Some of the best Serrapeptase Enzyme questions

Serrapeptase Enzyme has been in existence for over 40 years and it is used every day by practitioners to help their clients with inflammation, pain, and swelling. The Serrapeptase enzyme has been used successfully to treat high cholesterol, blocked arteries, and wound healing, Serrapeptase is safe to be taken with other medications with few reported side effects (results will vary) always better to check with your doctor before beginning any new treatment. Continue reading to see some of the best Serrapeptase Enzyme questions.

Serrapeptase is sold in international units (IU) it is an enzyme and should be taken at least two hours after food on an empty stomach, the dosage will depend on the health condition. (An IU is a unit of measurement for vitamins and other specific biologically active substances. The precise measure of one IU differs from substance to substance and is established by international agreement for each substance.

For example, vitamin E exists in several different forms having different biological activities. Rather than specifying the precise type and mass of vitamin E in preparation, the Supplement Facts label summarizes the biological activity of the forms present as the number of International Units of vitamin E)

Serrapeptase this is a guideline:

Serrapeptase standard dose= 10-60 mg

Serrapeptase 10 mg is equal to almost 20,000 enzymatic units

In nearly all scientific studies people were given 10 mg of Serrapeptase three times in 24 hours (every 8 hours). We need more human trials to find out what is the optimal dosage of Serrapeptase.

Rule of thumb

In my experience of taking Serrapeptase, my rule of thumb is, how bad is your condition in terms of pain and inflammation?

For pain levels of  1-5 take 80,000 IU of Serrapeptase twice a day (this can be increased slowly)

For pain levels of 5-7 take 120,000 IU of Serrano twice a day (this can be increased slowly)

For pain levels of 7-10 take 250,000 IU Serrapeptase tablets once a day (this can be increased slowly)


Serrapeptase is an enzyme and it does take time to work, most treatments take around six months to produce positive results-be the patient!

Some of the best Serrapeptase Enzyme questions

Arterial Blockage

Message Body:
Q.What was the daily dosage of serrapeptase tablet 250 that you used to remove the blockage and cure the hip bursitis?


Nick Fleming

GDPR accepted on:
September 11, 2020 12:12 am

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Serrapeptase (

A.Hi Nick,

Thank you for contacting me, I will answer your question in two parts, when I had hip bursitis in 2015 the pain in my hip was so bad it was affecting my work, sleep, and life in general. I bought the strongest dosage SERRAPEPTASE 250,000 IU from Good Health Naturally ( this is the link) I began by taking three tablets a day at first on an empty stomach just in case I reacted, I didn’t,  so I increased the dosage to six tablets a day. I know that this isn’t the recommended dosage but I read that another person had gone beyond the recommended dosage without any serious side effects.
Serrapeptase by NOW foodsIn total it took about four months before the pain went away altogether, I still take Serrapeptase tablets but only a maintenance dose which is two tablets a day.
Relation to arterial blockage (plaque build-up in the arteries) that something that I had a problem with because of a massive heart attack at age 45. Is difficult to reduce, depending on how long its in there, your age, your health, you and medications all play a part, I read some good things about Nattokinase an enzyme, and how so many clinical trials pointed to its success in dissolving fibrin (that is part of arterial plaque), having read about Nattokinase and Serrapeptase uses combined I decided to try the recommended dosage of BLOCKBUSTER ALLCLEAR ( this is the link) Again it took a long time before I knew my blood flow had improved by doing a pulse wave analysis, it was about 12 months before improvement I took the recommended dosage in this case (2,000 FU) a day. I still take my heart drugs as well as BLOCKBUSTER ALL CLEAR I must say that at my age (65) my energy was never better, I can cycle for 50 km up hills without any chest pain, play golf for 18 holes, do my gardening, lift heavy stuff,f, etc, I put it down to taking the mixture of Serrapeptase enzyme and Nattokinase (BlockbusterALL CLEAR
Whatever you decide to do Nick, may I wish you the best of health.
PS Keep in touch I would love to hear of any progress.

