my story here.

You can also read more about how to dissolve internal scar tissue naturally by clicking here.

Watch Video


In this short video I am going to talk about how to get rid of scar tissue in Fallopian tubes, your options.
This article covers how to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes, if your fallopian tubes are blocked it could be because of scar tissue that is preventing the Male sperm from fertilizing your eggs, if both tubes are blocked it’s almost impossible to get pregnant.
The scar tissue tends to cause inflammation in the body so you may have some pain, this problem may exacerbate or get worse if the inflammation grows.
If you are lucky and just one tube is blocked it may be possible to become pregnant because the egg can move to the sperm through the other ovary, unfortunately if both tubes are blocked you can’t get pregnant until one or both are unblocked.
What causes blocked fallopian tubes
There are several reasons why this condition happens, it could be caused by:
Fibroids or growths that block the tube
Endometriosis this causes a build-up of scar tissue
Inflammatory pelvic disease that causes scarring
Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea or chlamydia
Scars from abdominal surgery or ectopic pregnancy
What are your options
1. Laparoscopy
Perhaps you have already looked into medical treatments to unblock your tubes, for example a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy can diagnose a blockage and sometimes it is used to remove a blockage in the fallopian tubes.
Both procedures are can be quite expensive compared to a natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes and you have to have an aesthetic, basically the surgeon will cut the scar tissue out, the success rate in one trial where out of 154 women studied 43 were assessed and 18 became pregnant.(41%) during 12 months of the natural ovulatory cycle.
This type of treatment may not always work for every woman because a larger part of the fallopian tube may be blocked, and it may not be possible to have it surgically removed.
2. IVF
IVF or in vitro fertilization isn’t new but your doctor may recommend this assistive reproductive technology to help you get pregnant,  Depending on each situation IVF may use
Your eggs plus your partner sperm
Donors eggs and your partner sperm
Your eggs and the donor sperm
Donors eggs and donor’s sperm
Donated embryos
3. Use a natural enzyme to break down scar tissue
It is quite possible to get rid of scar tissue on fallopian tubes by using a natural enzyme containing Serrapeptase, many women aren’t aware that scar tissue is blocking the eggs from getting to the sperm, surgical treatment or IVF don’t always work and are quite expensive and unaffordable for many.
It is essential to reduce inflammation and get rid of the scar tissue that is causing the problem of not conceiving so how is this done.
Let me introduce you to Serrapeptase otherwise known as “the miracle enzyme” Serrapeptase is without question the most effective natural alternative enzyme therapy that you could take to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes.
Serrapeptase is known as a proteolytic enzyme meaning it can eat or dissolve scar tissue in a safe and effective way and dispose of it through your system, not only that but Serrapeptase reduces discomfort and swelling. Serrapeptase is in use throughout the world for so many health conditions because of it’s amazing ability to dissolve dead tissue reduce swelling and pain.
Serranol to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes
Serranol is a unique formula containing Serrapeptase, Ecklonia cave extract, Vitamin D3 and Curcumin, the formula is based on scientific studies showing the effectiveness of these ingredients in reducing inflammation, pain and scar tissue. The main ingredient of Serra plus is Serrapeptase 160,000 IU meaning units of enzymatic activity, Serranol provides support for accelerated healing, waste removal and scar reduction. 
I do not know about you feel about having surgery when there is a much more convenient, safe and effective supplement like Serranol to remove scar tissue in fallopian tubes.
Serranol testimonials
 I have included these Serranol testimonials and questions from women having success in becoming pregnant in order to give you some confidence in this product to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes. Serranol is relatively inexpensive so to find out more go to the website .
“Hi my sis, my wife had the same problem of her tubes being blocked, but cured it with Serranol and some Chinese herbal medicine called yi mu cao and xi xian cao, it very effective, it cured her within two months, wish all the best in God’s name. 
Serranol is real, it works wonders! Also add hot water bottle massage to aid its work…block tube in fact is no big deal with these and prayers, within two months, you’re done. All the best xoxo.
In this short video I am going to talk about how to get rid of scar tissue in Fallopian tubes, your options.
This article covers how to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes, if your fallopian tubes are blocked it could be because of scar tissue that is preventing the Male sperm from fertilizing your eggs, if both tubes are blocked it’s almost impossible to get pregnant.
The scar tissue tends to cause inflammation in the body so you may have some pain, this problem may exacerbate or get worse if the inflammation grows.
