What are serrapeptase health benefits: mircycle enzyme

What are serrapeptase health benefits?

We hear a lot about Serrapeptase but what are Serrapeptase benefits? Let’s take a closer look at this enzyme what is Serrapeptase good for, what are the health benefits, what are the side effects, is Serrapeptase safe to take and where can you buy the so-called “Miracle enzyme?”.

One of the outstanding properties of Serrapeptase is that being a proteolytic enzyme means that its ability to break down protein is unsurpassed, not only does it break protein down it turns it into healthy amino acid’s that our bodies need.DR. HANS ALFRED NIEPER

Doctor Hans Nieper

Back in the mid-eighties a German physicist Doctor Hans Nieper quickly realized what is Serrapeptase benefits and started using this enzyme therapy on his patients, initially for varicose veins then the good doctor realized that Serrapeptase could help with arteries being blocked.

At the time people thought that he was a bit offside in using Serrapeptase but as far as Doctor Nieper was concerned his patient’s welfare came first he found Serrapeptase to be effective for blocked arteries and veins.

He was a type of pioneer during his time his success with Serrapeptase encouraged others to recommend Serrapeptase since then it has been in use throughout Europe, Asia, the USA, and many other countries for more than 35 years.

If you are searching for information on what is Serrapeptase benefits it should give you confidence that Serrapeptase has been used successfully by millions of people over the past 35 years to help with many health conditions such as:

  • Varicose veins
  • Poor circulation
  • Arterial health
  • Inflammation
  • Copd
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Scar tissue
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Polycystic ovary disease
  • Swelling
  • Pain



Inflammation has been proven in so many studies to be the core reason for many health conditions, accelerated aging, and diseases, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of Serrapeptase can help the body in a myriad of ways.

Serrapeptase or Serratiopeptidase is a scientifically proven exciting natural enzyme that gives people an alternative to prescription drugs that sometimes come with nasty side effects.

Inflammation is the body’s rapid response to the damage done to tissue through an injury trauma, allergy, or infection our bodies have an inbuilt mechanism that is triggered the minute it suspects any heat or pain caused by an increase in blood flow to the damaged part.

To defend against the attack inflammation chemicals like bradykinin, histamine, anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, and cytokines are released into the bloodstream to protect the damaged area. The process involves causing the blood vessels to leak fluid through the tissues, the leakage creates swelling isolating the foreign invaders and the damaged area from any further contact with healthy tissue.

In a nutshell inflammation in the body is a good thing because it’s our defense and our response to any damage caused, it’s necessary to control and heal infections and wounds, but where does Serrapeptase come into all of this, and what are Serrapeptase benefits?

Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation can be attributed to a malfunction in the cells, this could be a result of damage by free radicals, acidic toxins, high blood sugar levels, or oxidative stress. Our bodies can only take so much damage when it gets too much there is a free radical chain reaction causing oxidative stress damage to cellular protein, genes, and membranes, and the result is systemic or chronic inflammation.

Contributory factors to chronic inflammation are stress, obesity, a lack of exercise, low sex hormones, food intolerance, smoking, alcohol consumption, toxins, and electronic pollution. The medical profession prefers to use prescription over-the-counter medications that unfortunately don’t always work or have some negative side effects.
Prescription medication

Prescription medication

The most commonly prescribed NSAIDs are ibuprofen and aspirin, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for conditions caused by long-term inflammation such as arthritis because they work to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the making of pro and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

These drugs do offer relief from swelling and pain in the short term however they don’t resolve the main cause which is inflammation nor do they help with healing. NSAIDs are used for many common health conditions such as cartilage damage, bleeding ulcers, and  diarrhea it is possible to get prolonged relief with these types of drugs however studies have shown some serious side effects such as:

  • Blood dyscrasias
  • Kidney damage
  • Sleep disruption
  • Nausea
  • Muscle pain
  • Tiredness
  • Vitamin c depletion
  • Many valuable acid’s depletion

Because of the many reported side effects of NSAIDs people are beginning to question the safety aspect of taking them over the long term however if long-term inflammation is left untreated it can be detrimental to your health. The good news is that there is a more natural way to control inflammation and heal the body this is an opportune time for you to look at what is Serrapeptase benefits.

Enzymes in the body

We know how important a healthy functioning digestive system is, most of the enzymes that are found in the body are the ones that regulate how proteins function at the cellular level, everything from liver function to immune system function these enzymes are called proteases or proteolytic enzymes.

Did you know that more than 3,000 enzymes inhabit our bodies and most are proteolytic or ones that digest protein so when inflammation occurs these proteolytic enzymes are produced around the injured area to reduce harmful chemicals associated with inflammation, get rid of dead cells, and start new tissue growth?