All the best,

Fintan Duggan

Q.  From: Maquelle Monroe

Subject: Serrapeptase dosage

Message Body:
I have PCOS and I take serrapeptase.  I am uncertain of my right dosage. I have 40,000 spu and I want to know how much and when is best to take them to dissolve my cysts.

A. Hi Marcella,

Thank you for contacting me,
To help you with your question I will give you the recommended dosage for Serraplus for PCOS, Serraplus is 80,000 IU strength Serrapeptase the recommended dosage is one tablet 3 times daily for one month, then one tablet 2 times a day for two months in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. If symptoms persist you may need a stronger dose.
Your Serrapeptase is a much lower dose, (40,000) I’m not sure if it will work contact your supplier for dosage, hope this helps.

All the best,

Fintan Duggan

Q: How can Serrapeptase help with Bronchitis?

A: Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the inflammation, mucus, and dead/scar tissue. Clearing away this problem tissue enables the body’s healing system to replace it with healthy tissue and better lung function as a result.

Q: How many Serrapeptase should I take?

A: Start with 2 x 80,000 IU Serrapeptase with MSM and Trace Minerals, 3 times per day, 30 minutes before a meal, and then gradually reduce to 1 twice a day as you get relief.

Q: I have acute bronchitis and am suffering from shortness of breath. I started taking Serrapeptase yesterday. Wondering how long it will take to feel some relief? -Robert K., United States

A: I am sending my full lung plan in the link below:
Bronchitis Health Plan

Q: I have had bronchitis for 2 months now and had 2 courses of amoxicillin 250mgIt’sts clearing now, but I wondeifiSerrapeptasese might help make my breathing easier and clear the remaining cough away. There is only a small bit of mucus coming out if I cough buit’sts still not nice. Al, so what are probiotics? Where can I get there? -Allen S., United Kingdom

A: Allan,

My recommendation is:

  • SerraPlus+
  • Curcumin98
  • Probiotics14

All from

Consider cutting starchy carbs, out or at least down, and replace them with veggies and dark-skinned fruits.

Some of the best Serrapeptase Enzyme questions
Q: Are there any side effects to this and when benefits could I expect? -Allan S., United States

A: No side effects of any description. Benefits should start to show within 7 days. Remember the diet!

  • STOP all starchy carbs (Bread, pastry, cookies, breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, and pasta), processed foods, and milk products.
  • Eat some of the following foods every 2 hours.
  • Eat 14 portions of fresh or frozen veggies daily (in soups, juiced, stir-fried, steamed, etc) 50% raw
  • Eat 5 portions dark skinned fruits, (blueberries, cherries, etc).
  • Wild fish most important and grass-fed meats or chicken (only grass-fed)
  • Hemp Oil, Omega 3 or Krill Oil, and other healthy oils such as olive oil, etc
  • Drink 8 x 500ml glasses of distilled or filtered water per day
  • Take 3 – 1/2 teaspoons of unprocessed Sea salt or Rock Salt daily in a little water.
  • Exercise every hour or so by lying on your back and cycling your legs in the air (someone could hold your feet). You can start with 10 seconds and build up to a minute.

Q: Dear Robert,

Thank you for your advice sent by e-mail on 14 Jan. This has been duly noted. I wonder if you could give me a little more advice regarding my friend and neighbor who has been taking Serrapeptase for the last few weeks. I mentioned him in my e-mail to you on January 13 – he has inflammation of the bronchial tubes due to overprescribing of Betablockers. You say in your book that the more one takes the faster the results.

My friend started on 3×3 for the first week,4×3 for the second week, and then increased by one tablet each day ie 5×3, 6×3, etc… until he reached 10×3 and has been on this amount for the last week.

Serrapeptase by source naturalsIs there any recommended timescale for taking such a dose and does one reduce the dosage daily or weekly? He is not sure at this time whether the Serrapeptase is helping his lung function having only recently (13 Jan – 25 Jan ) had a short course of steroids but lives in hope. He seems to have the most trouble in the morning around 5 am.

