How does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue?

Scar tissue can be removed by taking Serrapeptase but you want to know how Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue?

Scar tissue can be external or internal for example you could have a scar externally from a cut or something like an accident, a fall, or maybe a sports injury or perhaps following a c-section.

An internal scar could be caused by several conditions for example you could have scar tissue on the lungs or scar tissue from blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic ovary disease.

Whatever the cause of the scar tissue rest assured that Serrapeptase the enzyme can work wonders to dissolve scar tissue.

Scar tissue can be quite painful in some cases, internal scar tissue can be detrimental to lung health, and in the case of blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic breast disease, it can prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

Serrapeptase has been in existence for many years as a dietary supplement, if scar tissue is a concern to you Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme that does dissolve scar tissue simply by digesting the dead scar tissue so that it can be replaced by new and healthy tissue.

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Is Serrapeptase a drug?

No, Serrapeptase isn’t a drug it is a systemic or proteolytic enzyme which means that it can dissolve or break down proteins into amino acids, systemic means that it does its work everywhere in the body and the bloodstream.

Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue

We know that Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue or nonliving muscle tissue, which makes it ideal for not just reducing scars but it can also be of benefit for other scar tissue-related health conditions for example fibrocystic breast disease, Uterine fibroids,  Peyronies disease, pulmonary fibrosis, and carpal tunnel.

Inflammation and Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase has proven to be very useful for relieving symptoms associated with inflammation, Serrapeptase works by blocking the amines that cause pain, and amines are released in blocked scar tissue causing pain.

Serrapeptase acts to reduce the influence of amines in causing pain, studies have proven this to back up the success that people have had using Serrapeptase for scar tissue.

Inflammation is a major factor in arthritis Serrapeptase can help to calm the inflammation and relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

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Is Serrapeptase effective at pain relief?

Prescription pain medication has been the preferred way to relieve pain and inflammation however Serrapeptase is fast becoming an effective alternative for pain relief in conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, migraines, chronic sinusitis, back pain, carpal tunnel, as well as other chronic conditions.

Higher doses of Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue

Studies have shown that taking higher doses of Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue and relieve inflammation faster and more effectively than smaller doses.

Where does Serrapeptase come from?

Serrapeptase or Serratiopeptidase derives from the silkworm or to be more precise the intestines of the silkworm, as a dietary supplement, it is metrically coated allowing it to pass safely through the digestive system into the intestines and onto the bloodstream.


Serra a natural serrapeptase product from the people at Herbs Pro is one that people have been having excellent results with dissolving scars and other conditions for example here are some customer comments on Serrapeptase.

Serrapeptase Testimonials

3 months ago

After taking three capsules 3x times a day, as suggested in Serrapeptase promotional book, for two weeks, it didn’t help my sinus congestion …

Reviewed on Herbs

2 months ago

This product has helped my COPD enormously. My lung function was below 50 percent. It is now up to 64. My consultant says I should have deteriorated …

Reviewed on Herbs

9 months ago

I suffered from degenerative disc back pain for years. Over that time I had numerous steroid injections, physiotherapy, Osteopathy, and Chiropractic treatment …

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Diminishes pain

a year ago

I am training as a dance teacher and have found that aches and pains although still occurring have been less severe since taking Serrapeptase 250,000 …

daphn_kell · Reviewed on

2 months ago

My Mum is 75, she’s been taking Serrano for a year now and has changed her life, she always wanted to have a laydown and nap but not anymore…

Reviewed on

4 months ago

I have been taking enzymes for over twenty years I can’t say if they work or not I’m 73 and in good health but have a/f high blood pressure reflux…

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3 weeks ago

I seem to get a lot of buildup in my throat due to acid reflux, but taking this product daily in the morning seems to clear it away. Seems quite helpful.

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a month ago

My husband hasn’t felt any different taking this… Having read an article about it, he had hoped he would have more energy but he hasn’t

customer · Reviewed on

8 months ago

Amazing! My issues with taking this supplement returned when I forgot to order, so for me, it’s wonderful.

Customer · Reviewed on

2 months ago

I love all the ingredients which help keep my cholesterol in check.

Serranol as a supplement for inflammation and pain relief is a good natural alternative for so many health conditions.

Further information on enzymes and scarring

To answer the question of how Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue, it’s clear that a well-formulated enzyme containing Serrapeptase the proteolytic enzyme can help the body break down protein because scar tissue consists of fibrin proteins, Serrapeptase the active ingredient will dissolve the fibrin proteins and help to heal the scar tissue.

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Too much fibrin

Scars can appear on the skin to remind us of an injury, internally fibrin can build up it can be healthy but not when too much fibrin builds up, it can cause problems, enzymes like Serrapeptase can help the body to heal and keep it working efficiently.

If fibrin builds up in the bloodstream it can cause blockages to the blood flow going to the heart and other organs, Serrapeptase can assist in breaking down fibrin so that normal blood supply is restored.

How does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue?

Take Serrapeptase 80,00 IU or the strongest dose of 250,000 IU depending on your condition, take the systemic enzymes with a glass of water on an empty stomach, and wait for one hour before eating take one last thing at night with water.

Serrapeptase questions and answers

I have abdominal scar tissue 2 years after a lipoplasty procedure. I heard that Serrapeptase could help “dissolve” internal scar tissue. Is there any truth to this?


Yes, it is a very effective and safe solution. It will take about 3 weeks to get rid of the discomfort and a further 3-6 weeks to ensure they are completely clear.

Do you still think Serrapeptase is effective as the scar tissue is old? And if so, what doses should I be taking and how often?