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme it acts in the same way as the proteases by breaking down fibrin or protein that is responsible for inflammation, fibrin is dead tissue that over time builds up in the body and makes wound healing difficult in conditions like:

  • Scar tissue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fibrous breast disease
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Blood clots

All of these conditions can be very painful because of pressure on tissues, the good news is that enzymes like Serrapeptase can reduce inflammation and help to regenerate the tissues by starting the healing process, in a nutshell, this is what Serrapeptase benefits.

What is Serrapeptase benefits

A little bit about how Serrapeptase works

Serrapeptase or SerraEnzyme is quite a unique protein-dissolving enzyme no wonder it is gaining in popularity as a naturally potent, safe anti-inflammatory supplement. It is produced in the lab by the bacteria Serratia-15 that was originally found in silkworms’ intestines as it digested its silk cocoon. The Serrapeptase enzyme is produced through a simple fermentation process it has the latest delayed-release technology that protects the capsule from stomach acid allowing it to absorb easily into the bloodstream.

Studies in Serrapeptase have clearly shown that through its enzymatic activity it breaks down fibrin (fibrin is involved in blood clots and scars) and digests unwanted tissue, scar tissue, arterial plaque, and cysts. Serrapeptase blocks the cause of swelling and pain, reduces fluid retention, and gets to the core cause of so many diseases and that is inflammation.

Unlike many prescription NSAID medications, Serrapeptase is free from any major side effects and it is deemed safe for long-term use.


Serrapeptase has been studied extensively recently a report came out about the effects of inflammation on cardiovascular disease patients with elevated levels of c-reactive protein (inflammation) were found to be at a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke notwithstanding other contributory factors such as smoking, high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

Doctor Nieper used Serrapeptase extensively in his practice for the treatment of arterial blockages in patients with coronary disease. There have been some concerns surrounding the use of Serrapeptase and statins if you have a concern please speak with your doctor, from my own experience of taking Serrapeptase with statins and other heart medications I can honestly say there are no contraindications or side effects.

Could you benefit from Serrapeptase?

Hopefully, by now you are more aware of what is Serrapeptase benefits and perhaps you can see the potential or how it could benefit your health. Studies on its effect on heart disease are limited however I can tell you from my own experience and the experience of others that Serrapeptase is an excellent anti-inflammatory natural alternative to NSAIDs.

It could prove to be helpful in the areas of scar tissue, chronic sinusitis, torn ligaments, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, mucus build-up, carpal tunnel, blocked fallopian tubes, COPD, arterial plaque, and cystitis.

Serrapeptase can be taken in conjunction with other medications or supplements there are no contraindications take it on an empty stomach, usually first thing in the morning then two hours before lunch, and just before bedtime. You could find that Serrapeptase benefits your health in a way that didn’t seem possible, so why not give it a try?

Serrapeptase benefits recommended product

Serrapeptase uses

1. Reduces inflammation naturally as has been shown in numerous studies by making the amines that cause the pain break down and reduce thereby reducing pain.

2. Swelling is a sign of inflammation Serrapeptase reduces swelling by a reduction of fluids in the tissues, it also helps to drain the fluids away improving circulation

3. Wound healing being a proteolytic enzyme Serrapeptase reduces dead tissue allowing new tissue to form and speed up the healing process.

4. Blood clots are serious, Serrapeptase breaks down fibrin a major component of a blood clot

5. Pain reduction pain caused by the release of bradykinin can be relieved by taking Serrapeptase

6. Stroke and heart attack plaque formation in the arteries is a major cause of heart attacks and strokes, plaque consists of fatty substances, LDL bad cholesterol, calcium, and other waste products in the blood, research has shown its ability to break down plaque, meaning a reduction in the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

7. If you are on antibiotics because of an infection Serrapeptase can benefit your health by supporting the effect of the antibiotics in penetrating the tissues in the body, Serrapeptase can increase blood circulation by removing dead tissue.

8. Scar tissue removal is a real health benefit of Serrapeptase it removes both external and internal scars safely and effectively.

No serious side effects

Serrapeptase has so many health benefits it is a positive enzyme therapy that you can take and the good news is any reported side effects are relatively small compared to what it can do for your health, however, I must point out that it should not be taken if breastfeeding or during pregnancy, because we don’t have enough published studies to back up its safety.

How to take Serrapeptase

How should you take Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase is sold in tablet or capsule form doses ranging life, from 40,00 IU to 250,000 IU to get the most out of this enzyme you should take it this way:

  • Take on an empty stomach with other medications or supplements
  • Drink water with it
  • Allow 1 hour for it to fully absorb before you eat
  • Effective dose is 10-60 mg or 80,00 IU to 250,000 IU


I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading my post on what is Serrapeptase benefits, it’s no coincidence that it has become a very popular natural way to deal with chronic inflammation symptoms, Serrapeptase is safe to take even with medications however like all new therapies it will take time to work.







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