He has however noticed that his varicose veins are starting to reduce and two nights ago his legs and feet felt as though they were on fire. Now he finds that certain areas of his legs are warm and quite red while his feet and the rest of his legs are cool. Could you tell me if this is to be expected or whether he is trying to hurry things along too much? He is so fed up with himself but is keen to do the best he can.

I hope I’ve given you all the necessary info. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks. -Jacky J.

A: I think he is hurrying too much and should drop to 2 x 3 and consider adding Curcumin98 2 x 3 to help.
Q: Dear Robert,

Thank you for the info on how to order Serrapeptase. I have bought your book and find it very interesting reading, to say the least. I am sure you are right to encourage everyone to follow the ‘Good health for life’ plan but many people as you also acknowledge may not have the necessary finances to invest in everything you suggest for their particular problem.

My question is: Could my neighbor who has a breathing problem (ie. he has inflammation of the bronchial tubes which periodically causes him to need a course of steroids as well as using puffers and a nebulizer ) benefit from just taking Serrapeptase? He is prepared to follow as much of the dietary advice as possible but as he is on a very limited income funds will not allow much more expense. He is, by the way, in his mid-seventies and this problem was brought on by over-prescribing of beta-blocker drugs about ten years ago.

The case of the emphysema sufferer reported in your book by Dennis Gore was astounding but was the improvement due to much more than Serrapeptase?
I intend to order some Serrapeptase for my daughter who has a recurrent viral problem with swollen glands, sinus pain, and sore throats whenever she ‘overdoes it. -Jacky J.

A: Jacky,

Most testimonies are based upon just the use of Serrapeptase. I am not sure that eating mainly vegetables and fish is more expensive than junk food. it just means that more loving care needs to be taken preparing food.

Your daughter’s symptoms are a warning that failure to follow the diet below is going to cause real problems in the future.

  • STOP or reduce dramatically, all starchy carbs (Bread, pastry, cookies, breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, and pasta), processed foods, and milk products.
  • Eat some of the following foods every 2 hours.
  • Eat 14 portions of fresh or frozen veggies daily (in soups, juiced, stir-fried, steamed, etc) 50% raw
  • Eat 5 portions dark skinned fruits, (blueberries, cherries, etc).
  • Wild fish most important and grass-fed meats or chicken (only grass-fed)
  • Drink 8 glasses of distilled or filtered water per day

Q: Hi Robert,

I suffered from chronic daily migraine for 20+ years. Serra at 80,000 x 6 per day and natto x 2 per day changed my life and made me much less sensitive to smells – perfumes, etc.

Then 4 weeks ago I got a reaction to Natto and needed to stop it. This is not unusual for me as I am sensitive to so many things, especially anything involving bacteria: I can’t tolerate probiotics for that reason. I am getting a good response by increasing the Serra and am now up to 2 x 4 per day. I find that taking them for six hours works much better than just 3 x a day.

I am wondering if it’s safe to go higher. A leaflet enclosed in a recent package from you said no more than 3 x day.

I would appreciate any advice.

A: I will inquire about the package instructions although it may be a requirement under new laws coming out and I was not told.
You can take more very safely but I suggest Curcuminx4000 (6 per day) taken at the same time as the SerraEnzyme. You can try lower doses after you get success.

Q: Thanks for that. Curcumin is no good for me as when I tried it the allergic reaction was so severe that it was frightening. There are very few food supplements to which I am not allergic.

I will increase the Serra slowly and see how I go. Do you offer an extra discount to pensioners like me who have to use it so much?

A: Pity about Curcumin, with Serrapeptase they are the best supplements around. I am passing your email to sales regarding discounts.

Some of the best Serrapeptase Enzyme questions


Q: Hello Robert…. I emailed Good Health Naturally in the hope that they would forward it to the appropriate person. I have to report that after a lifetime of sinus and shocking headaches I began to take Serrapeptase four years ago and both my daughter and I have been free of this problem since then. We recommend it to so many people.

