How to get rid of high blood pressure?
If you have high blood pressure it could lead to more serious problems, especially for your heart, you want to get rid of high blood pressure but don’t know where to start, let me show you the 6 best ways to lower your blood pressure fast. Let’s look at how to get rid of high blood pressure.
What is high blood pressure?
The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension, the condition means that your blood supply is being pumped by your heart at a higher-than-normal pressure through your arteries.
Hypertension can be the catalyst for several serious diseases that include a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure, high blood pressure is dangerous because most people don’t know that they have it because there are no symptoms.
Research on high blood pressure
Several studies on high blood pressure found what appears to be a gene associated with high blood pressure, you could have that same gene if so you are more than likely to progress to high blood pressure, make sure that you get it checked regularly and work at the other factors to lower your risk.
What causes hypertension
In several cases family history plays a part, a high salt diet, obesity, heavy smoking along with a lack of any physical activity all contribute to hypertension or high blood pressure, so how do you get rid of high blood pressure?
Blood pressure medication
Most people head to their doctor if they feel unwell due to high blood pressure, most doctors will prescribe high blood pressure medications, although they work these are not without side effects, you can get rid of high blood pressure by losing weight, exercising, stress relief, cutting down on salt intake, reducing alcohol intake or you can try a natural herbal alternative that works.

The heart muscle
The heart muscle is the hardest working organ in your body, primarily it is a muscle that functions to pump oxygen-rich blood to major organs like your heart and brain, it also pumps blood and nutrients to tissues and through tiny blood vessels that carry it throughout your body.
Normal blood pressure
Normal blood pressure is considered to be 120 over 80, which is usually measured using a blood pressure monitor, it tells you or your doctor what rate your heart is pumping the blood around your body.
High blood pressure is extremely common, it means that your heart has to work so much harder to pump enough blood for your body’s needs, nearly 25% of people in the world have hypertension, you are not alone, so let’s move on and tell you how to get rid of high blood pressure.
Why is hypertension dangerous?
Hypertension is considered by experts to be very dangerous because it could be a precursor to other diseases, if left uncontrolled hypertension can lead to several conditions like:
- Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries
- Heart failure
- Stroke
- Kidney disease
High blood pressure measurements
So high blood pressure has two measurements one is called diastolic and the other is systolic, a normal reading is 120 systolic and 80 diastolic, doctors are more concerned about your systolic blood pressure because elevated systolic levels are a marker for cardiovascular disease for those over 50.
Clogged arteries
The problem that occurs most frequently is clogged arteries, this happens with age due to fatty materials, high cholesterol, and calcium building up and blocking your arteries, this process can drive up your systolic measurements and become a concern.
Elevated blood pressure levels
Elevated blood pressure levels are a warning sign that something more serious is on the horizon meaning a change needs to happen before something more serious or life-threatening happens, let’s get to what you need to do to get rid of high blood pressure.

These 7 small changes can help to lower high blood pressure
You don’t need to go crazy to get rid of high blood pressure, small changes to your lifestyle can make all the difference in getting your high blood pressure under control, here are my seven tips to get rid of high blood pressure.
1. Losing weight
High blood pressure is more prevalent in people that carry a bit of weight, this is due to excess pressure on the heart, concentrate on cutting out unhealthy foods, sugar, and alcohol to lose at least a stone in weight.
2. Exercise
I’m aware that some people just don’t like to exercise and that’s fine, however a lack of exercise contributes to high blood pressure, you should be aware of that and try to get a short walk in at least five days a week.
3. Stress relief
Stress is a major factor in elevated blood pressure levels, dealing with stress sometimes isn’t easy, there are hormones in your body that control your stress levels, when you become stressed these hormones constrict your blood vessels and drive up your blood pressure.
4. How do you deal with stress?
Dealing with stress is easier when you are aware of what things in your life are causing you the most stress, whether it is work stress, financial worries, family stress, or just simple things that cause you to get stressed, be aware and try to reduce the causes, practice meditation or yoga.
5. Cut down on the salt intake
According to medical research, most Americans eat way too much salt, more than 3 times what is recommended, which drives blood pressure up, watch how much salt is in food products read the labels, and cut down on salt intake.
6. Reduce alcohol intake
Did you know that alcohol has a lot of sugar in the ingredients, remember too much sugar causes excess weight that leads to pressure on your heart and raises your blood pressure, so watch your alcohol intake?
7. Try a natural alternative formulated by doctors

One of the best ways to get rid of high blood pressure fast is to try a natural alternative formulated by doctors, this product is called the Advanced blood pressure formula produced by Advanced Bionutritionals.
What is Advanced blood pressure formula?
Advanced blood pressure formula is a natural alternative to blood pressure medications that cause so many unhealthy side effects, Advanced blood pressure formula helps to promote healthy blood pressure.
The unique formula put together by the doctors at Advanced Bionutritionals contains many herbs that have been used for centuries to get rid of high blood pressure.
The Chinese have very low levels of high blood pressure, you have to ask why is that, 38% of people in the USA have high blood pressure while in China only 18% have hypertension, why is that?
Could it be that a 5,000 years old formula works better than conventional blood pressure medications, in China doctors take a different approach when treating high blood pressure, they hold the belief that high blood pressure is related to imbalances in the body.
How do the Chinese get rid of high blood pressure so successfully?
Chinese medicine relies on tried and trusted herbal remedies to help support and lower high blood pressure more naturally, they use herbs to increase blood flow and to make clogged arteries more flexible, and over the centuries their methods are proven to work.
Advanced blood pressure formula contains many of those herbs that the Chinese use to get rid of high blood pressure, let’s take a closer look at what each herb does to get rid of high blood pressure.
Three main herbs make Advanced blood pressure formula the go-to supplement to get rid of high blood pressure and they are:
1. Hibiscus because in a special study that was double-blind and placebo-controlled 65 patients were given hibiscus the results showed that those people had much better reductions in their high blood pressure than those that took the placebo.
2. Magnesium because in more than 10 studies where 200,000 people took part associated a higher intake of magnesium protected those against high blood pressure, in addition for every 100-milligram dose of magnesium correlated with a 5% drop in high blood pressure measurements.
3. Chinese herbal blend because the eleven Chinese herbs are the same ones that the Chinese have been using for more than 2,000 years to get rid of high blood pressure.
Why not try Advanced blood pressure formula go to the Advanced Bionutritionals supplements website here.
What are your risk factors for high blood pressure?
Statistics will show that some are more prone to getting high blood pressure than others, the way you live your life can impact your risk factors for developing hypertension, the people most at risk are:
- People with a family history
- People that have a high salt intake
- Women and men over 50
- People with obesity
- inactive People
- African American
- People that drink to excess
Why does it matter to get rid of high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a condition that develops over time, it can quickly lead to a y number of health problems, that is the reason that it matters to get rid of high blood pressure, the last thing you need is to have:
- A heart attack
- A stroke
- Kidney damage
- Memory loss
- Chest pain
- Bad circulation
- Vision loss

I hope that you have enough information on why you should get rid of high blood pressure, I believe a combination of simple steps can make all the difference, you could try out this best-selling high blood pressure supplement, after all, it has worked for the Chinese for more than 2,000 years.
To learn more about Advanced Bionutritionals and the doctors that provide their unique formulas go here.
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