Healthy Heart: Top 10 supplements
Supplements can help to keep your heart healthy, a healthy heart may prevent heart disease, so what are the best supplements for heart health?
Looking after your heart should be a priority, did you know that the correct supplements can help prevent heart disease?
Your heart is essential for the smooth functioning of the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your body. It is so important to know how to keep your heart healthy considering that heart disease is the most prominent cause of death among men and women worldwide.
Learning how to reduce the risks associated with heart disease can help you to live longer and stay healthier. Heart health supplements taken in addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise and stress control can have a major impact on how your body reacts to the various stages of your life.
If you are overwhelmed or confused by the vast amounts of information found on the internet urging people to get heart healthier by taking supplements, then you need to read this article on the best supplements for heart health and why.
Do supplements work for heart disease?
Taking supplements for heart disease may work for one person and may not for another, several studies have been done on the effectiveness, side effects and dosage of some well-known supplements such as Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Turmeric, Fish Oils, L-Arginine, Coenzyme Q10 and others, results will vary health improvements should be expected over the longer term.
There are other considerations to look at before deciding to take supplements to boost your heart health for example:
1. Have you had a heart attack?
2. Is there a family history?
3. Are you taking heart medication?
4. Have you had a heart bypass?
5. Have you had a heart stent inserted?
6. What are you doing to keep your heart healthy?
7. Have your high blood pressure?
Supplements come in various forms, you can eat them or drink them, supplements contain vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, herbs or other plants. Supplements are recommended as an addition to your diet not to be used instead of normal food.
Best Supplements for heart health and why
I have compiled my top 10 Best supplements for heart health, including benefits and possible side effects. I have also included a link to any scientific studies related to that supplement as well as a link to Advanced Bionutritionals Health Store so you can avail of the best quality and best price supplement range.
1. Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is a vital substance normally found in food because it is used by our cells to make energy, it is an antioxidant and protects our bodies from harmful molecules.
Coenzyme Q10 is found in larger amounts in meat like beef, liver, and kidney as well as mackerel, peanuts, sardines and soy oil. Q10 is also known as is known to boost energy, some people take it if they are on statin drugs to counteract some of the known side effects, particularly a loss of energy.
Coenzyme Q10 benefits
Best for heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, and side effects statin drugs, one of the best supplements for heart health is L-carnitine plus CoQ10, for more information click here.
Side effects:
Possible side effects include rash, insomnia, headaches, and digestive issues.
2. L-arginine
According to Doctor Louis Ignarro a well-known scientist who wrote the book “No more heart disease” l-arginine is vital to clean the plaque build-up in our arteries. We get l-arginine from the foods that we eat, foods like dairy products, fish, meat, whole grains and beans.
The problem is when we age our bodies don’t produce enough l-arginine this causes problems in our arteries in the form of plaque build-up that sticks to the arterial walls, if the plaque breaks off it could lead to a heart attack or stroke. The plaque build-up can cause problems with the normal flow of blood putting pressure on the heart causing damage and heart disease.
L-arginine benefits:
L-arginine is used for congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, blocked arteries in the leg, erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease.
Side effects:
Possible side effects include stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, allergies, low blood pressure
3.Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in certain oily fish and some plants they are known to lower triglycerides, and high triglycerides are linked to heart disease, coronary heart disease and stroke.
Our bodies don’t make these Omega 3 fatty acids so to have a healthy heart it is necessary to take a fish oil supplement, watch your diet and get regular exercise to keep your heart healthy.
One study of patients with chronic heart failure showed that when the patients were given fish oil supplements there was a corresponding improvement in their heart health even though it was a small decrease.
Omega 3 fatty acids benefits:
Used to lower triglycerides, and blood pressure, slow arterial plaque build-up, and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke, a really good heart health supplement.
Side effects:
Possible side effects include bad breath, heartburn, diarrhoea, headache, unpleasant taste and bad breath.
4. Magnesium
Research has shown that low levels of magnesium may be a sign of heart disease, elevated magnesium levels have been linked to high blood pressure, calcification of the arteries, plaque build-up, high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.
Magnesium supplements are supplied in different forms, magnesium sulphate, magnesium citrate, magnesium gluconate and magnesium hydroxide.
Note: Patients who suffer from kidney disease should consult with their doctor before considering Magnesium supplements.
Magnesium levels in the population are estimated to be 80% deficient so taking a magnesium supplement is a good idea for most of us, particularly in liquid form for better absorption.
Magnesium benefits
Good for a healthy heart relieves muscle aches and pain, calms nerves, increases energy, helps with relaxation, and helps with migraine.
Side effects:
Too much may cause diarrhoea or digestive problems or nausea.
5. Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide is super important to our health, as well as our immune system. That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy oxide levels as we grow older. With circO2 you can support the healthy production of nitric oxide in your body.
As you probably know, nitric oxide is a little gas molecule produced in our bodies. It impacts the health of every cell, tissue, and organ.
It is an important signalling molecule between cells. It plays a critical role in supporting healthy circulation. And recent studies show nitric oxide plays a major role in supporting a healthy immune system.