We live in Portugal and my daughter lives in England…she told us that she had started to take another form of Serrapeptase that had been advertised on the website and had had the most shocking headaches, so bad she had had to come home from work. By strange coincidence, I had started two days previously to also take Serranol…much more expensive, but thought that as we are going to Nepal and Tibet in the New Year for two months, that it would be good for me to start taking it now.

Serrapeptase high potencyI had a headache on both days I had taken it. I stopped taking it and went on to my original Serrapeptase and the headaches stopped… My question was to Good Health Naturally if I could return it (minus six pills) and exchange it for my original pill… I had no reply and am now wondering how you got my email. What do you think about this? I do not want to have these pills just stuck here in my bathroom cabinet… help would be appreciated.

A: Yes they will always replace anything at any time. Just call them or email them. Very strange with the Serrano? It is also working on the brain of course and maybe a lower amount to start may have worked. I take up to 6 per day when heavy work is underway.

Bad Headaches

Q: Dear Sir,

I am currently taking 2 Serraplus 3x per day. For the last week or so I have woken in the night or very early morning with quite bad headaches. I did think this was maybe a virus or something but find that once I get up the headache resolves, so was just wondering if this could be the Serrapeptase as I seem to recall that one of the qualities is lowering high blood pressure (which I don’t have). If so, could you please advise what to do I have gained pain relief from a very painful knee op with the SerraPlus. I have reduced the dosage of the SerraPlus from 3×3 per day to 2×3 per day which I take on waking, before lunch, and before bed.

A: The only way to tell is to stop and restart and if the problem comes and goes then it may be the MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) in it.

Excruciating Body Pain and Headaches

Q: My daughter is experiencing excruciating body pain and headaches and after many tests, the doctors can find nothing. I ordered serrapeptase tablets from you but was unsure of what is the right dose for her. She is 18 and lost several pounds. What would be a correct dose and what else could help her as she still does not have her diagnosis? Thank you for your help!

A: Take SerraEnzyme 2 x 3 times per day, 30mins before eating a meal.

I also recommend:1st Line Immune Kit and Prescript Assist

Stop all starchy carbs.

Drink 6 glasses of water per day with a 1/4 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in each glass.

Severe Blockages in the Legs

Q: Robert,

I have severe blockages in my legs. The doctor said I am completely blocked below my knees and when he goes back in my leg ( angioplasty ) on The 17th. of May 2012, that will make 8 times I have had this done. He said no need to go below the knees unless I get cut or a sore that will not heal. My question is if I take blockbuster, will it be sufficient to remove the plaque safely? Also since my blood pressure drops too low at times, will blockbuster be safe?

Thanks a lot for your answer.
P.S. I am on my second bottle of serraenzyme and can’t tell any difference yet and that is the reason for opting for a blockbuster.

A: Take BlockBuster 2 x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating a meal, with a glass of water. This will dissolve and cots that break away. Take 1serrapeptase with them.

Follow the diet and drink attached
Lie on your back and cycle your legs in the air and get someone to hold them if too hard.
Rebound on one of the 3′ rebounder mini-trampolines.
Do these 3 times per day.

Healthy Foods

Stents in the Legs

Q: My husband has had stents put in his legs and they say one of them is blocked he has been using nattokinase and it’s helped at least they are finding a pulse in his foot. He had to have a toe amputated after a spider bit him and it would not heal because of the blood flow. Which formula would you recommend and please tell me which products are good.? I have been using nattokinase with – 8 16oz glasses of water per day. He has minerals and other things he’s been taking too. Thank you.

 A: Sandra,
I recommend:
BlockBuster All clear 2 caps x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating a meal.
OxySorb a few sprays under his tongue 3-4 times per day
Hydrosol Silver Gel was applied to any areas of his leg that do not look healthy.

Stop all starchy carbs, high-sugar foods, sodas, and processed foods. Only veggies, salads, dark-skinned fruits, nuts seeds, beans, and fish for now. 

Drink 6-8 x 16oz glasses of water per day with 1/3rd teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in each glass to improve blood oxygenation.

