Turmeric and black pepper for inflammation?
The combination of Tumeric and black pepper makes Curcumin 2000 a very potent supplement to help reduce inflammation and pain. Curcumin plays a central role in supporting the body to fight against dangerous and painful inflammation, Curcumin 2000 is one of the few turmeric supplements that contain black pepper and curcumin.
This is beneficial to the end user, the combination of a unique Curcumin extract allied with high-quality piperine allows the product to absorb easily and start to work to reduce inflammation and ease the pain. Curcumin 2000 has a bio availability equal to 42,000 mg of any other Curcumin supplement in the marketplace.
Turmeric is a spice that is used to give curry its yellow color. Turmeric is an everyday spice and medicinal herb found and used in households in India for the past few thousand years.
In recent times scientists have started to do research into turmeric showing what the Indian people have known for years that Turmeric does have compounds that offer medicinal properties. Curcumin is one of these compounds that are known as curcuminoids.
The main active ingredient in turmeric is Curcumin. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory along with being a strong anti-oxidant but the amount of curcumin in turmeric is low around 3% by weight.

Turmeric studies
The main studies on this herb use a turmeric extract containing mainly Curcumin only, with dosages normally exceeding 1 gram per day.
To have success against inflammation and pain by using turmeric in your food would be difficult. To reach these levels and have the maximum effect you will need to start taking a good quality supplement that contains a significant amount of curcumin.
One of the issues with Curcumin has been its slow absorption into the bloodstream, by adding piperine (a natural absorption substance) enhances the ability of the supplement to quickly absorb into the body, sometimes by as much as 2,000 %, and starts to reduce inflammation and pain.
Only the best curcumin supplements have piperine, considerably increasing how effective they are.
Curcumin is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it can be taken with higher-fat foods.
Why is inflammation important?
Inflammation is the body’s way of fighting off foreign invaders, inflammation plays a role in repairing the damage done to the body.
If we didn’t have inflammation, pathogens such as bacteria may take command of our bodies and end our life.
Short-term inflammation (acute) is advantageous but when inflammation becomes chronic or long-lasting it does become a large problem because the body’s tissues are attacked, and the immune system starts to break down.
Western diseases such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, degenerative conditions, and cancer have a common thread. According to scientists low-level inflammation plays a major role in the development of such diseases.
To be honest any natural product that can assist in the fight against chronic inflammation is of great importance in treating and perhaps preventing these diseases.
Curcumin is a strong natural anti-inflammatory. It is so powerful that it is just as effective as some of the anti-inflammatory drugs being prescribed for people nowadays.
What can Curcumitol Q help with?
Curcumitol Q can help with heart problems many of which are associated with inflammation especially in the arteries, by using this Curcumin supplement can help to make your arteries healthier.
Curcumitol Q is a most effective Curcumin supplement that strengthens cartilage by reducing inflammation and helping the healing process.
Many people suffer from poor digestion, studies show that inflammation causes poor digestion, Curcumin 3 can go a long way in helping to calm inflammation in the stomach and improve digestion.
Pain in the joints is primarily caused by inflammation, by using the most effective Curcumin supplement daily can help to calm down the inflammation and associated symptoms will begin to diminish.
Curcumitol Q is an excellent natural way to boost your immune system, and that process will benefit your overall health.
Hello Fintan, Thank you for the way you developed your information
about the supplement CURCUMIN WITH BLACK PIPERINE! I found
it to be most helpful, and I believe it is the anti-inflammatory agent you say!
This is an amazing product! You are so right that curcumin is absorbed
by the body only when it has black piperine accompanying it.
While predominantly using and promoting CBD Oil, I will have to say your
CURCUMIN WITH BLACK PIPERINE is a must for me now! Janice 2019
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for your comments, you were lucky to survive the accident, I’m really glad that turmeric helped you, by the way did it contain piperine? CBD oil is another great anti inflammatory.
All the best
You hit the nail on the head. Turmeric supplements helped me to recover faster from a severe motorcycle accident I survived. I had so much inflammation throughout my body once I stopped all the prescribed drugs I changed over to a homeopathic regime which included turmeric my recovery went more smoother.
The inflammation around all my injuries and joints are pain free now. I had about 23 fractures so that is a lot of areas. Whenever I stop my intake of turmeric I notice a flare of around my injury sites. So I can honestly contend that it is one of the best choices in herbal medicines I decided to take.
Your article sheds a new light on just taking Turmeric. I had used CBD oil in conjunction with Turmeric. I will be trying out Turmeric and piperine black pepper extract the next time my joints and spots are inflamed. Thank you for writing your article.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your comments, to answer your question piperine impacts thermogenesis, that is the action in which our bodies produce heat, piperine is hot by nature so it seems logical that it would have an impact on our bodies heat mechanism.
All the best
Hi Lee,
Thanks for your comment, i’m sorry to hear that you have pain and discomfort, not knowing the cause can be frustrating. I suspect that it is caused by inflammation so in that case the Curcumin and black piperine should help.
All the best
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your comment,that swelling that you talk about sounds exactly what I had for a very long time, a swollen knee that would be quite painful if I was sitting down for a long time, as soon as I stood up there was pain right across my knee. I believe that he Curcumin with black piperine would work very well for you, it’s a natural anti-inflammatory and could help you a lot.
All the best
I feel like finding a supplement that contains curcumin would be a great benefit for myself personally. Something I’ve had for a long time (even though I’m pretty young) is knee pain.
I think a lot of this has to do with some minor swelling in the knee, right below the knee cap because every time I stand for an extended period and then lift my leg it’ll crack. Additionally when I put pressure on that area I do feel some pain… so I believe that’s chronic inflammation correct?
I am going to research further into this type of product to see if it’s something that will help!
I would be certainly interested in this product. I deal with a lot of pain and discomfort in my body and I often don’t know the cause. I have been examined by a doctor a few times and no results. I have been looking at some other remedies but those appear to cost twice as much as the product you seem to be recommending.
Hi Fintan, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I did not know that turmeric (curcumin) has such great benefits for our body. I even heard that it can help in the weight loss process, is it really true that it can provoke thermogenesis of our body? Thank a lot for sharing, I will surely get curcumin for me.