Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits are found in Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules, this natural product is a combination of Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, and other important enzymes that over time can help you become healthier.

So let’s take a closer look at Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits.

Da Vinci Laboratories are the people behind Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules, , it has by any measure proven to be the best most powerful enzyme combination on the market.

The company hasn’t stood still recognizing Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits and adding other essential enzymes and antioxidants such as grape seed extract and pycnogenol, protease, lipase, amalyase, cellulase, trace mineral complex to make an outstanding natural product that provides the greatest help for so many conditions.

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits go back over 30 years millions of people have benefited from this wonderful combination most without any side effects if side effects are found the best advice is to simply lower the dose or stop taking it altogether.

Recommended Nattokinase and Serrapeptase product

by DaVinci Labs Nattokinase Plus Da Vinci labs Nattokinase plus

Fast results with Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits

To experience Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits can in some cases take only a matter of days or weeks, the company Good Health Naturally rrecommendsthat for faster results increase the dosage, so it can be adjusted by the person using Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules, as necessary.

What are the benefits?

One of the major reasons for Ill health is the presence of inflammation, one huge Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefit is their ability to

  • Support the reduction of inflammation in the liver
  • Support its power to detoxify
  • Supports the reduction of inflammation in connective tissues and joints
  • Decreases inflammation wherever it is

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits include the ability to support aging by

  • The reduction of fibrosis and  breast cysts by removing harmful fiber
  • Reduces fibromyalgia symptoms
  • Reduction of scars and wrinkles
  • Dissolving post-op scar tissue
  • Removes fiber in pulmonary fibrosis

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits are especially good in blood circulation by

  • Reducing unhealthy fibrin in the blood vessels and improving blood flow
  • Supporting a healthier endothelium (artery walls)
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Supporting detoxification in the blood
  • Reducing inflammation

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits include immune system support by

  • Making white blood cells healthier
  • Better absorption of nutrients
  • Better viral loading
  • Reduction in free radical damage

Blockbuster all clear benefits

By taking Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules, in the recommended dosage you can enjoy Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits such as

  • A healthier arterial and cardiovascular system
  • Healthier cartilage and joints
  • Essential nutrients to heal scars and wounds
  • Support to lower inflammation and pain
  • Anti-aging effects

Why you should consider Nattokinase and Serrapeptase?

The key to a healthier body is this amazing combination of safe, effective, and powerful enzymes and nutrients that bring out the best Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits through this best-selling natural product Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules.

Da Vinci Laboratories chose only scientifically recognized ingredients because of their safety, efficacy, and myriad of health benefits, all the ingredients are pure and tested in the laboratory.

What are the results?

I took a peek at Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits through Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, and 60 Capsules customer testimonials, here is a sample of the benefits of Serrapeptase and Nattokinase together. (Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules)

Excellent product !! one must comply With the instructions used before meals

Been a life saver for me and would not be without them

Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules is the leading Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits product on the market today, unlike its competitors Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules lets you know exactly what the formula consists of, you know exactly what you are buying and can expect health benefits within a few weeks depending on your ailment.

What is Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase is often called “the miracle enzyme” because over the past 35 years or so it has been recommended and used widely by honest health practitioners and well-informed doctors around the world.

In a nutshell, Serrapeptase or Serratiopeptidase clears out dead or harmful proteins in the body that may be causing pain, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can digest non-living tissue, cysts, and blood clots.

Serrapeptase’s amazing work helps to remove dead tissue, this action brings inflammation under control and allows the body to naturally heal itself, so the Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits are:

  • Healthy blood vessels
  • Healthy inflammation
  • Healthy digestion
  • Healthy lungs
  • Healthy body

What is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase is a very potent highly purified fibrinolytic enzyme that is extracted from the traditional Japanese food natto in the laboratory, there are many research articles on the use of Nattokinase.

Many of them show that Nattokinase can support the breakup and dissolvement of unhealthy coagulated blood through its fibrinolytic activity.

Nattokinase is a promising therapy in reversing atherosclerosis, a recent Chinese study was conducted where 76 people with carotid atherosclerosis were given either Nattokinase or a cholesterol drug simvastatin.

The study found that in both groups of people cholesterol levels were reduced, and HDL or good cholesterol rose in the Nattokinase group, the most amazing thing was that in the Nattokinase group atherosclerosis reversal was profound over the 26-week period where volume fell by 37%.


Protease is an enzyme responsible for digesting food proteins, it is an important but difficult substance to metabolize, if food isn’t digested properly some of it can end up in the circulatory system or somewhere else in the body.


Another important enzyme lipase also digests fats or lipids, so triglycerides and triglycerides are converted into glycerol or free fatty acids.


Lactase or milk sugar is one of 3 types of disaccharides that need to be broken down, lactase does that job it also helps calcium to be absorbed, lactose deficiency causes lactose intolerance to most dairy products and causes discomfort.


Another digestive enzyme amylase is classified as a saccharide, it is the main component of pancreatic saliva and juice, and it’s needed to break down long-chain carbohydrates like starch into smaller pieces.

Amylase is also found in the fruit of several plants when they are ripening making them sweeter, a diet high in carbohydrates causes an enzyme imbalance leading to amylase deficiency.


