Does Nattokinase dissolve blood clots?
I have been asked does Nattokinase dissolve blood clots, blood clots can be very dangerous sometimes fatal, Nattokinase from natto a fermented soyabean can dissolve blood clots and plaque build up.
In this article I am going to focus on the science behind Nattokinase and give you the answers to both of these questions.
1.Does Nattokinase dissolve blood clots? 2. Does Nattokinase dissolve plaque?
I am also going to shine a light on what people that are using Nattokinase are saying about the health benefits of Nattokinase especially in relation to heart disease, blood clots and atherosclerosis.
It is important to do the research into the science behind Nattokinase, we know there are more studies going on all the time and we await the outcome of these.
Please be advised that Nattokinase should not be used if a person is taking blood thinners or has internal bleeding or is pregnant without the permission of a doctor.
Nattokinase thins the blood and may increase the risk of a hemorrhage. People have been asking me where to buy a reputable Nattokinase brand I will cover this subject also.
How are blood clots formed?
We must be very careful when it comes to blood clots, a blood clot can kill you. Blood clotting (coagulation)is something that we need to prevent a bleed out if a blood vessel becomes injured.
A type of blood cell (platelet) along with proteins in the liquid part of the blood (plasma) combine to stop bleeding by producing a clot covering the injury.
The blood clot is dissolved by our bodies after the injury has been healed, at times a clot will form on the blood vessel wall without any apparent injury or the clot does not dissolve in the normal way.
This type of situation can be extremely dangerous and requires immediate diagnosis and treatment.
Blood is circulated around the body through veins and arteries but each function in a different way. A vein is a low-pressure vessel carrying deoxygenated blood from the organs in the body returning to the heart.
Should an abnormal blood clot form here it will slow the return of blood to the heart muscle causing swelling and pain because the blood will gather behind the clot.
DVT Deep vein thrombosis
DVT is a category of blood clot that builds up in one of the major veins in the leg or less so in the arm, pelvis or another large vein in the body.
In some cases a blood clot in the vein may disconnect from where it started and travel through to the heart. When it reaches the heart, it may become stuck and prevent enough blood to flow normally.
This is known as pulmonary embolism and may be extremely dangerous. In the United States it is estimated that DVT affects upwards of 900,005 people and DVT kills upwards of 100,000 people.
Despite these above average numbers many people are totally unaware of the risk factors and symptoms of Deep vein thrombosis.
Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis
The signs and symptoms of DVT may include:
- Pain or swelling in one leg
- A warm feeling around the leg
- Discolored or red skin on your leg
Risk factors of DVT
There are a considerable number of factors that could increase the risk of developing DVT, obviously the more of these that you have the bigger the risk. These risk factors include:
- Sitting down for long period without moving
- A blood clotting disorder
- Protracted bed rest following an operation in hospital or illness.
- Pregnancy – increases the pressure in the blood vessels in the pelvis and legs
- Birth control tablets or HRT- both may increase the body’s ability to from a clot
- Obese or overweight- increases the pressure in the veins
- Smoking
- Heart failure
- Inflamed bowel disease- ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease
- Family history of DVT
- Cancer
- Ageing- unfortunately
How does Nattokinase dissolve blood clots?
According to the respected publication NCBI Government publication Nattokinase can break down fibrin and plasmin substrate, NK converts endogenous prourokinase into urokinase.
It works by degrading plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 and grows tissue plasminogen, all this activity reinforces fibrinolytic activity.
There are few if any side effects compared to plasminogen activator and urokinase (such as bleeding) Studies indicate that by taking NK orally it can be quickly absorbed into the gut.
Nattokinase has been shown to have strong fibrinolytic activity meaning it stops blood clots from growing, Nattokinase dissolves blood clots through its ability to degrade fibrin.
Nattokinase testimonials
If you have blood clots It is up to you to decide whether or not to try Nattokinase but from reading some Nattokinase testimonials it is evident that Nattokinase does work to dissolve blood clots and there are few if any side effects.
Warning: Do not take Nattokinase with blood thinners

What causes Arterial plaque?
On the other hand, arteries tend to be high pressure muscular vessels that are used to carry oxygen & nutrient rich blood from the heart around the body.
