Persistent (IBS) is hard to cope with, there are treatments that can help with irritable bowel syndrome but what is the best treatment for IBS?
Treatments range from over the counter medications, prescription medicines, lifestyle changes, dietary changes or you could look at IBSolution the all natural IBS treatment because from what I have read a growing number of people with IBS symptoms are getting effective relief with this natural alternative.
Symptoms of IBS
If you have irritable bowel syndrome then you probably have similar symptoms to these, discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps, I understand that you may feel a little embarrassed and frustrated with the condition. The when you understand a little bit more about IBS you will find that it is better to try to manage the symptoms so that you feel more in control and you feel better.
What is IBS?
Basically IBS is a disorder of the colon muscle causing it to contract more often than would be normal, IBS can be triggered by certain types of food, medications or emotional stress to name a few, IBS affects more than 20% of the population in the USA. It can be difficult to diagnose because the underlying cause may not be known, a doctor will make a diagnosis based on the symptoms the patient is having.

Unfortunately there is no cure for IBS it can become chronic meaning that it could go on for many months even years and may require long treatment and observation, doctors are still in the dark as to the fundamental cause of the condition, new studies are ongoing hopefully getting closer to understanding what triggers it in the digestive system.
Roughly two out of three IBS sufferers are women under the age of forty-five, it is thought that other issues like anxiety, stress or depression may be linked to irritable bowel syndrome, the condition is associated with a person’s diet, it can be triggered by coffee, carbohydrates, high or low fiber foods and other occurrences.
IBS diagnosis
Should you be suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned you will need to get an appointment with your doctor to discuss the next steps and to find out what is the best treatment for IBS. Following the initial consultation with your doctor you may be referred to a gastroenterologist for further tests, before that your doctor may want to rule out other diseases like celiac disease, crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis, the signs and symptoms may be similar to anaemia, vomiting, weight loss so your doctor will want to rule those conditions out as well.
In order for your doctor to give a comprehensive diagnosis you may be asked a number of questions that include:
- How often do you have symptoms and for how long?
- Have you found that the symptoms get worse after certain foods are eaten?
- Are you depressed or stressed?
- Have you observed mucus in your stool?
- Have you experienced discomfort, pain or a change in regularity or thickness of the bowel movements.?
- What changes have you noticed in your bowel movement.?
If your doctor considers that you are troubled by IBS, you may be asked further questions to diagnose which specific kind of IBS you have, there are two types constipation predominant and diarrhea predominant IBS, it is possible that you could have a mixture of both.
Before reaching a conclusion and a decision on what is the best treatment for IBS, your doctor may want to do some added tests to rule out any chance of an underlying infection, lactose intolerance, malabsorption, overgrowth of bacteria etc. Part of these tests may involve a CT scan, colonoscopy, a flexible sigmoidoscopy of the small intestine, stomach or large intestine, stool examination, endoscopy or xray.
Best treatment options for IBS
There are many clinical trials and tests in progress but as of now no known treatments that get rid of ibs, for now the best treatment options recommended are to tackle the symptoms when there is a flare up by taking prescription medication, over the counter medications, change your lifestyle, change your diet, physiological therapies, hypnotherapy.

Symptoms will vary from person to person so its important that you get what is the right treatment for you, as mentioned previously one treatment for IBS to consider is the use of the all natural IBS solution Ibsolution, the formula concentrates on clearing out your digestive system by all accounts a lot of people have had success with this product.
What’s the best treatment for IBS for you will depend on your symptoms and how best to treat them, these may include a mix of prescription and over the counter laxatives to control your bowel movements as well as antispasmodic medications to reduce gas in your intestines that creates discomfort, bloating or pain.
Types of IBS medications
There are two types of IBS medications over the counter and prescription, a pharmacy can give you antidiarrheals such as Pepto bismol or Kaopectate or medications to relieve gas like Gax x, Mylicone, depending on your symptoms you may need a laxative like Miralax or Dulcolax.
If these measures don’t work or the symptoms persist your healthcare professional may want to prescribe stronger medications.
