Let me explain to you what dissolves plaque from arteries. I had a serious heart attack at age 45, and my Cardiologist explained that my LAD was 95% blocked with plaque, I asked how can you remove plaque from arteries, and his response was, it’s impossible! I didn’t believe him and thought there must be a way to reverse plaque build-up in the arteries.
I believe through my research and my efforts that I have found the answer to the question, of what dissolves plaque from arteries, let me explain why.
What is plaque in arteries?
Plaque in arteries is fatty deposits that build up in the arteries doctors call it atherosclerosis, these fatty deposits consist of bad or LDL cholesterol, cellular waste products, fibrin (clotting material,) and calcium. Over time plaque accumulates and builds up, this process the walls of the blood vessels to thicken causing the artery walls to narrow.
As the artery walls, narrow blood flow to the heart reduces lessening the effect of much-needed oxygen and other nutrients getting to all parts of the body, of course blockages in blood vessels can cause a heart attack or stroke, obviously no one wants or needs a heart attack or stroke read on and let me explain how can you remove plaque from arteries.
What are the causes of plaque in arteries?
There are several issues at play that cause plaque in the arteries for example
- High cholesterol levels or bad cholesterol (LDL) are dropped into arteries causing plaque to form.
- High blood pressure puts pressure on the arteries carrying blood to the heart over time the arteries become damaged causing atherosclerosis.
- Excess alcohol consumption causes fatty substances to deposit in the arteries.
- Smoking can weaken the arteries.
- Excess Calcium is diverted to the blood vessels adding to plaque buildup.
- A poor diet lacking in fruit and vegetables and that is high in sugars increases the chances of atherosclerosis.
- A lack of regular exercise is unhealthy for the body’s metabolism causing excess fats to deposit in the arteries.
What are the symptoms of plaque in the arteries?
If you are reading this because you want the answers to how can you remove plaque from arteries it’s important to know what the symptoms associated with arterial plaque are, if the coronary arteries are too narrow the heart won’t get enough supply oxygen, and nutrients.
The heart has to work much harder when there is plaque build-up, especially during exercise, initially this decrease in blood flow may not cause symptoms however as the plaque progresses and builds up the following symptoms may develop:
- Shortness of breath can occur because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients for your body’s needs.
- Chest pain or angina this can be mild or extreme in the form of tightness or pressure in your chest, in extreme cases, it will feel as if a heavy weight has been placed on your chest. Chest pain is usually brought on by physical activity or stress, it can be felt in the arm, neck, or back, for it will go away if it is a heart attack the chest pain will escalate.
- In the case of a heart attack the chest pain will persist and pass into the shoulder or arm it will be difficult to breathe and unrestrained sweating.
Here is how I dissolved plaque from my arteries
After all of my research, I came across the following two natural supplements, L-Arginine and Serrapeptase. This year I visited my Cardiologist, he wanted to do an angiogram to see if there was any plaque in my arterial system, the results were better than I expected, and the Cardiologist commented ” your results are very encouraging, there is no plaque in your arterial system apart from a little bit around the stent that was inserted after my heart attack”. There are several natural products available, but let me talk about the products that I’ve used before, and the results speak for themselves!
My 2 Recommended Products
1. CircO2
Circ02 is a unique Nitric oxide lozenge that is supplied only by Advanced Bionutritionals a health and WELLNESS company of more than 30 years, the formula for Circ02 is backed by Doctor Janet Zand a well-known naturopathic doctor.

Together, this combination of nutrients you get in CircO2 delivers the nitric oxide that’s gone missing… and that your body is screaming for! Nothing we’ve seen works better for giving you all the health-boosting benefits of increased nitric oxide in your body… especially if you’re over age 40.
The scientists who created CircO2 proved to themselves how much better — and faster — it works. They took a group of middle-aged people and divided them into two groups.
The first group was given a capsule containing l-arginine to take. The other group received a quick-dissolving tablet identical to CircO2.
The scientists measured the nitric oxide levels in the participants before they took the l-arginine or CircO2. They measured their levels again 20 minutes and one hour later.
Amazingly, after just 20 minutes, the group receiving the CircO2– like tablets boosted their nitric oxide levels by a whopping 200%! Meanwhile, the group that took l-arginine didn’t see any increase in nitric oxide, even after an hour.