See the three supplements at

Sorry to be blunt but you need to stick with the detail to save his leg.

Constant Pain in the Legs

Q: Hello Robert,

My husband and I have many health problems, but one that causes me to have constant pain in my legs is my biggest worry. I have had an operation many years ago, but it did not make a big difference. I have very poor circulation in my legs, high blood pressure, and a weak immune system to mention a few, a friend told me to try Serrapeptase from Enerex 120,000 u. I bought a 120-capsule bottle in Victoria BC Canada.
I would like to try it again, can you please let me know where the best place for me to get the Serrapeptase 120,000 iu? I have tried to get it nearby where I live but could only get the 60,000 IU/UI Extra Strength 60 Capsules by Prairie Naturals.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

A: Olga,

Serrapeptase on its own is not likely to resolve all of your problems.
I recommend Serrano and you can read about it in the attached report and at

I strongly recommend a diet change see the links below.

Autoimmune Disease Health Plan

Healthy Foods

Pain the Leg

Q: Please Help.

My problem is (PAD) Leg pain. My last dopler test showed a blockage in the right leg at 65% and the left leg at 45%. I can only walk about one city block before I have to stop because of pain in my calves and I have no pain at rest. I have tried EDTA with no help.

I have been taking a good multivitamin GNC brand I also take Fish oil 1200mg and 100 mg COQ-10 + Two 625Mg of EDTA + Two 2000 Fu capsules of nattokinase, I would like to try your serrapeptase it looks like it may help me with the leg pain. I would like your opinion on serrapeptase and the dosages for PAD I have looked at your Blockbuster for a pad but I I do not think I could afford it long term, I only take one Prescription drug (Prinivil ) for my blood pressure and I do not have any other health problems that I am aware of.

A: William,

As you realize I do recommend the BlockBuster but others have had success with SerraPlus+. The amount is difficult to guess but I would recommend 3 x 3 to begin with if you can afford it.

Blocked Leg Arteries

Q: Dear Robert,

My nutritionist is wanting to treat intermittent claudication which is presumably blocked arteries in the legs. I have had 12 sessions of EDTA chelation by infusion with no improvement at all. The dosage below was what she was recommending I take but did not give me the specific Product Code. I also suffer a lot of back pain with severe osteoporosis having multiple fractures in the spine. Does this have to come from the States or do you have a UK branch?

“My nutritionist is recommending the above at 40,000i.u. 2 capsules 3 times daily.”

Thank you for your help.

A: I am in the UK in Cheshire.

That dosage is fine but the rest of my program from my book such as on your back and cycling your legs in the air 3 times per day will help enormously.

Intermittent Claudication

Q: My nutritionist is Marilyn G. I gather you have met & that she also spoke to you some weeks ago about my taking the above for intermittent claudication. Seeing her 9 weeks after commencing SerraEzyme 40,000iu 6 daily, she has now suggested I try & speak with you as so far there does not appear to be any improvement She said “this is your baby ” not hers & would be in a much better position to advise me! As I have no means of contacting you by phone, I am emailing you, at least in the first instance. Marilyn has been treating me for intermittent claudication, which I have suffered for 4 years now, & also severe osteoporosis. The questions we are wishing to ask are:- 1) As there appears to be no improvement in the claudication, is it too soon to expect it anyway? & more importantly, 2) Would you recommend anything else to take to speed things up? If so, would this be as well as what I am already taking or instead? I am about to reorder so would be most grateful to hear from you.

A: I am on vacation. Please call David Meyer to discuss this.

Q: My nutritionist is recommending the above at 40,000i.u. 2 capsules 3 times daily.
Please could you guide me to the correct one?

Thank you.

A: What condition are you treating?

Q: Further to my earlier email, do you know of anyone who has suffered from intermittent claudication in the legs to have benefited from this supplement?

A: Yes many people. Some have also taken BlockBuster as well.

Jittery Legs

Q: Dear Robert,

I bought some Ancient Mineral Oils with magnesium from you after you recommended it for my jittery legs and I am glad to say that since using it I have had some peaceful nights, although at the same time I did stop taking chlorphenamine so I am not sure which has improved.