It is so important that the scientists who discovered what it does for us won the Nobel Prize.
Nitric oxide is vitally important to our health. That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy nitric oxide levels as we grow older.
Now you can support healthy nitric oxide production in your body with our nitric oxide lozenges.
6. L carnitine
L-Carnitine is also an amino acid, it brings the body’s cells into the mitochondria where they are converted into energy, the heart muscle needs an adequate supply of energy to pump blood around the veins and arteries. A damaged heart following a heart attack will need a Carnitine supplement to help it recover.
L-Carnitine benefits
Circuit combined is approved by the FDA for the treatment and prevention of the Carnitine shortage in people with kidney disease. Good for heart failure, chest pain, high thyroid hormone levels, heart inflammation and Male infertility.
Side effects:
Not recommended for pregnant women, could make an underactive thyroid worse.
7. Multivitamins and Minerals
An appropriate recommended dosage of multivitamins and mineral supplements has been shown through research to be of benefit when there is a lack of proper nutrition in the diet, especially when people don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. Multivitamins and minerals may also help in preventing heart disease, they are inexpensive and safe to take.
Multivitamins benefits
Studies have shown that people reduced their risk of heart disease by taking a multivitamin, multivitamins are a necessity each day when you consider how the food that we eat is so depleted of vital nutrients. Visit the Advanced Bionutritionals store for some of the best multivitamins on the market.
Side effects:
In general side effects are not an issue however it is important to look for a quality multivitamin and not just go for the cheapest at your local health food store.
8. Garlic
Apart from being something healthy to add to your food and make it tastier, Garlic is a well-tolerated anti-inflammatory it is available in supplement form and has been used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the common cold. Garlic is safe to take in recommended doses however it may cause problems when somebody is taking blood thinners.
Garlic benefits
Garlic or garlic supplements are used for many conditions such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attack and high blood pressure. It has been used widely in some countries for long cancer prevention, stomach cancer, prostate and colon cancer. Visit Herbs Direct for various garlic products.
Side effects:
Better not to use if pregnant or if you have a stomach ulcer, not suitable for those with digestive issues.
9. Potassium
Potassium has been known for a long time as a blood pressure natural regulator.
The recommended daily intake of Potassium ( Food & Nutrition Board) is 4,70p mg, believe it or not, potatoes have more potassium than bananas as much as twice as much, so it is possible to obtain potassium in supplement form.
Potassium benefits
Potassium provides a range of health benefits including reducing high blood pressure, stroke relief, relief from kidney and heart disorders, enhancing muscle strength and balancing the nervous system. See some Potassium products on Herbs Direct.
Side effects:
Potassium may have a detrimental effect on those with kidney disease, it is advisable not to take more than the recommended dosage.
10. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is often considered an essential nutrient that reduces blood pressure, reduces anxiety and stress, and improves many more health disorders
A very underrated nutrient and one of the safest most effective supplements out there, Vitamin C may help to protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, eye disease and deficiencies in the immune system. Visit Advanced Bionutritionals for the Super Immune Quickstart product.
Vitamin C benefits
Users where there is a known vit c deficiency are also thought to help with keeping cancer away, preventing colds, cataracts, chronic pain, and heart disease, and reducing high blood pressure.
Outside of a known deficiency, vitamin C is believed by some to aid in the treatment or prevention of numerous diseases, including colds, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, chronic pain, cataracts, gastritis, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease.
Side effects
High doses can cause stomach upset, diarrhoea, cramps, headaches and heartburn.
Talk to your Doctor
I always think that it is a good idea to talk to your doctor before embarking on any new supplement because your doctor may or may not know of any potential side effects, allergic reactions, or interactions with your medications, any woman who is breastfeeding should look for the best advice.
Having said that most supplement suppliers are aware of any reactions and will make the customer aware also, after all, they want you to come back, don’t they?
I have given you as much information on each supplement as possible, I use heart supplements myself every day, and up to this point I can say that I haven’t suffered any reaction when combining them with other medication, always read what ingredients are in each product, look for a customer testimonial, weigh everything up before purchasing.
I sincerely hope that you have all the information that you need on the best supplements for heart health, not all supplements are made the same always check if the supplier is reputable if the product is the one that you want, does it contain the correct ingredients, it is quality approved.
PS: If you ever need any help or advice, I am here for you, just email me from the contact form at the top.
Watch Video
Coenzyme Q10 Study
L-Arginine studies
Omega 3 Study
Magnesium study
Fibre studies
LCarnitine studies
Multivitamin and minerals studies
Garlic studies
Potassium studies
Vitamin C studies
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Hi Todd,
Thanks for visiting, I’m glad you found the information helpful.
What’s even greater about this list is that all of these recommendations are natural and there’s really nothing more to them, such as Larginine, carnitine, multi’s, omegas, and Vitamin C. I’m impressed with this list, as before clicking through I thought it would be a marketing tactic of about five different product blends or something new.
But better yet, we’re looking at products that a) don’t break the bank, and b) are extremely easy to find. Nothing requiring a prescription, either, which for me is yet another huge plus.