Cellulase is a family of enzymes that form together and converts crystalline emphasis as well as chemically derived fiber into glucose.


Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant that has 4 basic processes, it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, supports binding to collagen and elastin, supports the production of Nitric oxide, and helps to dilate blood vessels.

Studies on Pycnogenol

Studies that have been published on Pycnogenol show that its health benefits include:

  • Support for cardiovascular health
  • Support for osteoarthritis
  • Skin care improvement
  • Support for cognitive health
  • Diabetes support
  • Calming of inflammation
  • Allergy and asthma relief
  • Support for the menstrual cycle

To purchase Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules go to the official website here.

Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules with Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits is intended to compliment a healthy body and lifestyle.

This 30-year-old formula is effective and provides the best combination of enzymes and antioxidants to get you healthy again, here is a list of priceless benefits:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Stronger immune system
  • Better circulation
  • Healthier skin and hair
  • Stronger cardiovascular health
  • Stronger bones
  • Healthier joints
  • More alertness

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules safe to take?

A: Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules consists of all-natural ingredients, it is without any harmful fillers, there are absolutely no chemicals in the product, and it is safe to take on a regular or a longer-term basis.

If you have any concerns speak with your health practitioner.

Q: I’m taking medications, can I take Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules?

A: Speak to your health practitioner.

Q: Do I need a prescription?

A: You don’t need a prescription for Nattokinase Plus,

Q: Can you use Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits if pregnant?

A: It is not recommended during pregnancy.

Q: Is Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules approved by the FDA?

Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits are found in Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules, all the ingredients come from natural sources, the manufacturers of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase aka Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules follow the guidelines set down by the FDA in a registered facility.

Q: Why should you try Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules?

A: Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits aka Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules is a wonderful natural alternative to many harmful drugs.

If you are looking to become healthier and suffer from any of the above symptoms then Da Vinci Laboratories, Nattokinase Plus™, 60 Capsules may be the right choice for you, why not give it a try?

Q: How many BlockBusters per day?

A: It depends, read the instructions carefully, and follow the guidelines, you can increase your dosage depending on your results.

 Q: Are results as stated in the testimonials guaranteed?

A: Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits (aka Blockbuster All clear) are there for all to see, each person is different, each metabolism is different, and many are finding positive results, however you won’t know for sure until you try it.

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My name is Fintan, I work in healthcare, in this short video I’m going to tell you about a natural enzyme Serrapeptase, and how does Serrapeptase work?
The technical name for Serrapeptase is Serratiopeptidase.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme meaning that it digests protein. It is produced in the gut of the silkworm by bacteria that digests the cocoon surrounding the silkworm.

Serrapeptase is used in Europe, Asia and more recently in the USA as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
Serrapeptase is thought to be useful for a number of health conditions including arterial plaque build-up, carpal tunnel syndrome, uterine fibroids, bursitis and cholesterol.
More than 40 clinical studies have demonstrated that Serrapeptase can be useful for treating pain and inflammation, in the laboratory it is isolated and converted into an enteric coated tablet or capsule.

Serrapeptase is as powerful as NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen without any of the side effects.
Preliminary research tells us that Serrapeptase may be able to slow plaque build-up in the arteries that is really good news for people with atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
Serrapeptase works to eat up or dissolve plaque build-up in the arteries, it works better than aspirin because it can prevent inflammation occurring in the arterial walls, meaning less pressure on the heart as it pumps oxygen rich blood around the vascular system.

We hear all the time that NSAIDs cause stomach ulcers, leg pain, nausea and other side effects, the beauty of Serrapeptase is that side effects are few.
It is a unique natural enzyme because it can digest harmful tissue that may be causing inflammation or pain, it breaks protein down into good amino acids that are used to keep our bodies healthy.

The research points to its ability to reduce bradykinin a known pain inducer. It works in a similar way to over the counter medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen but it doesn't thin the blood.
More than 40 plus studies have been done over the last 35 years, the studies have identified the tremendous potential of Serrapeptase. 
In a study of 193 people who were given Serrapeptase it found that inflammation in the ears, nose and the throat reduced significantly as well as a reduction in pain in the short time of only 8 days.
The journal Pharmatherapeutica published a multi-centre double blind study where 174 participants who had empyema (pus that collects between the lung and the surrounding membrane) were given Serrapeptase following surgery. Reports showed a reduction in swelling without any side effects.
In a smaller study published in the Journal of the Association of Physicians of just 20 people, over a 6-week period people with carpal tunnel found improvements in their symptoms without any significant side effects.
More than 40 plus studies have been done over the last 35 years, the studies have identified the tremendous potential of Serrapeptase. 
A good example is where an injury has caused swelling and pain, Serrapeptase works to reduce the inflammation by thinning out the fluids that were formed following the injury.
This action coupled with draining the fluids away helps to speed up tissue repair.
Serrapeptase helps with pain relief by reducing bradykinin, when bradykinin is released into the system it induces pain so Serrapeptase works by inhibiting bradykinin from being released.
Serrapeptase being a proteolytic enzyme can dissolve dead or damaged tissue in the arteries, it can also dissolve fibrin which is a by-product of blood coagulation,
It's important to point out that even though it dissolves dead tissue it doesn't cause any harm to living tissue
It may be helpful in reducing Atherosclerotic plaque without causing any harm to the arteries.
Uterine fibroids are a common problem for many women, the symptoms can be uncomfortable and painful ranging from heavy menstrual bleeding, 
pelvic pain as well as prolonged periods, a uterine fibroid is a lump or mass on the uterus.
Because Serrapeptase can dissolve fibroids it's not surprising that many women have reported a significant reduction in symptoms following Serrapeptase treatment.
Similarly, people with carpal tunnel syndrome have taken Serrapeptase and within a few weeks the symptoms of carpal tunnel have significantly reduced.
Where can you buy Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase is available in supplement form in doses ranging from 40,000 IU to 250,000 IU, the largest selection of Serrapeptase products is now available on Amazon, they can deliver to anywhere in the world.