The reason for my email is could you tell me if there are any side effects with the mineral oils and how often I should use them? Is it just once a day with one or two squirts?
Since Tuesday I have had something like the painful trapped wind in my stomach/rib area which seems to stay there all the time, (still there this morning) I am a bit scared in case it is something like a clot of blood. Could there be any side effects from the oils like this as you said it was very powerful?

A: Eveline,

No, I can assure you it cannot be a side effect of the oil.

Blocked Femoral Arteries

Q: I have blocked femoral arteries. I have been taking serrapeptase now at 4 per day of 90,000iu.
How will I know if this is working and how long before I notice any changes?

A: 2-3 months should show results. You can increase to 6 per day (2 x 3)
Have you changed your diet to a Healthy Foods plan?
It is a poor diet that is causing the epidemic of infertile couples.

Take a look here:

Peripheral Arterial Diseases (PAD)

Q: I have Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in the small of my legs and had gotten a couple of small leg ulcers. I also have neuropathy. I started with just 40 in x 4 a day for 3 months. Then I started Blockbuster AllClear, I have gone through 5 bottles at 3 to 4 a day. Ulcers are healing slowly. Some color has come back in the feet. Would starting the Serrano be stronger or even better for blood flow and cleaning arteries? Or should I stick with Block Buster AllClear? Thank you.

A: Tough question. My recommendation is BlockBuster 1 x 3 times per day, 30 mins before eating a meal. Serranol 1 x 3 with the Blockbuster

Ask for 3 sample bottles of Ancient Minerals magnesium Oil and massage them into your leg muscles daily. If it is Ok then order this but if this stings too much then order the Lotion.

Exercise on your back on your couch cycling your legs in the air as long as possible and repeat 3-4 times over the day. This is the best way to get new healthy blood into your legs. Still try to fast walk 3 miles per day when able.

Drink 6-8 x 500ml glasses of water per day with a pinch of bicarbonate of soda in each glass.

See my food recommendations at and

Peripheral Arterial Diseases (PAD)

Q: Hi Robert,

You probably will not remember me but I contacted you some time ago regarding the use of Serrapeptase as you did not mention that you sold it.

I decided after a while to give it a try and started taking Serrapeptase 2 x 120 and Nattokinase 2x 2000 I have been taking for 6/12 months.

The purpose was to prevent PAD, unfortunately, it does not seem to have worked and it could be the quality of the supplements or not enough, I am not sure.

We have two children in their twenties with special needs so I am a carer and I am finding things very hard at this time with the loss of mobility. I am still going, last night I had to go upstairs on all fours I know I am getting a bit long in the tooth but I had hoped to help the children for a few more years.
A: Keep taking them or at least stay with the Nattokinase and take 2 x 3 times per day but massage Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil into your legs daily.

Serrapeptase Results

Q: I wanted to know how long it would take for the serrapeptase to work I have been taking it for three weeks so far, with no results. I am taking 3 tabs three times per day of the 40 000 units of serrapeptase, I also take a multivitamin, fish oil, CO-Q10, L Argine, Nattokinase, and garlic tablets. I only take one prescription drug (LINISOPRIL) For high blood pressure. Is there anything that I need to add or are some of the things that I am taking, should I not take them with serrapeptase? I am not on any diet and my weight is normal and I have no other health problems except for leg pain in my legs (PAD). Thank you. I do not have leg pain at rest.
A: 3 weeks is too short to expect an improvement. 4-8 weeks is more realistic.

Are you exercising by lying on your back and cycling your legs? Try for every hour or so and as long as you can manage.

Leg Pains and Other Conditions

Q: Hi Robert,

First, let me thank you for taking the time to reply.

Just for you to have some background I was on 40mg Valsartan, 40 mg Furosemide, 2x 75mg aspirin, and 40mg simsavartin daily for many years.

I stopped taking the Simsavartin in December and the aspirin in January.