A blood pressure test will indicate the amount of pressure going from the heart to other parts of the body.
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) occurs when plaque, cholesterol and calcium cling to the arterial walls and form a hard surface (plaque), this process narrows the arteries and effects the flow of blood.
Simply the heart comes under pressure then it tries to pump faster, this high pressure action may cause the plaque to rupture.
During the rupture molecules are released causing an overreaction in the body leading to unnecessary blood clots forming in the arteries with the potential to cause a heart attack or stroke.
If there is a complete blockage by the clot there will be damage done to the heart or brain because they are deprived of the oxygen and nutrients.
How does Nattokinase work to dissolve plaque?
In all the studies to date Nattokinase has been shown to have strong fibrinolytic properties meaning it can dissolve unwanted plaque. It does this by breaking down and dissolving fibrinogen,.
This is a part of the blood and atherosclerotic plaque and is a huge risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease without any major side effects.
Fibrinogen (factor I) is a glycoprotein complex that circulates in the blood of vertebrates. During tissue and vascular injury, it is converted enzymatically by thrombin to fibrin and then to a fibrin-based blood clot. Fibrin clots function primarily to occlude blood vessels to stop bleeding
Nattokinase heart testimonials
If you have heart disease or high blood pressure and you read some of the Nattokinase heart testimonials you can clearly see that Nattokinase does work for some people in reducing blood pressure and dissolving arterial plaque with few reported side effects.
Where to buy the best quality Nattokinase?
When it comes to your heart health please don’t be fooled by cheaper versions of Nattokinase, always look for enteric coated Nattokinase it absorbs much better into the intestinal tract and gets to work much more effectively.
I buy Nattokinase from the the Herbs Pro people, I use it for my heart disease, it works, I can vouch for its effectiveness and safety.
2000FU normally equals 100mg of Nattokinase, which is on average found in 100grams of Natto food
Hi Steven,
Thank you for contacting me, I have never tasted natto, I’m told it’s not the nicest food in the world.
It has a pungent smell, strong cheesy type flavour and a slimy texture.
A lot of Western people would find the taste to be unbearable.
I’m not sure how much you would have to eat each day to equal the 2,000 fu in a Nattokinase capsule.
It seems to me to be much more convenient and measured to take the recommended dosage of Nattokinase capsule, to purchase go to
I’m wondering… What if I simply began eating Japanese natto regularly? How much would I have to eat?
Hi Chrissie,
I’m so sorry to hear that your husband had a heart attack, I hope that he is ok. Like me he has survived a heart attack, many people don’t get a second chance. If he is on blood thinners it would be advisable not to take Nattokinase however there are other natural alternatives that work but they take time.
Nattokinase is a great preventative, I take it myself and I recommend it for many other health issues,Nattokinase is derived from soya beans and it is natural.
Nattokinase comes from Natto a traditional soya bean dish that the Japanese people have been eating for thousands of years.
The Japanese are the healthiest people on the planet so they must be doing something right.
May I wish you and your husband the best of health for 2019.
I was really interested to read your post, as unfortunately my husband had a stroke on Christmas Day. Altho from what you say he cannot take Nattokinase as he has been prescribed a blood thinner.
But I am considering taking it for myself, it does sound really good, and it is basically a natural remedy isn’t it?
It seems to have so many beneficial effects, and I would think would be a great product for anyone to take as a precaution.
Thank you so much for this information.
Chrissie 🙂
Hi there,
Thank you for your question,these are the main symptoms of DVT,
Leg pain, may start lower down in the calf muscle and may feel like a cramp
Swelling in the leg that is affected
A warm feeling in the affected leg
The skin may turn red or be discoloured
I’m not sure what the dizziness that you experience is related to,my advice is not to sit down for too long, rather stand up and walk around every hour or so.Hope this helps.
All the best
Thank you for such an informative article. I usually experience swelling feet when I sit on a chair for long time. And after sitting for long time without chair on the ground and get up, I usually fill dizzy and would want to fall at any moment. Does they relate to DVT?
Nattokinase – Before today or before reading this article I had no idea what exactly Nattokinase was. This article had everything I need to know about Nattokinase. I learned about the health benefits and a lot more about it. I also learned about Deep Vain Thrombosis. Thank you so much for sharing this article with us.