For more information please visit my website

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My name is Fintan, I work in healthcare, in this short video I’m going to tell you about a natural enzyme Serrapeptase, and how does Serrapeptase work?
The technical name for Serrapeptase is Serratiopeptidase.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme meaning that it digests protein. It is produced in the gut of the silkworm by bacteria that digests the cocoon surrounding the silkworm.

Serrapeptase is used in Europe, Asia and more recently in the USA as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
Serrapeptase is thought to be useful for a number of health conditions including arterial plaque build-up, carpal tunnel syndrome, uterine fibroids, bursitis and cholesterol.
More than 40 clinical studies have demonstrated that Serrapeptase can be useful for treating pain and inflammation, in the laboratory it is isolated and converted into an enteric coated tablet or capsule.

Serrapeptase is as powerful as NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen without any of the side effects.
Preliminary research tells us that Serrapeptase may be able to slow plaque build-up in the arteries that is really good news for people with atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
Serrapeptase works to eat up or dissolve plaque build-up in the arteries, it works better than aspirin because it can prevent inflammation occurring in the arterial walls, meaning less pressure on the heart as it pumps oxygen rich blood around the vascular system.

We hear all the time that NSAIDs cause stomach ulcers, leg pain, nausea and other side effects, the beauty of Serrapeptase is that side effects are few.
It is a unique natural enzyme because it can digest harmful tissue that may be causing inflammation or pain, it breaks protein down into good amino acids that are used to keep our bodies healthy.

The research points to its ability to reduce bradykinin a known pain inducer. It works in a similar way to over the counter medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen but it doesn't thin the blood.
More than 40 plus studies have been done over the last 35 years, the studies have identified the tremendous potential of Serrapeptase.
In a study of 193 people who were given Serrapeptase it found that inflammation in the ears, nose and the throat reduced significantly as well as a reduction in pain in the short time of only 8 days.
The journal Pharmatherapeutica published a multi-centre double blind study where 174 participants who had empyema (pus that collects between the lung and the surrounding membrane) were given Serrapeptase following surgery. Reports showed a reduction in swelling without any side effects.
In a smaller study published in the Journal of the Association of Physicians of just 20 people, over a 6-week period people with carpal tunnel found improvements in their symptoms without any significant side effects.
More than 40 plus studies have been done over the last 35 years, the studies have identified the tremendous potential of Serrapeptase.
A good example is where an injury has caused swelling and pain, Serrapeptase works to reduce the inflammation by thinning out the fluids that were formed following the injury.
This action coupled with draining the fluids away helps to speed up tissue repair.
Serrapeptase helps with pain relief by reducing bradykinin, when bradykinin is released into the system it induces pain so Serrapeptase works by inhibiting bradykinin from being released.
Serrapeptase being a proteolytic enzyme can dissolve dead or damaged tissue in the arteries, it can also dissolve fibrin which is a by-product of blood coagulation,
It's important to point out that even though it dissolves dead tissue it doesn't cause any harm to living tissue
It may be helpful in reducing Atherosclerotic plaque without causing any harm to the arteries.
Uterine fibroids are a common problem for many women, the symptoms can be uncomfortable and painful ranging from heavy menstrual bleeding,
pelvic pain as well as prolonged periods, a uterine fibroid is a lump or mass on the uterus.
Because Serrapeptase can dissolve fibroids it's not surprising that many women have reported a significant reduction in symptoms following Serrapeptase treatment.
Similarly, people with carpal tunnel syndrome have taken Serrapeptase and within a few weeks the symptoms of carpal tunnel have significantly reduced.
Where can you buy Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase is available in supplement form in doses ranging from 40,000 IU to 250,000 IU, the largest selection of Serrapeptase products is now available on Amazon, they can deliver to anywhere in the world.

For more information please visit my website

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How does serrapeptase work 2019

Lower Cholesterol Serrapeptase December 13, 2019 10:30 am


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  1. Hi,
    Absolutely, you can take Serrapeptase and Nattokinase together using a glass of chloride dioxide infused water, the water is treated for purity.

  2. C Me

    Can I take the with Chloride Dioxide infused water?

    C Me

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