As you can see, CircO2 is a godsend for anyone over 40 who wants the heart-saving, life-enhancing benefits of “young again” nitric oxide levels!
- Tells arteries to relax so they open wider and blood flows freely — promoting healthy blood pressure and slashing your heart risks!
- Fuels your body with a long-lasting energy surge, boosting your stamina and performance!
- Wakes up your brain to send and receive signals more quickly, so you can think faster on your feet and feel more alert!
- Boosts the formation of bone while slowing down bone breakdown, so your bones can stay strong and healthy!
- Promotes healthy cholesterol levels to keep your arteries clear and support heart health!
- Signals your immune system to kill dangerous invaders!
- Lifts your mood and sense of well-being, so you get more joy out of life!
- Allows your muscles and joints to recover faster, so you can keep active and move freely!
- Enhances blood flow to your sexual organs — so you can maintain a firm erection if you’re a man, or enjoy greater arousal and pleasure if you’re a woman!
2. Circutol
People want to know what is Circutol from Advanced Bionutritionals, does the thought of having more energy, a better memory, or a much-improved skin tone appeal to you? Well,l let me tell you a little bit more about Circutol this amazing new natural supplement that improves circulation.

The work of Circutol is unique. Circutol, an all-natural formulation, deals with the real cause of the issue from a different angle. It brings together the best of both worlds – known remedies for blood flow disorders and utilizes the latest research with proven methods. Circutol’s workings are described below:
Circutol primarily increases blood flow To the blood vessels the main function of Circutol is to enhance the flow of blood through the body. A natural solution is provided by the combination of all-natural ingredients, which also helps to reduce blood viscosity.
During the writing of Circutol reviews, I discovered that it stops clotting and makes the blood thinner by blocking the pigment that makes the blood thinner.
Your arteries are what carry oxygen and nutrients to your organs, and they are expanded when your arteries expand. Circutol helps your body absorb oxygen more efficiently by expanding your arteries.
This increased oxygen intake increases the rate of respiration in the body, which in turn leads to increased energy and an increased sense of activity.
What causes atherosclerosis?
When we are quite young fatty material starts to accumulate in the lining of the artery wall, our bodies recognize this as a foreign invader and it reacts by causing inflammation.
The artery does its best to clear the inflammation up when it repairs the tissue by making a seal of fibrous material over the fatty area.
This action will over time form plaque, the plaque consists of inflammation, the fatty material, and the fibrous tissue surrounding the fatty material, nobody in the medical world seems to have the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries.
The process gradually continues as more degeneration of the artery walls happens because of the accumulation of fatty deposits and the tissue. Over time there is a risk of poor circulation which may result in thrombosis (formation of a blood clot inside the blood vessel)
As the inflammation continues the plaque build-up increases but it could take several years before the plaque has any significant effect.
Potential consequences of atherosclerosis?
Atherosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke, it isn’t called the silent killer for anything! Once the arteries become hard and reach a certain size it is difficult for the blood to flow, at this point one may be suffering from discomfort or chest pain (Angina) if doing anything strenuous (climbing stairs, exercising)
The pain or discomfort isn’t confined to the chest as it can happen in the leg calves (claudication) due to a lack of blood getting to the legs, this condition is called peripheral artery disease.
If the plaque ruptures, the blood flow over the plaque is restricted leading to a blockage in the artery resulting in a heart attack, if the blood supply to the brain is interrupted this can lead to a stroke.
Will I know if my arteries are blocked?
Unfortunately, you may not know before it is too late, a lot of people with atherosclerosis or blocked arteries don’t know they have it until symptoms develop such as chest pain or leg pain.
By then it may be too late unless you go to see a cardiologist and have a Coronary Angiography performed to diagnose how bad the blocked arteries are. By taking this action you may be one of the lucky ones that don’t die from a heart attack, if you had known what removes plaque from arteries the health benefits would be enormous.
More about my heart attack
From my experience of almost dying from a massive heart attack at age 45, I can truthfully say that had I been more aware of natural treatments to dissolve artery plaque and lower cholesterol my life could have been so much better.
