Relieve hip bursitis symptoms
I would like to let you know what are your options to relieve hip bursitis symptoms, if you have had hip pain for a while you may have had a diagnosis from your health consultant, if you have bursitis of the hip your symptoms may be very similar to what I had experienced for a couple of years before I found a to get rid of hip bursitis symptoms.
Treatments for hip bursitis symptoms include antibiotics, prescription painkillers, hip exercises, weight loss, physiotherapy, and rest.
Can you relate to any of these hip bursitis symptoms?
- Sharp pain in the hip
- Hip pain while walking
- Leg and hip pain combined.
- Hip pain when lying down
- Stiffness in the hip or an ache there
- The affected joint may be red or swollen.
- sharp and shooting pain in your hip and leg.
Causes of hip bursitis symptoms
To explain what causes the symptoms of hip pain we must first explain the make of the hip joint.
A bursa is a narrow fluid-filled cushion or sac found where there is friction between a bone and the tissue surrounding that area, tissue like ligaments, muscles, tendons, and soft tissue.
We have two bursae in our hips, the problem with hip pain starts when these bursae become inflamed or irritated, one of the bursae surrounds the great trochanter, this is called a bony point of the hip bone.
When the trochanter becomes inflamed we call this trochanteric bursitis. The other bursa is found on the inside (where the groin is located) and we call this the iliopsoas bursa.

What causes hip and leg pain?
The parts of the body that we use frequently are legs, knees, feet, hands, eyes, ears, and ankles, so it stands to reason that over time there will be a lot of wear and tear on these parts.
For example, if a person was involved in sports that require a lot of running the hip, ankle, and arm joints would be used a lot.
You don’t have to be into sports to feel the wear and tear on your joints, another example is if you work in an office and you lean on your elbows a lot, or you work in a physical job that requires a lot of kneeling or lifting.
If you suffer an injury or trauma this will cause pain, other conditions like gout, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory arthritis can be described as the main causes of hip and joint pain.
Hip Bursitis risk factors
Bursitis is more common as we age, you can get it at a younger age also.
Work or hobbies, if you are in a job or you have a hobby that requires a lot of repetitive tasks which puts pressure on your joints the risk of contracting bursitis increases. Hip bursitis may never go away.
Medical conditions
Conditions like gout, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis do increase the risk of developing bursitis; knee and hip bursitis can develop if you are overweight.
7 Tips to reduce the risk of Bursitis
It is impossible to prevent most types of bursitis; however here are 7 tips to help reduce your risk.
1. How to lift: Always remember to bend your knees, reducing the stress on the bursae.
2. Take breaks: When doing the same task over and over, remember to take regular breaks
3. Heavy loads: Try to use a wheeled cart instead of lifting the heavy load yourself.
4. Before exercise: Warm up for five minutes before doing any activity that will put pressure on your joints
5. Kneeling: If you have to kneel in your job for example a carpet fitter, use protective knee pads.
6. Build up muscle: By doing strengthening exercises
7. Weight: If possible try to keep the weight down to protect your joints from hip Serrapeptase for Hip Bursitis Symptoms

Serrapeptase for hip bursitis
Serrapeptase is a natural alternative to relieve and get rid of hip & leg pain. Depending on your level of hip bursitis pain you could start with one Serrapeptase tablet with a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, and repeat this in the evening before bed.
I use Serrapeptase from the Good Health Naturally people, it has worked very well to get rid of my hip bursitis pain,
For hip bursitis symptoms try one in the morning with a glass of water on an empty and one in the evening before bed, it will take several months to feel results so stick with the dosage.
If necessary use 3 per day for more effect, cut back to a maintenance dose when the pain has gone and suggested one tablet per day.

Traditional treatment for hip bursitis
Usually, when we have symptoms of hip pain, our first port of call is to see the doctor. If your doctor diagnoses noninfectious bursitis, he will usually prescribe pain-killing medication; antibiotics.
Additionally, the doctor may also recommend rest or an ice pack in the case of any swelling. Infectious bursitis is uncommon, usually treated with aspirin, antibiotics, or surgery.
When a bursa is not only inflamed but also infected, it is called septic bursitis. Unlike most cases of aseptic bursitis, septic bursitis is a potentially serious medical condition and prompt medical attention is advisable.
An estimated 20% of bursitis cases are septic.
A bursa may become infected if an infectious bacteria or other microorganism enters the bursa through a cut, scrape, puncture, bug bite, or other means. It is possible to have septic bursitis without an obvious entry point on the skin; sometimes the origin of the infection is unknown.
Septic Bursitis
Medications and certain health conditions may suppress the immune system or affect blood circulation, in these cases, people are more open to developing septic bursitis.
Some of these health conditions include COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) diabetes, alcoholism, cancer, HIV/Aids, or diabetes. Conditions like these can hurt the immune system and are more likely to develop septic bursitis.
What are the symptoms of Septic Bursitis?
Typical symptoms of bursitis are swelling and localized pain at the joint, other indicators that it could be septic bursitis to look out for are;
- Very tender around the bursa
- Fever or chills
- Extreme redness and warmth on the skin surrounding the joint
It can be difficult to distinguish between septic and aseptic bursitis, a doctor’s visit is required for further investigation.
The doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the affected area and may take a sample of synovial fluid from the area, this is necessary in case the bursa fills with pus. The danger is that the pus could travel into the bloodstream and sepsis could develop.
Hip Bursitis natural remedies:
If you are taking painkillers to help with hip pain such as pain medications Motrin, Aleve, Tylenol, or Paracetamol but you would prefer not to take drugs because you are worried about the side effects of drugs then this may help.
- Try to rest the area where the pain is.
- Try using ice and put it over the affected area.
- Try to do leg stretches
- Try to exercise regularly
Top 8 best anti-inflammatory spices and herbs
- Sage
- Oregano
- Jamaican spice
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Garlic
- Cumin
- Ginger
Hi Sabrina,
Thanks so much for visiting,yes there are alternatives that work much better than drugs.Fintan
Hi Henry,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my site,Serrapeptase has worked amazingly well for me and that was my primary reason for making my website.I’m not a big fan of taking drugs, preferring to try something more natural.Don’t forget to visit my site http://www.lowercholesterolserrapepta... if you would like to purchase Serrapeptase. (sorry for being so forward) All the best with your business, if you would like me to comment on your site feel free to contact me, I would be delighted to help you.
Hi cholesterol and hip trouble are all too common and I think you are doing a great job providing great information for others with this ailment.
It really does sound like a miracle enzyme tablet in that it gets rid of your hip pain and that it also lowers cholesterol
and the best thing about it is that its natural.
My father suffers from both of these issues and I will introduce him to Serrapeptase.
Thank you for providing this wonderful remedy and all the best.