After about 2/3 weeks after stopping the Simsavartin, the leg pains stopped which was great because at that time my cholesterol was 4.6
now it’s about 5.9.

I had the flu and a chest infection in March which lasted about 4 weeks in the weeks that followed as I got to feel
better my mobility was affected in both legs. Currently, it’s mostly in the left leg. I have had a blood test which was
normal except for a cholesterol of 5.9. A urine test was normal and a lower spine X-ray which shows wear in most joint hip joints have wear which one could expect at 76 yrs.

The last time I saw the GP he only allowed 10 minutes for an interview. I was told perhaps I had PAD and should see a vascular surgeon and that this would take about 12 months.

I am not sure as I had a private screening in 2010 which was normal.

Currently, it is difficult to put full weight on the left leg and both legs are weak.

Currently I take 1x Valsartan 40mg Furosemide 40mg 1x 3 12000 Serrapeptase 2 x 3 Nattokinase

I have added 3 x 3 Blockbuster. I have ordered the Ancient mineral oil and the CurcuminX4000™

We are all vegetarians so eat a fairly good diet. I would appreciate any advice which I take responsibility for.

I do not want to go down the route of medication as my last visit produced more pills.

A: Do you eat grains and cereals and especially whole grains? All grains are bad.
Are you taking a high-dose B complex such as my B4health?

Stick to foods shown here:


Q: Hi Robert.
Appreciate the reply as I am struggling to get around. I looked up your site and ordered Blockbuster x 3.
Do you think I just stay with that or should I add that as well?  I am desperate to get a mobile for the children.

A: BlockBuster is great but does add Ancient Minerals and Magnesium Oil as well from the same site. I stand 16hrs a day at my computer and I use it every day.
BTW If you ever feel that things are getting on top of you I have some great supplements that work within hours.
The big deal for everyone in your family is diet. Eat the healthy foods diet that we do and life will get better (or it def will seem so)

Serrapeptase experience
I just wanted to write about my positive experience with serrapeptase.
I suffered from hemorrhoids for 24 yrs and decided to have surgery once I finished having children as they can get worse during pregnancy and birth.
In 2017 I was pregnant with my 4th child and got varicose veins on the backs of my legs. They weren’t terrible but I didn’t like them, I got them with each pregnancy but they were worse with every pregnancy. My hemorrhoids got worse during pregnancies but went back to being less painful after having each baby.

Anyway, I had read about serrapeptase and the benefits of spider veins and varicose veins and decided to take this around halfway through my pregnancy.
I didn’t notice a massive improvement but I did notice they did not get worse.
After having my baby, I noticed a couple of months later that my hemorrhoids had not been bothering me, they would normally be affected after every bowel movement…
I couldn’t believe they were gone, it really was unbelievable, and here I am 2 and a half years later and I still have not suffered from any hemorrhoids, not 1!
I’m so thankful for this product.

Hi folks,
A lady wants to know the answer
Hi there.
I’ve been taking 250, 000 serrapeptase since last November to help with chronic muscle and joint pain. It’s helped a little but still suffer daily. I’ve recently had blood work done and my liver enzymes are slightly out of range 44.
It’s been like this for a while now, but it’s come down from what it was before Christmas. My question is should I continue with the high dosage or lower it?
Many thanks
Fintan Duggan
Posted on: 13 May 2020 02:54 PM

Hello Fintan,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Your customer doesn’t say how much SerraEnzyme 250,000 she is taking, but as background information we recommend increasing gradually to 3 x 3 a day for chronic, difficult, or urgent situations, dropping again gradually to 1 x 3 a day once good relief is found.

The lady could also consider Serranol 1 x 3 a day, and gradually adding up to 2 SerraEnzyme 250,000 with each dose, again dropping to 1 x 3 a day of the Serrano once good relief is obtained.  Serranol has 3 other ingredients with the serrapeptase to enable a stronger effect for inflammation.

As relief is being felt, but not as much as is needed then she can continue with the higher dose and depending on how much she is taking now, perhaps even increase it. Serrapeptase can be taken long-term to help keep the blood clean and reduce inflammation

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