What’s the best way to lower cholesterol?
Many people ask what’s the best way to lower cholesterol, high cholesterol can be dangerous, especially in reading symptoms of heart disease.
I wish that I could tell you that lowering LDL cholesterol was as simple as popping a pill into your mouth and in no time at all your LDL cholesterol would lower itself to a normal level which is 100 mg/dl if you don’t have any health issues.
Natural remedies do work to lower cholesterol however there is a lot that you can do yourself to lower cholesterol, for example, change the foods that you eat.
Swap less healthy food for something that will be of greater benefit to your health, and incorporate exercise into your life as much as possible.
Normal cholesterol range
A blood lipid profile will determine your HDL, LDL and your triglyceride levels, these three measurements are added together to get your total cholesterol.
Cholesterol levels chart
As I stated earlier unless you have a health issue your LDL level should be less than 100 mg/dl however if you have a history of heart disease this level would be more concerning, so you need to know what’s the best way to lower cholesterol.
If your reading is between 130-159 mg/dl that is considered borderline HIGH. A reading of 160-189 mg/dl is a HIGH reading, above 190 MG/DL is very high.
As you can see from the chart people with established heart disease or diabetes shouldn’t have total cholesterol of more than 180 mg/dl or a total LDL cholesterol of no more than 100 mg/dl.
How is it produced?
Cholesterol is produced by your liver for the normal functioning of cells, hormones, and nerves, so we need it but too much of it in the bloodstream means that it has to go somewhere.
What happens? , it sticks to the arterial wall, and over time it hardens and forms what is called plaque build-up plaque is made up of LDL, calcium, and other body fats.
Over time this fatty build-up will make the arteries harden and your heart will have difficulty pumping enough oxygen-rich blood to meet your body’s needs.
The danger is that some of this plaque may rupture and break off, and it can go to your heart, in which case you may suffer a heart attack, or it can go to your brain and cause a stroke.
By learning what’s the best way to lower cholesterol you may be able to reduce the dangers associated with high LDL and prevent a heart attack or stroke.

What causes high cholesterol?
Several factors cause high cholesterol, it runs in families, other factors include
- A diet that includes saturated fats and trans fats so eating food like biscuits and chocolate bars can raise lipoprotein levels.
- Other foods like red meat or full-fat dairy products can elevate your LDLs.
- Overweight or obese: You need to be under 30 BMI body mass index to reduce your risk of high cholesterol
- A lack of exercise: Regular exercise does help with the HDL or “good” cholesterol on the other hand eating too much and not exercising increases the LDL
- Diabetes: Somebody with diabetes will have higher blood sugar readings that increase LDL levels, it can also damage the lining of the arteries.
- Cigarette smoking: Causes damage to the lining of the blood vessels making it more likely that fat will accumulate, some studies have shown that smoking is linked to lowering the “good” HDL.
Good cholesterol v bad cholesterol
It is thought that HDL “good” cholesterol keeps LDL “bad” cholesterol under control, we know that LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is responsible for plaque build-up on the artery walls leading to a greater risk of a heart attack or stroke.
What’s the best way to lower cholesterol to keep or reduce our levels of LDL and keep our hearts in the best shape possible?
Simple steps to lower your cholesterol naturally
1. Nuts have long been associated with lowering LDL and triglycerides eat almonds and walnuts for healthier LDL levels
2. Seeds are another great way to reduce LDL levels try flax seeds
3. Fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon can help to reduce LDL levels
4. Hope you use garlic, it’s beneficial even for total cholesterol levels.
5. Okra plant, it’s high in antioxidants and fiber.
6. Turmeric with curcumin has powerful cholesterol-lowering properties and anti-inflammatory properties
7. Sweet potatoes, contains many health benefits shown to reduce bad LDL levels
8. Legumes and beans such as peas, lentils, and beans, studies have shown links to lower cholesterol
9. Avocados are high in healthy fats, potassium, and fiber
10. Persimmon A nutritious citrus fruit study has shown it to be effective at lowering cholesterol.
11. Green tea is a very healthy way to reduce your LDL as shown in studies.
12. Red yeast rice fermented white rice takes 1,200 mg daily proven to reduce cholesterol
13. Whole grains (gluten-free) try buckwheat, brown rice, or quinoa.
14. Co-Enzyme Q10 as we age our bodies can become depleted of this important enzyme that lowers LDL and breaks down plaque build-up
15. Fish oil: take 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids very beneficial at lowering LDL and elevating HDL.
16. Olive oil: replace fatty oils with olive oil
17. Food that has plant sterols for example margarine made from plant sterols and orange juice can be effective in reducing LDL.
18. Whey protein, dairy products are made from whey protein, and studies have shown that whey protein in supplement form may help to lower total cholesterol, LDL, and high blood pressure.
19. Exercise- I can’t stress how important exercise is to what’s the best way to lower cholesterol, it does take effort to lower the LDL or lipoprotein.