These types of medications like Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate are formulated to help with managing diarrhea by steadying the way that your intestines transport fluids during digestion, these medications coat your stomach that helps to hinder bacteria and virus growth in your gut that causes diarrhea, however known side effects include blackening of stools or tongue, constipation, ringing in the ears or constipation.
Over the counter gas relief product’s
Gas relief products are sold over the counter they are formulated to help by slowing down digestion processes and giving your body more time for fluid absorption and to fully form stools. Products like Imodium can be effective in reducing diarrhea and managing pain caused by bloating or gas, reported side effects are dizziness, nausea, or constipation.

Over the counter laxatives
Laxatives like Miralax or Dulcolax are designed to soften the stool by either adding fluids or siding the stomach to absorb more liquid, that work by lubrication of the intestines that helps the easing of bowel movement or the laxative can stimulate the bowel to have contractions that help stools to pass.
Over the counter laxatives are in the main formulated for short term used to help with constipation caused by IBS, they are to be taken in a low dose following a consultation with the doctor or pharmacist, side effects can range from nausea, diarrhea, bloating or gas. You can tell by the long list of treatments for IBS that no one treatment works for everybody, you may have to try a variety of treatments before you find what is the best treatment for IBS that works for you.
Prescription antibiotics
Prescription antibiotics such as Xifaxan are used when there is bacterial overgrowth inside your gut has caused IBS they help to regulate the growth and bring the dietary tract back into balance, side effects such as bloating, nausea, vomiting or constipation are common.
Prescription anti diarrhea medications
This form of drug such as Lotronex, Loperamaide, or Viberzi are intended to reduce muscle contractions and fluid emissions within the intestines, they may also help to relax the colon and slow down the stool movement through the bowels and build up rectal muscle tone, reported side effects involve nausea, abdominal pain or constipation.
Prescription laxatives
Prescription laxatives are designed to build up the secretion of fluid inside the small intestine that assist the bowel to move.
Prescription anticholinergic medications
Prescription anticholinergic medicine like Bentyl are formulated to relieve spasms in the bowel caused by over activity in the bowel area during diarrhea.
Prescription anti depressants
Depression or stress are associated with irritable bowel syndrome and its symptoms such as diarrhea and pain so prescription anti depressants may be used to help manage the situation, the two most common options are;
- Tricyclic anti depressants: this type of medication has shown to curb the neuron over activity this affects your intestines they also assist in managing depression, diarrhea or pain, if you have diarrhea and pain and no depression the doctor could prescribe a tricyclic anti depressant like Norpramin, Imipramine, in a lower dose, however there could be side effects like dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness or blurred vision.
- SSIRs or selective reuptake inhibitors are s form of anti depressants that help to regulate depression and help with pain symptoms or constipation, common SSIRs are Prozac or Paxil, both come with a suicidal warning.
Prescription pain killers
In some cases the doctor may be kn favor of a prescription pain killer that is formulated to target bloating or pain caused by IBS, popular medications are Neurontin or Lyrica, side effects may include dizziness, constipation or nausea.
I have included this natural IBS treatment because their formula is based on incorporating more fiber into your diet, the reasoning is that more of the right type of fiber helps to clear out your digestive tract or slow things down.
Obviously you can get more fiber from foods like fruit and vegetables, beans and nuts, almonds and whole grains, if you don’t already use these types of foods in your diet this may be a good time to start. This natural product is one of a kind, the formula contains 11 all natural ingredients such as acai, slippery elm, aloe, insulin, lycopene, chlorella, Hudson leaf, walnut hulls, papaya, ginger, psyllium.
IBSolution comes in capsule form and is non GMO manufactured in an FDA registered facility, Ibsolution is a certified product by the Natural product’s association and has the Good manufacturing practice stamp of approval. In clinical studies and trials the natural ingredients in this product are proven to bring relief for people with IBS, in fact it seems that four out of every five people that try IBSolution feel relief.