If you are lucky and just one tube is blocked it may be possible to become pregnant because the egg can move to the sperm through the other ovary, unfortunately if both tubes are blocked you can’t get pregnant until one or both are unblocked.
What causes blocked fallopian tubes
There are several reasons why this condition happens, it could be caused by:
Fibroids or growths that block the tube
Endometriosis this causes a build-up of scar tissue
Inflammatory pelvic disease that causes scarring
Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea or chlamydia
Scars from abdominal surgery or ectopic pregnancy
What are your options
1. Laparoscopy
Perhaps you have already looked into medical treatments to unblock your tubes, for example a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy can diagnose a blockage and sometimes it is used to remove a blockage in the fallopian tubes.
Both procedures are can be quite expensive compared to a natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes and you have to have an aesthetic, basically the surgeon will cut the scar tissue out, the success rate in one trial where out of 154 women studied 43 were assessed and 18 became pregnant.(41%) during 12 months of the natural ovulatory cycle.
This type of treatment may not always work for every woman because a larger part of the fallopian tube may be blocked, and it may not be possible to have it surgically removed.
2. IVF
IVF or in vitro fertilization isn’t new but your doctor may recommend this assistive reproductive technology to help you get pregnant, Depending on each situation IVF may use
Your eggs plus your partner sperm
Donors eggs and your partner sperm
Your eggs and the donor sperm
Donors eggs and donor’s sperm
Donated embryos
3. Use a natural enzyme to break down scar tissue
It is quite possible to get rid of scar tissue on fallopian tubes by using a natural enzyme containing Serrapeptase, many women aren’t aware that scar tissue is blocking the eggs from getting to the sperm, surgical treatment or IVF don’t always work and are quite expensive and unaffordable for many.
It is essential to reduce inflammation and get rid of the scar tissue that is causing the problem of not conceiving so how is this done.
Let me introduce you to Serrapeptase otherwise known as “the miracle enzyme” Serrapeptase is without question the most effective natural alternative enzyme therapy that you could take to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes.
Serrapeptase is known as a proteolytic enzyme meaning it can eat or dissolve scar tissue in a safe and effective way and dispose of it through your system, not only that but Serrapeptase reduces discomfort and swelling. Serrapeptase is in use throughout the world for so many health conditions because of it’s amazing ability to dissolve dead tissue reduce swelling and pain.
Serranol to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes
Serranol is a unique formula containing Serrapeptase, Ecklonia cave extract, Vitamin D3 and Curcumin, the formula is based on scientific studies showing the effectiveness of these ingredients in reducing inflammation, pain and scar tissue. The main ingredient of Serra plus is Serrapeptase 160,000 IU meaning units of enzymatic activity, Serranol provides support for accelerated healing, waste removal and scar reduction.
I do not know about you feel about having surgery when there is a much more convenient, safe and effective supplement like Serranol to remove scar tissue in fallopian tubes.
Serranol testimonials
I have included these Serranol testimonials and questions from women having success in becoming pregnant in order to give you some confidence in this product to get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes. Serranol is relatively inexpensive so to find out more go to the website .
“Hi my sis, my wife had the same problem of her tubes being blocked, but cured it with Serranol and some Chinese herbal medicine called yi mu cao and xi xian cao, it very effective, it cured her within two months, wish all the best in God’s name.
Serranol is real, it works wonders! Also add hot water bottle massage to aid its work…block tube in fact is no big deal with these and prayers, within two months, you’re done. All the best xoxo.

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YouTube Video RAYYyc2MtwM

Get rid of scar tissue in fallopian tubes

Lower Cholesterol Serrapeptase May 28, 2020 12:13 pm


  1. Hi,
    Thank you for your question, I don’t see any issues using Serrapeptase for internal scar tissue created by stenting or surgery,I believe that Serrapeptase is helpful in getting rid of any harmful tissue without harming good tissue.
    I have three stents and take Serrapeptase without any issues, hope this helps.
    All the best

  2. Susan W

    What are your thoughts on Serrrapeptase for internal scar tissue in the heart left from stents and surgeries? I take the product for that.

  3. fintan duggan

    Hi Phillip,

    Thank you for visiting.


  4. phillip

    Thank you for sharing this post here. To be very honest, this is really a great post and I really appreciate you for what you have shared. On a more serious note, being able to get the right supplement to counter internal scar tissues can really be good and I really find what you have shared great. Thank you so much for sharing it out here. I will try my best to ensure that I always make the best use of this here.

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