The age of the scar is irrelevant. The Serrapeptase dosage depends upon your finances. Perhaps 3 x 3 to start with and then reduce each week as the symptoms reduce. When symptoms are gone take the lowest dose 1×2 per day


I sincerely hope that you have found the answers to how Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue, you can see from the customer testimonials that Serrapeptase is an effective natural alternative for scarring and other conditions why not give Serrapeptase a try?

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How does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue, Scar tissue can be removed by taking Serrapeptase but you want to know how does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue?
Scar tissue can be external or internal for example you could have a scar externally from a cut or something like an accident, a fall or maybe a sports injury or perhaps following a c section.
An internal scar could be caused by a number of conditions for example you could have scar tissue on the lungs or scar tissue from blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic ovary disease.
Whatever is the cause of the scar tissue rest assured that Serrapeptase the enzyme can work wonders to dissolve scar tissue.
Scar tissue can be quite painful in some cases, internal scar tissue can be detrimental to lung health in the case of blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic breast disease it can prevent a woman becoming pregnant.
Serrapeptase has been in existence for many years as a dietary supplement how does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue simply by digesting the dead scar tissue so that it can be replaced by new and healthy tissue.
Is Serrapeptase a drug?
No, Serrapeptase is not a drug it is a systemic or proteolytic enzyme that means that it can dissolve or break down proteins into amino acids, systemic means that it does its work everywhere in the body and the bloodstream.
Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue
We know that Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue or non-living muscle tissue, that makes it ideal for not just reducing scars but it can also be of benefit for other scar tissue related health conditions for example fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, peyriones disease, pulmonary fibrosis and carpal tunnel.
Serrapeptase has proven to be very useful for relieving symptoms associated with inflammation, Serrapeptase works by blocking the cause of pain, amines are released in blocked scar tissue causing pain, Serrapeptase acts to reduce the influence of amines in causing pain, studies have proven this.
Inflammation is a major factor in arthritis Serrapeptase can help to calm the inflammation and relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Pain relief
Prescription pain medication have been the preferred way to relieve pain and inflammation however Serrapeptase is fast becoming an effective alternative for pain relief in conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, migraines, chronic sinusitis, back pain, carpal tunnel, as well as other chronic conditions.
Higher doses
Studies have shown taking higher doses of Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue and relieve inflammation faster and more effectively than smaller doses.
Where does Serrapeptase come from?
Serrapeptase or Serrati peptidase derives from the silkworm or to be more precise the intestines of the silkworm, as a dietary supplement it is enterically coated allowing it to pass safely through the digestive system into the intestines on to the bloodstream.
SerraEnzyme a natural serrapeptase product from the people at Good health naturally is one that people have been having excellent results with in dissolving scars.
Please visit my website to read what customers are saying about Serrapeptase.
For more information on how Serrapeptase can help to dissolve scar tissue please visit my website
How does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue, Scar tissue can be removed by taking Serrapeptase but you want to know how does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue?
Scar tissue can be external or internal for example you could have a scar externally from a cut or something like an accident, a fall or maybe a sports injury or perhaps following a c section.
An internal scar could be caused by a number of conditions for example you could have scar tissue on the lungs or scar tissue from blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic ovary disease.
Whatever is the cause of the scar tissue rest assured that Serrapeptase the enzyme can work wonders to dissolve scar tissue.
Scar tissue can be quite painful in some cases, internal scar tissue can be detrimental to lung health in the case of blocked fallopian tubes or polycystic breast disease it can prevent a woman becoming pregnant.
Serrapeptase has been in existence for many years as a dietary supplement how does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue simply by digesting the dead scar tissue so that it can be replaced by new and healthy tissue.
Is Serrapeptase a drug?
No, Serrapeptase is not a drug it is a systemic or proteolytic enzyme that means that it can dissolve or break down proteins into amino acids, systemic means that it does its work everywhere in the body and the bloodstream.
Serrapeptase dissolves scar tissue
We know that Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue or non-living muscle tissue, that makes it ideal for not just reducing scars but it can also be of benefit for other scar tissue related health conditions for example fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, peyriones disease, pulmonary fibrosis and carpal tunnel.
Serrapeptase has proven to be very useful for relieving symptoms associated with inflammation, Serrapeptase works by blocking the cause of pain, amines are released in blocked scar tissue causing pain, Serrapeptase acts to reduce the influence of amines in causing pain, studies have proven this.
Inflammation is a major factor in arthritis Serrapeptase can help to calm the inflammation and relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Pain relief
Prescription pain medication have been the preferred way to relieve pain and inflammation however Serrapeptase is fast becoming an effective alternative for pain relief in conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, migraines, chronic sinusitis, back pain, carpal tunnel, as well as other chronic conditions.
Higher doses
Studies have shown taking higher doses of Serrapeptase can dissolve scar tissue and relieve inflammation faster and more effectively than smaller doses.
Where does Serrapeptase come from?
Serrapeptase or Serrati peptidase derives from the silkworm or to be more precise the intestines of the silkworm, as a dietary supplement it is enterically coated allowing it to pass safely through the digestive system into the intestines on to the bloodstream.
SerraEnzyme a natural serrapeptase product from the people at Good health naturally is one that people have been having excellent results with in dissolving scars.
Please visit my website to read what customers are saying about Serrapeptase.
For more information on how Serrapeptase can help to dissolve scar tissue please visit my website

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How does Serrapeptase dissolve scar tissue?

Lower Cholesterol Serrapeptase April 29, 2020 6:36 pm


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