Had I died from the 95% blockage of my left ventricle artery my children and wife would have had to go through life without their father and husband.
Doctor Hans Napier a well-known German physicist who was anti-establishment used Serrapeptase on his patients that suffered from blocked arteries, he found that not only did Serrapeptase promote normal blood clotting, but it reduced varicose veins, the answer to the question does Serrapeptase remove arterial plaque.
There have been other studies that show Serrapeptase is effective at removing artery plaque. Serrapeptase and Nattokinase have been proven to remove artery plaque and lower cholesterol.
I found the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries, so by taking a few tablets every day I could have prevented what happened to me.
Serrapeptase has unique properties that are good for your health, however, Serrapeptase on its wont remove arterial plaque, when you add Nattokinase to Serrapeptase the combination is powerful and may be the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries.
Coronary Angiography
During this procedure an X-ray is used to take an image of your heart’s blood vessels, A Coronary Angiography is carried out so that your Cardiologist can see if the blood flow going to your heart is restricted.
A Coronary Angiography is part of a group of procedures that are known as heart catheterizations (Cardiac) the angiogram is the preferred type of cardiac catheterization procedure.
To look at the left side of the heart and the arterial system it is necessary to access the blood vessels through the femoral artery in the groin area, to look at the right side of the heart and the venous system the medical team will access through the jugular or femoral vein.
A guide wire is inserted followed by a catheter, and a dye or contrast agent is added to the blood vessels so that all the blood vessels are visible on a screen monitor. The x-ray machine will rapidly take angiograms (a series of images) to see any blockages or clogged arteries.
Should the medical team deem it necessary they can open the clogged arteries by inserting a stent (angioplasty)
Post Angiogram
When the angiogram is over the catheter is taken from your groin (arm) the wound is closed by pressing on it or by using a clamp or small plug. You will be taken to recovery, monitored, and observed until you are stable, then you’ll be transferred to your room and monitored regularly.
You will not be able to move for several hours as you lie flat to avoid bleeding, and weight may be placed on the thigh area.
Depending on how quickly the incision (you may have a little bump or bruising) heals you may be allowed home the same day or you may have to stay overnight.
It is important to take on board as much fluid as possible to flush the dye from the system, you may be given medications to take usually for the rest of your life, and strenuous activities and heavy lifting are to be avoided.
Depending on the severity of your heart attack you may be off work for several months, the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries lies in taking Blockbuster Allclear for some time until plaque build-up has dissolved enough to allow more normal blood flow to the heart and other areas of the body.
Bypass surgery?
Coronary artery bypass surgery is used when arteries are damaged and can’t supply blood to the arteries, the surgeon will take some blood vessels from another area in the body and repair the damaged arteries.
Heart bypass surgery, or coronary artery bypass surgery, is used to replace damaged arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle. A surgeon uses blood vessels taken from another area of your body to repair the damaged arteries.
This procedure is carried out because the heart won’t work properly if the blood flow is restricted and this could lead to heart failure.
According to this report, it is estimated that as many as 800,000 bypass operations were carried out worldwide each year. There are four types of bypass surgery, Single, Double, Triple, and Quadruple bypass, the surgeon will choose one based on how many arteries are blocked.
How to deal with blocked arteries?
Depending on the severity of the blockage your Cardiologist may have a stent fitted to improve blood flow or he may perform a heart bypass (which is used to replace damaged arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle.
A surgeon will take blood vessels usually from the leg area and use them to repair the damaged arteries.
According to Doctor Napier’s research whilst using Serrapeptase on patients who had severe narrowing of the arteries showed good improvement and possibly lifesaving results, Doctor Napier prescribed three Serrapeptase tablets per day with most patients showing significant improvement in blood flow.
5 Other Related Products
1. Policosanol
How does it work?
Policosanol studies
In a separate study, policosanol worked to lower cholesterol every bit as well as statin drugs.
Surprisingly, policosanol surpassed the effectiveness of statin drugs by reducing LDL numbers (bad cholesterol) at a better rate than statin drugs, HDL levels (that’s the good cholesterol) were increased by 31% in the trial, and statins did nothing for good cholesterol.