Common side effects of IBS medications
Anti depressants can cause a number of side effects ranging from vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, sleep issues, pain, cramps, and sexual side effects, in rare cases mood changes have been reported as is the case with irregular heartbeat, anxiety, unexplained changes in blood pressure, should you experience these changes notify our doctor.
Anti diarrhea medicines as well as antispasmodic drugs may can bloating or belly pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, severe dizziness or fainting, there may be side effects at the beginning but should wear off after a bit as you continue the dose.
The Best natural remedies for IBS
It is recommended that you make some changes to your lifestyle and diet to help you cope with symptoms of IBS, also to reduce or put off any new occurrences, IBS symptoms can vary widely from person to person so its vital that you try to find what is the best treatment for IBS that suits you. The most popular approaches are lifestyle changes and home remedies to help in calming the symptoms of IBS and they are:
Stress reduction
A lot of people say that stress is the root cause of so many illnesses, I agree that if you are stressed and have IBS the two may be connected, scientific studies have proven a link between stress and IBS, ways to reduce stress include low impact exercise, massage, yoga, meditation and mindfulness, these methods are great ways to help keep you balanced in mind and body.
Diet changes
As I mentioned earlier by changing your diet to a diet that contains lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts, lean meat, and omega 3 fish like mackerel and salmon can all help with your digestive system and keep it functioning properly. Stay away from sugar, always check the product label for sugar content, sugar could be a trigger for IBS symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating.
Alternative IBS therapies
You could look at alternative IBS therapies that may be your best treatment for IBS therapies such as;
- Acupuncture: It may not be for everyone but some people with IBS have said that acupuncture helped them find relief.
- Peppermint oil: Based on research that peppermint oil has shown positive results for people that incorporate it into a healthy diet, peppermint oil is capsule or supplement form, it may be OK to try for short term relief.
- CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is a relatively new treatment for IBS sufferers but it Is gaining in popularity, basically CBT is a way to rewire your brain so that it processes new information in a different way. CBT has been found to assist in stress reduction or depression.
- Try a probiotic for IBS, probiotics are good at soothing the digestive system allowing it to heal itself, from what I gather IBSOLUTION is the most popular of IBS probiotics on the market, there are a number of people using IBSOLUTION that testify to its effectiveness in calming symptoms associated with IBS.
IBS frequently asked questions
The bad news is irritable bowel syndrome is chronic disease and there is no cure that we know of, the positive news is that the condition can be managed by lowering stress, dietary changes and by taking a quality probiotic, laxatives and anti diarrhea medications for constipation and diarrhea can help to alleviate symptoms and get you feeling well again.
How long before it goes away?
The bad news is that it’s a chronic condition, meaning the treatment will be long term, it can take many months or years to find the best treatment for IBS that is suitable for you. During a flare up the symptoms of IBS can last for at least two to five days before any improvement.
What are the best foods to eat?
Scientists seem to differ whether food and IBS are connected, some have speculated that IBS is caused by a loss of nutrition due to chronic diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome is thought to be linked to other diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, it can be mistaken for other more serious conditions like crohns disease, if you are fatigued all the time consult your doctor. These are the recommended foods to eat minimize the symptoms of ibs:
- Less spicy foods
- Dairy product’s unless you are lactose intolerant
- Foods rich in fiber like beans, lentils, quinoa, peas, and nuts
- Fruits like apples and pears with skin taken off
- Lean meat cooked in an oven, grilled or steamed
- Vegetables cooked like carrots, parsnips, beets, artichokes, avoid eating broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage.
- Low fat foods
- High fiber snacks like yogurt, rice cakes, pretzels etc
I sincerely hope that you have all the information on what is the best treatment for obs, IBS is a very common affecting mostly women, symptoms can vary in individuals most common are diarrhea, stomach cramps, extreme tiredness, anxiety, constipation. There are a number of remedies to relieve the symptoms that your doctor will help you to explore, over the counter medications, prescription medications, natural remedies, probiotics, stress relief, lifestyle changes and changes to your diet seem to be the solution for relieving symptoms.
The question is which treatment for IBS will work for you or will it be a combination of treatments, I wish you well on your journey.
To your health
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