Lowering LDL not only is important but necessary, if you don’t exercise regularly it’s time to start.
You will feel the benefit of it both mentally and physically, try to join a walking club or ask a friend to join you.
20. Niacin in supplement form is known as B3, it has been shown to decrease triglyceride and LDL levels while increasing HDL levels.
21. Essential oils are an alternative method to reduce LDL and are more available in
- Lemongrass
- Clove
- Lavender
- Rosemary Cypress
- Cinnamon
- Myrrh
- Basil
- Oregano
- Bergamot
- Ginger
Foods to avoid LIST
So now you have a list of what’s the best way to lower cholesterol, the healthy options to reduce your LDL combined with exercise should help you to get the results you desire, ok so now to the stuff that you need to avoid
I’m a big believer in everything in moderation, we are only human after all so if we stray a bit that’s ok if we start back at the new plan to reduce bad LDL.
1. Cut out sugar and processed foods
2. Reduce or cut alcohol out altogether, it raises cholesterol levels
3. Limit your caffeine intake to two cups per day it raises cholesterol levels in some people
4. Cut soda drinks out
5. Red meat but only one a week is recommended
6. Don’t eat snacks, bars, or biscuits (cookies) (once-a-week treat only)
Food planning
This new regime you’ve learned to lower cholesterol won’t be easy but with a little planning around food and exercise, it is possible to get your numbers down.
Some of the foods recommended will work for some people but may not work for others.
By using a new diet of healthy options along with regular exercise and good quality sleep you can get your LDL down and reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Cholesterol-lowering supplements for example Dr. Sam Robbins Cholestrol Optimizer can also help or reading symptoms essential oils could be an option for you in tandem with some of the food recommendations.
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Hi Barbara,
I hate drugs and what they do to our bodies,they control one thing and set something else off,I’m glad that you got some helpful information in my article.
All the best,
Hi Tsquare,
You are so right about taking care with what we eat and drink your Dad is a good example.
Hi JJ,
Doctors don’t seem to have the answers all the time,the red yeast rice and oats will help to reduce cholesterol. As we age our bodies change so I believe that we need to take a supplement to assist our bodies in reducing cholesterol and inflammation.The essential oils can be taken in capsule form or as drops.
Hi Jay,
You are correct exercise is so vital to our overall health not just cholesterol levels,I recommend at least 30 minutes of walking every day, even better if there are some hills or steps to climb during your walk.Of course a vigorous workout will be even more beneficial but not everyone like to do this.
Hi Chris,
Omega 3 capsules may lower your cholesterol & triglyceride levels,if you don’t like fish try adding nuts to your diet.
Thank you
Thanks for this educative piece. It is lack of discipline that is killing many people in this world. Many cannot deny themselves of what they eat. My Dad is over 70years today thanks for God’s grace and love but he is also very discipline with his diet. He does not eat meat again. He only eat fish. He does take much of beverages again. He only drink water. He knows how to maintain his health. Many of his old friends have died because they were careless with their health.
Really like your post. Great job.
Hi, This article caught my attention because after doing my annual check up last year, I was told that my bad cholesterol was too high and my good cholesterol was too low. The doctor was wondering why because I am fit, going to the gym regularly, I don’t eat anything fried, no sugar, green tea every morning and eat almonds, okra, turmeric and all the good stuff. I don’t like cakes and cookies and chips etc. So I did some research and decided to add red yeast rice and oats to my diet. If my cholesterol levels are normal when I do my next check up, would I have to continue taking these supplements? Also you recommended essential oils. How would that be consumed? Thank you for a great article.
High cholesterol in our body is dangerous and we should always endeavor to make sure it does not go over the limit. Like mentioned in this post lowering ones cholesterol does not have to involve the taking of drugs. There are natural ways or remedies one can use to reduce one’s cholesterol.
Most of the time just changing our diets can go a long way in reducing cholesterol. Also, a very important aspect that is neglected by a lot of people in reducing cholesterol is exercising. This might seem very basic but I can assure you that it plays a big role in reducing our cholesterol.
I do have a question. We know exercising is good at reducing cholesterol but I would like to know what type of exercise do you think is more effective. Do we focus on light exercises or heavy exercise?
Excellent advice here – I’ve been looking for a no-nonsense write up on this subject for a couple of weeks now, but usually all I could find was a confusing mess of medical jargon – kudos for creating this in Layman’s terms.
Looking at your list, I don’t really like fish that much, but I do try and make up for this with Omega 3 capsules every day – will they still be effective when it comes to reducing cholesterol?
Thank you so so much. Cholesterol has always been a problem for me and I refuse to take any type of medicine that will reduce one thing and have another 10 side effects. The information you share on this article and all the simple and easy steps to take to help you reduce it are seriously a blessing. Thank you for the knowledge I will follow all the rules and let you know if I succeed. Thank you again