High cholesterol and Policosanol
Did you know that higher levels of HDL are more protective for your heart, strangely enough quite a several people have had problems with heart disease that never had high cholesterol.
Can policosanol dissolve plaque from arteries?
The studies prove that policosanol can dissolve plaque from arteries, in one of the studies patients that took 20 mg in a total of policosanol were found to have plaque regression.
In other words, the plaque melted away,! I believe that policosanol offers a natural answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries.
If you want to dissolve plaque from arteries I recommend that you give policosanol a try.
Will Policosanol work on its own?
No, policosanol will work overtime coupled with eating a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, less stress, and a healthy weight.
My Comments
People ask what dissolves plaque from arteries, if it were possible to dissolve or remove plaque deposits in the arteries the risk of coronary would dramatically reduce.
Heart attack is the single biggest killer in the world today, blocked arteries are the main reason for having a heart attack in the first place.
A blocked artery consists of plaque build-up, cholesterol, and fatty deposits that have built up in the arterial system over years, doctors don’t seem to be able to come up with an answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries.
The advice you hear is ” your cholesterol is too high, take a statin” ” eat healthier food” “get more exercise” “stop smoking” and “it’s hereditary” while all of these things are helpful, are they the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries?
2. Blood Flow Optimizer
“Healthy blood flow circulation & vascular function. Blood Flow Optimizer is important for Heart, Brain, Muscles, Skin, Hair & Sexual Performance.”
- Healthy blood flow to the heart, brain & muscles.*
- Healthy circulation to hands, feet & penis.*
- Vascular & endothelial health.*
- Healthy clotting process & platelet function.*
- Regulating plaque build-up.*

Proven Ingredients & Formula
Blood FLOW Optimizer’s 17+ years of success in popularity and effectiveness is because this doctor formulation consists of:
- 2 patented ingredients
- 4 herbal extracts (earth-grown, Non-GMO)
- 6 essential vitamins & minerals
- 5 amino acids (pharmaceutical grade)
This “5-in-1” natural remedy produces fast results & long-term benefits, in a convenient veggie pill, at the very best value because:
- correct combination of scientifically validated ingredients
- utilizing clinically studied dosages, that are easy to use
- resulting in superior bioavailability & absorption
I took a quick look at the official website and found this customer’s testimonial.
Regular user
“After being told I needed a triple bypass because of blockages in my arteries, I found an article by Dr. Robbins. It made more sense than the bypass. I started taking Blood Flow Optimizer and CholesLo. After 7 months I did the Nuclear Tread Mill.
The cardiologist said I had a small amount of build-up but that was normal for my age(65 at the time). I have continued taking the formula for the past 1+ year. Better cholesterol and a stronger heart. I’m very satisfied with the results of these products.”
Why not give Blood Flow Optimizer a try right now?
3. Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase is often called “the miracle enzyme” because over the past 35 years or so it has been recommended and used widely by honest health practitioners and well-informed doctors around the world.

In a nutshell, Serrapeptase or Serratiopeptidase clears out dead or harmful proteins in the body that may be causing pain, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can digest non-living tissue, cysts, and blood clots.
Serrapeptase’s amazing work helps to remove dead tissue, this action brings inflammation under control and allows the body to naturally heal itself, so the Nattokinase and Serrapeptase benefits are:
- Healthy blood vessels
- Healthy inflammation
- Healthy digestion
- Healthy lungs
- Healthy body
4. Vitamin D and K2
Several scientific studies revealed that people taking excessive amounts of calcium supplements increased their risks of heart disease because of accelerated amounts of calcium deposits in the walls of blood vessels and soft tissues of the arteries.

By contrast, science has proven that Vitamin K2 is linked to or associated with inhibiting the calcification of the arteries and stiffness of the arteries, plaque build-up is the enemy so could Vitamin K2 be the answer to what dissolves plaque from arteries?
Perfect Vitamin D&K™ utilizes the correct science-backed forms and dose of Vitamin D3 + K2, that when combined, have numerous health benefits & can help support healthy:
- heart & vascular system
- weight management
- blood clotting & Circulation
- calcium metabolism
- bones, muscles & joints
- immune function
- energy levels
- mood & well-being
How does Vitamin K2 help to dissolve plaque from arteries?
It’s important to note that adequate amounts of Vitamin K2 have been shown in studies to reduce the risk of damage to the vascular system by activating the matrix GLA protein or MGP, MGP supports the work of inhibiting calcium deposits on arterial walls thereby dissolving plaque and reducing the risk of a heart attack.
Vitamin D3
Almost 50% of the world’s population is deficient in Vitamin D,(Reference 2) scientific analysis points to the fact that Vitamin D is involved directly in systemic inflammation in the arterial system. (Reference 3).
Inflammation in the arteries causes plaque to break off, this process can cause a heart attack or stroke, Vitamin D can help to protect the soft lining of the arteries called the endothelial, and reduce atherosclerosis through several mechanisms both genomic and nongenomic.
What’s the difference between Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D comes in two forms D2 & D3, the difference depends on what food source they come from, for example, Vitamin D2 is a plant-derived Vitamin D while vitamin D3 comes from animal sources foods. Vitamin D2 is much less expensive to produce and it does the same job.
Who is Doctor Sam Robbins?
Doctor Sam Robbins is a respected endocrinologist (hormone doctor) some years ago he took a deeper look at scientific studies pointing to Vitamin K2 and K3 as a possible solution to what dissolves plaque from arteries.
Scientists discovered that calcium was found in some cases of people with heart disease to being diverted into the blood vessels instead of to the bones where it is needed to keep bones strong.
The knock-on effect meant that calcium in the blood vessels and arteries joined with bad cholesterol and other fatty substances to form plaque, plaque build-up is the primary reason for blockages in the arteries.
A heart attack is possible because of plaque build-up, it can happen at any time in your life, blood flow to the heart is impeded by the blockage, the symptoms may not be felt, and the outcome can be very serious.
Can Vitamin D3 and K2 dissolve plaque from arteries?
Doctor Robbins developed and launched his natural product called Blood Flow Optimizer over 17 years ago, originally he formulated the product based on scientific evidence that by adding Vitamin D2 and K3 with other powerful natural ingredients he had the answer to what dissolves plaque in arteries.
For a long time now Blood Flow Optimizer has been helping people with arterial plaque to get better blood flow, improve arteries and vascular function and have better circulation.
I strongly recommend that you take a closer look at a possible natural solution that answers all the questions about what dissolves plaque from arteries, to learn more about Blood Flow Optimizer go to Doctor Sam’s official website here.
5. Nattokinase
Yes, definitely. Let’s take a look at Nattokinase and Serrapeptase as a dietary supplements that has so many good qualities in the area of dissolving arterial plaque, arterial plaque is what causes heart attacks and stroke.

Serrapeptase and Nattokinase have been promoted as a natural treatment for blocked arteries, but can Serrapeptase and Nattokinase dissolve plaque from arteries?
A proteolytic enzyme
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme used for more than 30 years throughout Europe and Asia because of its unique properties to dissolve plaque from blocked arteries. Serrapeptase and Nattokinase together when used correctly over a period will help to dissolve plaque from arteries.
Atherosclerosis or blocked arteries are caused by a build-up of fatty & fibrous material inside the arterial system, it is the underlying condition and cause of coronary heart disease as well as other circulatory diseases.
Blocked arteries affect the blood supply to all the arteries, particularly those arteries that carry the blood supply to the heart, the carotid artery supplies blood to the brain and the peripheral artery supplies blood to the leg.
Ultimately the blocked arteries will bring on symptoms like chest pain known medically as angina but more seriously it can lead to more life-threatening conditions like a heart attack or stroke.
Gouni-Berthold I, Berthold HK Policosanol: clinical pharmacology and therapeutic significance of a new lipid-lowering agent. Am Heart J. 2002 Feb;143(2):356-65
Janikula M. Policosanol: a new treatment for cardiovascular disease? Altern Med Rev. 2002 Jun;7(3):203-17
Rogers Sherry, Total Wellness, Prestige Publishing, December 2005
Castaño G, Más R, Arruzazabala ML, Noa M, Illnait J, Fernández JC, Molina V, Menéndez A., Effects of policosanol and pravastatin on lipid profile, platelet aggregation and endothelia in older hypercholesterolemic patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res. 1999;19(4):105-16.
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